[Daikin] BRP069B41 module New firmware 1_14_78 safe?

What you do is to start a diagnostic scan for 1 device.
In the ‘advanced setting’ you switch on the first option. Which should be clearing the counter after the diagnosis.

You start the scan, let it run for about a minute and then abort the scan and click on the option to reboot. That did it for me, after a few times.

It worked for me, thank you very much. It took several tries, but eventually I revived all 4 units again.

Hi, same here. One of my units seems to be bricked. No orange light when doing SP3. No wifi connection to my router. I’ve tried to reset the wifi adapter with SP A as well, but it does nothing.

If someone finds a solution, please share it here!


@dtrastour i have exactly the same problem. 5 units i was able to recover. 1 unit no orange light even after reset.

For Daikin use this guide :
I had unit offline for few days but manul remote worked.
— i run two apis …
use endpoing with http … 192.168.0.xyz/common/clr_nw_err
second call based on guide :
use endpoing with http … 192.168.0.xyz/common/reboot?mode=run
This managed to get my device pop pack online in onecta.
At the end unti was rooled back seems like to firmware : 3_1_33


after the reboot with the instruction all my 3 devices are OK.

But it seems that the failed firmware causes many of Energy.

What’s going on? 230 kWh on a normaly day with 22 degrees outside?

Thank you so much from Belgium!!!
It worked wonderfully well for us; I only had to reconnect one of my devices on the WIFI, and everything went smoothly, just as you described it.
5 days we were stuck with the firmware update!
It is a shame that Daikin does not help their customers!

Hi guys, I created a simple webpage with script that can fix these issues for you. Daikin firmware fix. Feel free to share it

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I got 1 unit back using the diagnostics trick but I can’t find the other unit anywhere using both the onecta app and the old Daikin controller app. I can’t get it to go into connection mode as well (powerful button 5 sec - option 3 - powerful button)
I then reset that one to factory settings, but it is still not possible to get it in connection mode.
Seems like the WiFi on that unit is broken since the update.

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Same for 2 of my devices. I also can’t find their IP scanning my network since they are not connected

Hi all,

i have just got official reply from my raised ticket 13.09.2023 with Daikin official workaround document:

As I cannot upload document here, or put more than 1 picture/post, you will know how the document looks like till the end :slight_smile:

Hi, you look like good to it :sweat_smile:
One of my unit is bricked and don’t go in connection mode, no orange led blinking.
I delete it from the app Daikin after the update, so I can’t find the ip.
How can I do? Thank you, appreciated.


Ey. This happened in all the 3 devices? or only one?

same for me :slightly_frowning_face:

Omg, it came to life again. I don’t know which solution worked since I tried diagnostics one like 5 times, accesing through api, also used power button. It was still restarting constantly. I tried to add it once again to home in Onecta and it was getting stuck after gateway is connected to wifi and showing me message that device was already connected to the cloud and should be reset. Once I pressed reset it showed another message asking to reset by turning off electricity. So after playing on the 3-4 time it actually reset it from the app. Something is not good with the cloud and the fact that you try to connect to the already added device. Btw, when I tried to turn off electricity my curcuit isolator switch went down, so there were noe electricity on the AC at all:)) I thought I bricked both indoor and outdoor units completely. But technician replaced the switch. Damn, I wish I won’t experience this shit again.

Hold mode button for 3 seconds. Orange led will start blinking and then will lit constantly. Then try first to connect to gateway wifi in you phone settings, not thorugh onecta. Then go to onecta, add device, do the usual stuff. If it asks you to reset device, try to reset it when only Run red led is is not blinking. I tried this like 3-4 times and it connected afterall. Even if your device doesn’t show in the list, you still can see it is online while doing diagnostics. Try to do diagnostics in the window when device is not restarting and try adding it once again. I played like this for few hours and managed to add it. The most important point is to do everything while gateway is not restarting.

One Stylish unit suddenly died on my, the others are working. I also did not start a firmware update. In the Onecta app it shows offline.
I was wondering can this be related to the latest 3.1.33 firmware? Currently all my units are on 1_14_84 and I dit not manually start an update.

Are those updates also installed automatically?
Also the remote control of the unit does not work. I can’t start the unit manually. The unit is completely dead. The installer said he would order a new circuit board. But after reading this thread I’m wondering is the circuit board broken or is it a firmware issue?

Unit stopped working september 10th. Was firmware 3.1.33 then already released?

I downloaded the new ONECTA app Beta that should fix the issue but nothing has changed. 2 of my 4 devices are still offline and not connected to my network so I can’t see their IP and run the fix.
I tried to reboot, factory reset, diagnostic etc. but no luck

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Hi everyone :wave:

Same here. One Device came back to live after updating to the latest beta-app.
The other device is offline still. Also doesnt appear in the list of connected devices in my router… so technically its impossible for the app to fix the issue.

It perfectly works with the remote though.
Any ideas? Is there a way of getting the thing vonnecting to wifi at least?

Dont want to brick it completely… this is such a mess :frowning:



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which mode button please?