Daikin Component - no climate entities created - task exception

Hey guys, I have 2 inside units since a while. They are new type Daikin Stylish units ( FTXA-AS, Daikin page
They both work very well with HASS.
They also support power usage and they have a humidity sensor.
The power usage I sorted out using a rest sensor (heat and cool):

  • platform: rest
    resource: http://192.168.X.XX/aircon/get_day_power_ex
    name: “Woonkamer heat”
    value_template: “{{ value.split(‘,’)[1].split(‘=’)[1].split(‘/’)|map(‘float’)|sum/10 }}”
    unit_of_measurement: “kWh”
    device_class: power
  • platform: rest
    resource: http://192.168.X.XX/aircon/get_day_power_ex
    name: “Woonkamer cool”
    value_template: “{{ value.split(‘,’)[3].split(‘=’)[1].split(‘/’)|map(‘float’)|sum/10 }}”
    unit_of_measurement: “kWh”
    device_class: power

and the humidty is also done by rest sensor

  • platform: rest
    resource: http://192.168.X.XX/aircon/get_sensor_info
    name: “Woonkamer humidity”
    value_template: “{{ value.split(‘,’)[2].split(‘=’)[1] }}”
    unit_of_measurement: “%”
    device_class: humidity

Output of my aircon/get_sensor_info


Just for reference for other people to use if they like.

Question tho, is the temperature always without decimals? Maybe I’m being picky but I’d like it to be in tenths, but I guess the A/C doesnt spit out decimals other than zero?


Any update about energy monitor?

The energy monitoring can be done as a rest sensor just like @Fietspomp shown above.

A post was split to a new topic: Daikin DTA116A51 DIII-NET/Modbus Adapter

i am using a daikin AC that needed two components for smart integration
"A wireless LAN connecting adaptor (BRP072C42) and remote control PC-board set
(BRP067A42-FTKM25/35TVMM or BRP980B42-FTKM50/60/71TVMM) "
It cost like 150usd to get both of them while i could just spend 30 usd on xiaomi air conditioner companion or 12 usd for RM mini 3
I know those doesnt have feedback but is it worth it for me?

Hi @WildRat, I will install 2 FTXM-M in my apartment next week. I just want to ask you if your perfera still works with HA using default Daikin component.

Thank you in advance

Currently I use OpenHub on my NAS (this is due the available Python versions for my NAS OS). All works Ok. As I know, there where no major changes to API apart from GET/POST. So all should continue working.

I think it should be or, either the wifi-adaptor or the pc adaptor.

Hi Guys, I just purchased 2 daikin A/C units this week and both came with the BRP072C42 wifi modules. I can get them working with the D-Mobile App but not with the Daikin intergration in HA. I have seem some other forums saying that the C models only alow https and the current intergration doesn’t support the C42 wifi modules. Does anyone know if anyone is looking to add support for the C42 wifi modules in the near future or can provide some workaround in the meantime?

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Hello, do any of you have any info about the BRP069A81 ? It is a multi duct model. Actually I got a quote for a 5 duct units. Will I be able to control every single duct/room individually? I.e. something like units 1, 2 and 5 off, unit 3 20°C maximum speed fan, unit 4 22°C silent fan. Stuff like that, like every unit is a separate thermostat in the HA gui.
I don’t want to buy something that will be a trouble or not working in my Home Assistant.

Thank you!

I just updated my BRP072C42 to the latest firmware 1.13.7 and now the integration doesnt work

Hi Guys I finally got my 2 units to work with HA today. Both of mine are running 1.13.7 on BRP072C42. I finally got my units to doing a few steps. Not sure which one fixed it but I am stoked they finally work.

