DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

I am not able to resolve this!! Any help! Tried clear cache but not working!

i am having the same issue on tablet and smartphone. anybody knows how to solve this?

click on “developer tools” (left sidebar) then go to “states”.
where it says “entity” type in light. you should get something like light.fonster.
that´s what u have to add in line 6 after light:

edit: it could also be something like group.fonster

click on your name/picture in the sidebar and make sure you selected Dwains Dashboard in Dashboard.

also in Settings → Integration click on Configure on Dwains Dashboard and select a Theme.

I guess this fixes it.

thanks…is working for the moment with choosing the dashboard…

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Can I add:
LG Tv WebOS Remote Control As a card?

You can add any card you want into Dwains Dashboard :slight_smile:

Update time!!!

:tada: V2.0.4 - Bug fixes and small changes

v2.0.4 is only compatible with HA 2021.10 and newer!

Dwains Dashboard now has a own logo :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

How to install 2.0.4 fresh (if you are new):

How to update to 2.0.4 manual:

  1. Download version 2.0.4 and unzip the file.
  2. Inside this folder you will see a folder called custom_components copy this folder.
  3. Go to the main folder of your Home Assistant installation. This is the folder where you config is. (Hint: its the folder where for example the files ui-lovelace.yaml and configuration.yaml are located).
  4. Paste the custom_components to the main folder of your Home Assistant installation and overwrite all existing files!
  5. Reboot your Home Assistant
  6. Clear your browser cache on all devices
  7. You are done!

How to update to 2.0.4. thought HACS:

  1. Open HACS
  2. Go to Dwains Dashboard and click update
  3. Reboot your Home Assistant
  4. Clear your browser cache on all devices
  5. You are done!

If you are running older version then 2.0.0:
First upgrade to 2.0.0 and then to 2.0.4. To upgrade to 2.0.0 follow this upgrade guide: Dwains Lovelace Dashboard | An auto generating Home Assistant Lovelace UI dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile by Dwains for desktop, tablet, mobile

Please consider a donation :+1:


  • Dwains Dashboard notifications are again closed when you click on the ‘X’ mark. (#311)
  • The bug with the blue background in the header is fixed, its now black/dark again.
  • Added iot_class to manifest.json
  • Fixed a bug that person page froze and history was not visible of a person on the person page. (#325)
  • Updated light entity card to latest version (#324)
  • Updated Spanish language file (#323)
  • Support for FontAwesome Duotone icons (#300)
  • Fix bug with .installed file not created on some devices (#316)
  • Updated German translation (#279)
  • Added Slovak language (#278)
  • Add support for graph type in the room-page_entities (#276)
  • Make it possible to hide lights page from main menu (#276)
  • Some small other not noticeable bug fixes.

I’m currently working on v2.1.0 and also on v3.0.0. Version 2.1 will have some new small features and 3.0 will be a total rewriten dashboard.

New here with Dwains Dashboard?


OK. But in the documentation I think its stated otherwise:

“If you double click on a button it will toggle the entity. So for example: Double click the room button on the homepage will toggle all the lights, double click inside the room on the lights button will togle all the lights, double click on a light button itself will toggle the light.”

now here is what i did. i made a new group.Namnlös5
i found that the name was “light.kok”
Now when i go in to my “kök” i se a button “kök” but when i click on that it turns on or off all the ligths.
i would like to have so that when i click or double click on the light button i get upp all the light so that i can individually manage them.

Is this possible?

yes it is, you just made the group wrong for that. check this.

how i did it: in configuration.yaml add group: !include groups.yaml.
now make a file called groups.yaml and put it in the same folder as your configuration.yaml is.

in the groups.yaml add

  name: Kök
    - light.kok_tak
    - light.diskbank
    - light.koksbord
    - light.kok_fonster

restart your HA and add group.kok at line 6. reload the theme and you should be good.

EDIT: just checked, that it also works with the Light Group for me (the way you did it). maybe just give the way i showed you a try.

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Did anyone come up with a solution for this? I have the same on my phone.

I have an issue on galaxy z fold
when closed the buttons are sized correctly.
When opened theyre sized incorrect.

The rooms are split into 2 columns
the favourites are also 2 columns but the widths do not match

Add an weather entity to global file

Those new foldable phones are a pain in the ass for developers like me :stuck_out_tongue: I need to look into it but the system think its a phone but the view is a tablet, so I need to tweak some things maybe to get it working.

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Lol cheers mate.
If you need anything from me let me know

Any chance we could have 3 or 4 columns for the rooms when unfolded instead of 2?

how can i do this?
im new hw\er :slight_smile:

This worked for me! Thank´s a lot :+1: :+1:

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check this

you need to make an own yaml for the stuff you want to add and then add it to your rooms.yaml

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Hi guys, thanks for your amazing work here! I’m a noobie, still getting into it, but mostly works (after try & error lol)
One thing, I can’t customize enough to get a custom background image for the rooms buttons/cards (e.g. Bathroom) … is it possible? How/where do I have to change the code? I get normal picture buttons working with my custom picture, so picture path is clear …
I’ve attached an example:

Thanks in advance!