[Daikin] BRP069B41 module New firmware 1_14_78 safe?

At least on my unit I have a gateway box inside indoor unit, which has 3 buttons: setup, mode and power.

I had hard times doing this as well. Check my two post higher in the thread.

Can you ping your device via cmd or other console from your PC? ip address is visible in your screenshot. If not, try re-adding the device to your onecta.

For my the fix provided by Daikin was only temporary. My 4 units were online again for two days. Now they are going offline again one after another. Iā€™ll wait for a proper fix from Daikin before wasting time on getting the units back online.

Also I think it is funny that they are offering a beta version now to give the impression that they are actually testing their software before releasing it.

Hi. The firmware was released around 14th September, so then there is something else.

Hello, One questions your units come online-offline-Online? or just keep offline all the time?

guys, daikin published some news on their cloud status page
apparently the beta version of their app contains a fix

I was lucky to not update so I canā€™t test lol but can someone verify if this works?

EDIT: only saw Sebizzleā€™s post after I clicked send. is anyone using something like Fing (or the router fw) to try and locate the units on the network? are they visible at all?

I got all units back online manually (by using the methods recommended here + power cycling the units first) But after a while one after the other went offline. They never got back online again on their own after this firmware update.
To me it looks like the network stack in them just dies when the error occurs. Because no communication seems to be possible with them until I switch them off and on again. So if this indeed is caused by the Onecta app there also must be an issue in the firmware that allows the app to ā€œcrashā€ the gateway with a faulty request.

didnā€™t they say somewhere that the workaround (screenshot) published above was only temporary? I guess that means the issue can apparently return quite soonā€¦
@mwislinger any luck with the beta version?

No I didnā€™t bother with it. Summer is over now so we arenā€™t using the AC at the moment. I am waiting for the final version to be released.

This box is not available in the Stylish type

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Right, i got the Stylish too and i canā€™t do manuale reset. Any suggestion?

@Walter-62 @Contodav24 according to what was published, if you can find the IPs of your units you can bring them back to life with the http:// ā€¦ ā€¦ codes. option 2 is joining the beta program to get the new firmware, but since they seem to be aware itā€™s affecting a lot of people probably the non-beta version gets the firmware soon as well.

How the hell am i suppose to update the thing when itā€˜s offline??

First of all we need to make the offline units go online again and communicate with the (home) wifi.

Once that is doneā€¦ the app can do its magic/work and push the right FW.

But how should i acclompish the reconnect in the first place?

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Completely according with you. This is the focus. How can we become online a machine offline and It donā€™t wont to connect with wifi!

This is from the status page. Iā€™m curious how they can bring back a unit that doesnā€™t have any connectivity, and just has blinking ledsā€¦ I fear many people are in the ā€˜ā€¦ this update does not work in all situationsā€™ boat.
Anyway, waiting for the magic!!


Ciao Roberto!

  • select SP ā€œAā€ with temp controls ?

What button would be sorry? I can not find it

I think he meant move up/down with the temp controls until you reach ā€œAā€.
If I remember correctly this should be in your user manual (the thing you throw away as soon as the installer leaves lol) in a how-to WiFi section

The new version of the Onecta app does not change anything for me. The units are still going offline and do not respond anymore. Also it does not make sense that the issue is caused by the app. It must be the new firmwareā€¦

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A question for everyone who updated to firmware version 3.1.33 and could get it back to a working state:
Is the HA integration still working?