Installed the add-on SSH & Web Terminal and Samba share

Using Samba share I copied the latest version of the daikin component from GitHub to the following directory \hass-IP\config\custom_components\daikin

edited appliance.py line 164 with self.uuid = “cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” i used the uuid I found in file \hass-IP\config.uuid its a hidden file.

edited config_flow.py line 41 with with timeout(60):

I then SSH’d into HA and ran the following.

curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” -v “https://daikinac-IP/common/register_terminal?key=0135keyforC42


  • Trying…
  • Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
  • ALPN, offering h2
  • ALPN, offering http/1.1
  • successfully set certificate verify locations:
  • CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
    CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
  • TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
  • SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
  • ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol
  • Server certificate:
  • subject: C=JP; ST=Osaka; O=DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD; CN=015F4441494B494E0000004300125749.svr
  • start date: Nov 10 19:42:47 2018 GMT
  • expire date: Oct 17 19:42:47 2118 GMT
  • issuer: C=JP; ST=Osaka; O=DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD; CN=CA.daikindev.com
  • SSL certificate verify result: unable to get local issuer certificate (20), continuing anyway.

GET /common/register_terminal?key=01350000xxxxx HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
Accept: /
X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca

  • HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
    < HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    < Content-Length: 6
    < Content-Type: text/plain
  • Closing connection 0
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS alert, Client hello (1):

Lastly i added the daikin intergration and added the ip and now it is working. YAY!!

1 Like

Great find!

Is the first uuid som kind of identifier of the client and the second (the reply from your daikin) the unit’s uuid?

What did you do at line 40?

Hi Sorry all the UUIDs should match with the UUID of your home assistant acting as the client connecting to the daikin unit. I have updated my post to reflect this. When I pasted my output it was from a previous attempt where i had a different uuid. In terms of line 40 which file do you mean? Did you mean line 41 of config_flow.py? I changed the default timeout of (10) to (60). This gives the unit extra time to respond. I’m not sure about yours but I find that when using the Daikin Mobile Controller iOS app my units take nearly 20 seconds or more before they display there current state. Seems a long time to respond to me.

But, the UUID is sent in the header so if we register one UUID with:

curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” -v “https://daikinac-IP/common/register_terminal?key=0135keyforC42”

It should be okto use that for the whole session? What is the key is that something you have configured via the app or is it static?

I’m trying to understand how the pydaikin can be changed. It looks like just registering an “random” UUID and then continue to use that should be enough… (Could you confirm that using a static UUID works)

Hi Fredrike I believe the UUID I am using is a random one set in the /config/.uuid file. The key is the number on the back of the daikin wireless adapter. This is the same key you use when using the daikin app on your phone. If you can think of the process the phone uses, home assistant needs to go through the same process. Eg when you register the wireless adapter using the phone app it is using the UUID of your phone and using the key on the side of the wireless adapter. Now when you run the curl command on home assistant you are essentially going through the same process. I hope that makes sense.

Yes that makes sense. Did you find this information online?

I’ll try to add add this to the package.

Hi @fredrike I was reading some of your other posts and tried a few commands and got some good output. I also saw you are the main contributor for the daikin intergration. I want to say a huge thank you to you and @nzhook to helping get this going. At my place I have 2 daikin split systems. is a 3.5kw US7 FTXZ35NV1B which has a heap of features with the remote but not many with the app. Here is the output for this unit.

~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,model=NOTSUPPORT,type=N,pv=1,cpv=0,mid=NA,s_fdir=0,en_scdltmr=1~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,price_int=27,price_dec=0~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,htemp=23.0,hhum=-,otemp=22.0,err=0,cmpfreq=6~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,target=0~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,today_runtime=653,datas=0/0/0/0/0/0/0~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,previous_year=0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0,this_year=0/0/0/0~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,type=aircon,reg=th,dst=0,ver=1_13_7,rev=4335040,pow=1,err=0,location=0,name=%4d%61%73%74%65%72%20%42%65%64%72%6f%6f%6d,icon=2,method=home only,lpw_flag=0,adp_kind=3,pv=1,cpv=0,cpv_minor=00,led=0,en_setzone=1,mac=DCF505XXXXXX,ssid=DaikinAP40543,adp_mode=ap_run,en_hol=0,enlver=1.00,grp_name=,en_grp=0,en_secure=1,port=30050,id=,pw=~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,en_hol=0~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,auto_off_flg=0,auto_off_tm=- -~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,method=home only,notice_ip_int=3600,notice_sync_int=60~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,pow=1,mode=0,adv=,stemp=24.0,shum=0,dt1=24.0,dt2=M,dt3=25.0,dt4=25.0,dt5=25.0,dt7=24.0,dh1=0,dh2=50,dh3=0,dh4=0,dh5=0,dh7=0,dhh=50,b_mode=0,b_stemp=24.0,b_shum=0,alert=255~ $
~ $

The other unit is a 2.5kw CORA FTXV25UVMA which required an extra cable for the wi-fi unit to work but adds extra features like swing mode in the app compared to the more expensive US7 model.

