[Daikin] BRP069B41 module New firmware 1_14_78 safe?

My situation is as follows. I have 5 units

1 was stuck in update loop but still visible in onecta. 2 i did not update at all. 2 i updated, got stuck in boot loop but i removed from onecta. I cannot add them back to onecta at the moment. The unit stuck in the boot loop but that was still visible in onecta i was able to get working again using the croatian friend his workaround with the diagnostics clear error log. I had to try 5-10 times, but is does work if you keep trying. A few pieces of advice for the workaround to actually work: It might be smart to just run it on 1 device his ip first. In my case the one that was still visible in onecta. It is easy to find the ip in the old daikin controller if you have multiple units. Then just select only this ip, run diagnostics with clear error logs after just 2-3 seconds. If it detects the device it is is enough to stop and restart the unit. This will improve success of workaround as it seems to reset wifi ever 45 seconds, i think you need to complete the whole process in that time it seems for FTX models anyway. Good luck. Now i will try adding back the remove 2 bricked devices. Will update on my progress if i make any.

Hello everyone,

Like everyone else, I encountered the same problem with my Sensira. I tried deleting the Daikin Android app, reconnecting the AC unit again, and unplugging the power. Then i saw post from @GoranKis and tried that and to my surprise it worked :slight_smile:
I cannot reproduce the exact steps, but I have tried several run diagnostic runs, some were under 10 seconds, some were above 10 minutes, combination of clear errors, some were reboot after, and some were without reboot and after several attempts a green message appeared in the app “Firmware was updated” something.

Try until it works, until Daikin fixes the issues I’m afraid we don’t have many options
I urge Daikin to perform better testing when they release a new firmware update in the future.

Good luck everyone and tnx for the help, especially @GoranKis - hvala imenjače

Greeting from Croatia

Same here with 3_1_33.

6 units with no access through ONECTA, but in the network.

Hi guys. I have Onecta ios app. Yesterday it showed that update is available to 3.2 I believe. I also clicked to update. After few hours I checked app and it was still updating, device was offline. When pressing + in app it showed available device and asked to reset it in order to setup. It suggested to turn off power and turn on again. I did this in the morning and device doesn’t show any signs of life. I mean no lights, nothing. Internal or external unit doesn’t make any sound. In app ity shows that indoor unit has 3.2 firmware and wifi module has 1.14.84. How can this happen, than device does not turn on at all? What can be done here?

I was able to reach Daikin’s support (in UK). They’ve taken my details (requested all units S\N). The guy told me it’s a massive issue and they’re working on a fix. Didn’t mention ANY ETAs whatsoever…

Ok i have all my units working now again in Onecta. If you deleted your units from onecta. Just run the clear errors in diagnostics first on the removed devices within a 45 second time slot. Remember your 45second timeslot might already be busy when you start the diagnostics so you might only have a few second to end diagnostics and reboot to force the error log to be cleared. So speed of execution matters. Once the errors are cleared and the device in boot loop in rebooted you can then add them back in without any issues. I had to factory reset 1 of the two devices to get it working. But this was not required, as it was a consequence of a failed test i did earlier. I used the WPS technique to add them back in onecta, press powerfull for 5sec,press up on temp to select two, pres powerfull button to confirm, activate wps on router, wait till led starts blinking orange. This time it wont get stuck on the add new device flow because the boot loop of 45 seconds is removed when you remove the alams created when 3.1.33 firmware was pushed to the device. Hope this helps. Great thanks to our Croation friend for finding this workaround. From there i was able to tweak it to my specific situation.

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I had this same issue with my 4 x Stylish units. I used the diagnostic and clear and reboot. It has took me around 7 hrs so far and running diagnostics 15 times. I have managed to get 3 units back online and I will try the last unit this evening. Daikin units are nice but their updates are so buggy. In hindsight I should of gone with the Mitsubishi units I have in my office. They need to test software before releasing it across their App.

Try to start by shutting down your circuit breaker where the device is connected to and then restart your wifi router to. Wait for router to start and wifi access to be available again and turn back on circuit breaker for the AC unit. Wait for a few seconds more, now take your IR remote. Make sure batteries are working for the display to be active. Press powerfull button for 5 seconds. Do you hear a noise? If so all will be fine if you follow the steps i described if my last two posts.

many many thx !! after 2 hours of diagnoses running and rerunning the devices came back up with the new firmware ( was turning in a loop since yesterday )

Unfortunately no. Nothing happens.

Should there be at least any led showing that device is operational?

At least they removed the buggy firmware.

The app does not offer it anymore to any of my (not updated) devices

Is your device operational with remote control? Does it turn on at least? Since mine doesn’t react to any physical buttons.

Daikin is investigating:


Is it normal that when i run diagnostics, it show status Scanning network all the time? This take like forever and nothing happens? Are those the unsuccessful attempts some of you have mentioned?


Yes it seems like it runs forever probably collecting data.

I managed to recover 3/4.
It seems physical controls work. I will try again at night.

I am not sure if they can figure out a fix. Although it appears offline at scan it is returned.

Yes, the diagnostics will run forever, you have to stop them manually.

As @IHateDaikin commented above, the wi-fi gateway is locked in an infinite boot loop and is restarting every 45 seconds. This means you have to run diagnostics between two restarts of the problematic gateway/gateways.

Before you run diagnostics make sure you have turned on the “Clear error counter after diagnostics” slider in the Advanced settings.

After you run diagnostics - wait for 10 seconds before stopping diagnostics (STOP AND REBOOT option).

This worked for me, hope it does for you too!

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Mine is not in an infinite boot loop, and with bricked devices like these, the diagnostics method by @GoranKis will not work, either.

Before someone spends 2-3 hours running diagnostics, look at your router and make sure that your device is at least trying to connect to WiFi. If it isn’t, there is no chance the app could fix your problem.

@pawkaster my aircon started working after I physically removed the wifi module from the AC unit. Now I can control it via the infrared remote.

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@GoranKis @PixelBreaker, Purgative and sorry if i forgot to mention other guys that provided usefull information, You guys are the REAL MVP! Big thanks from Lithuania! Finally recovered my Daikin Stylish AC in app, as it was basicly dead in the app, and after deleting device in app i couldn’t add it again. I realy thought i was gonna say goodbye to in app controls and only left with remote controller. Shame on you Daikin for not solving the situation, while random people over the globe found the solution to this problem.

OK, so here is some update from me. I have been trying @Goran’s method since last night (must have tried at least 50+ times)

It didn’t work for me until I figured that the KEY for recovery is to follow these steps:

Do this for every AC unit:

  • Open diagnostics and make sure you selected 1 device only (if you have multiple)
  • Return back to the Diagnostics menu and select “Advanced Settings” (This is for iOS)
  • Toggle the “Clear error counter after diagnistics”
  • Run diagnostnics for ~10sec.
  • Stop and reboot.

This process worked for me and within ~2min I got 4/5 units recovered. The fifth one I was playing around with last night so I may have cocked something up there. Just wanted to share the above steps so you can get your units recovered sooner than later!