Here is the output of the CORA

~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,model=0C86,type=N,pv=2,cpv=2,cpv_minor=00,mid=NA,humd=0,s_humd=0,acled=0,land=0,elec=0,temp=1,temp_rng=0,m_dtct=1,ac_dst=–,disp_dry=0,dmnd=0,en_scdltmr=1,en_frate=1,en_fdir=1,s_fdir=3,en_rtemp_a=0,en_spmode=0,en_ipw_sep=0,en_mompow=0,en_patrol=0,en_fdir2=0,en_filter_sign=0~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,price_int=27,price_dec=0~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,htemp=26.0,hhum=-,otemp=22.0,err=0,cmpfreq=0~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,target=0~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,today_runtime=9,datas=300/600/800/500/300/700/0~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,previous_year=0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/38/72,this_year=45/43/30/12~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,type=aircon,reg=th,dst=0,ver=1_13_7,rev=4335040,pow=0,err=0,location=0,name=%52%79%61%6e%73%20%42%65%64%72%6f%6f%6d,icon=4,method=home only,lpw_flag=0,adp_kind=3,pv=2,cpv=2,cpv_minor=00,led=0,en_setzone=1,mac=DCF505XXXXXX,ssid=DaikinAP35747,adp_mode=ap_run,en_hol=0,enlver=1.00,grp_name=,en_grp=0,en_secure=1,port=30050,id=,pw=~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,en_hol=0~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,auto_off_flg=0,auto_off_tm=- -~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,method=home only,notice_ip_int=3600,notice_sync_int=60~ $ curl --insecure -H “X-Daikin-uuid: cd29a1e50d914913a3ba22496e3b01ca” “
ret=OK,pow=0,mode=0,adv=,stemp=24.0,shum=0,dt1=24.0,dt2=M,dt3=25.0,dt4=25.0,dt5=25.0,dt7=24.0,dh1=0,dh2=50,dh3=0,dh4=0,dh5=0,dh7=0,dhh=50,b_mode=0,b_stemp=24.0,b_shum=0,alert=255,f_rate=A,b_f_rate=A,dfr1=A,dfr2=A,dfr3=A,dfr4=A,dfr5=A,dfr6=A,dfr7=A,dfrh=A,f_dir=0,b_f_dir=0,dfd1=0,dfd2=0,dfd3=0,dfd4=0,dfd5=0,dfd6=0,dfd7=0,dfdh=0~ $

I would think for the integration to work in HA you need to be able to either set the UUID or be able to pull it from HA somewhere. I found mine in the /config/.uuid hidden file.

Next you need to be able to register HA with the daikin units by entering the key that is on the side of the Wi-Fi units. Once this is complete you should be able to pull all of the info you want and hopefully have full control in the future.


That .uuid file is used to identify your HA installation during upgrades (I don’t dare to touch that).

There is not much we can do with the exposed features, I’ve got the same type unit as you (but with different wifi module, and 2.5kW), FTXZ25NV1B and can only do the most basic controls via the app (the year after i bought mine the same model was upgraded with new firmware that allows more features).

Yes, I’m the maintainer of pyDaikin and the HA integration…

I’ve patched the pyDaikin package and the daikin integration in HA. Would love to get it merged into HA but it needs testing first: Daikin BRP072C42 WIFI custom component - #36 by fredrike


I don’t know that particular model. Which version of the Daikin mobile app are you supposed to use with it? I don’t think it will allow separate temperatures in each room, the Airbase units just shows zones that can be toggled on or off.