deCONZ - Official thread

Ok, testing with 107.7 :slight_smile:

Tested with 107.7, same issue remains.

Maybe it’s not deConz. I still have no issue so far. Max 26% and then down to 22/23%

True, could be something else. But it started when I installed Conbee II and deconz. Did not use this integration before.

im running home assistant on a QNAP TS-453be inside container station, got it running.
However, Im trying to add a conbee2 stick and cant get it to work.
Ive installed deconz also as container, I can access the web interface, however the firmware shows as not connected - meaning, the stick cant be found. I tried mounting the container with both ACM Usb and TTY privileges under advanced settings/devices.

The problem is, im pretty much a linux-newb. I can follow tutorials pretty well and so far ive got several things to work if only I had something to follow…

However this time, i have no idea what to do.

I found the advice to use “sudo usermod -a -G dialout admin”, however I get the response " usermod: group “dialout” does not exist

Soooo. What can I do?

Any help is appreciated!

Thanks in advance

@deconz developer/implementation guys (I think it’s @Kane610?) do you plan to integrate the new ota-firmware-upgrade plugin?

Forum Thread

What’s new about it? My Docker installation already includes an OTA option. All my Tradfri lamps have been updated.
Just activate the “STD OTAU Plugin” via VNC access.
Here is a small manual (in german):

I want to update my Philips Hue devices. I think they fixed a problem with the firmware files from hue. The fixes are only included in the new plugin. The problem occur because some firmware files have other filenames: .sbl-ota

See this Thread

Ah, I didn’t know that. Thanks for clearing that up.

There is nothing for me todo. This is implemented as part of deconz, so you have to either build your own version or wait for a released version with this functionality

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The addon saves OTA update files into addons/data/otau folder. This gets packed up and saves into every snapshot.

It’s my understanding OTA files can be re-downloaded. Is there any way to not include this in snapshot?

In the Integration GUI in HA, old deCONZ groups are still there (same issue here), even after calling deconz.device_refresh service or restarting HA and Deconz.

Calling API /groups/ shows only the current groups defined in Phoscon but HA also keeps old groups.

Would it be possible to be able to delete old “ghost” groups from HA ?

Thanks !

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Currently there is no support in the integration to remove old entries

I have IKEA light and several aqara sensors set up in deconz and working fine in HA.
However I tried adding a Aqara multisensor (temp/humid/pressure) and it works fine in deconz, however it does not show up in HA. I even added another sensor after that and it shows up fine in HA. It seems others have same sensor working with HA. I’ve tried rebooting HA and HASSOS, but does not help. Any suggestions ?

Deleted and added again and it’s working :slight_smile:

How do you make use of the ‘long-press’ action on the dimmer switches. The Philips for example has a long-press action ‘xxx1’ for every physical button on it.
My current plan is to have different cleaning zones assigned to short and long press actions. The problem is that when i press and hold one of the buttons the normal deconz_event ‘xxx0’ is already sent to the vacuum and it starts cleaning the zone assigned to it.

For IKEA switches:

  • short press triggers only xxx2 (no release event)
  • long press triggers xxx1, (after about 1 sec of pressing and without triggering xxx2 first) and then release triggers xxx3
    So you can easily differenciate long and short presses.

I’m testing with the conbee2 now and have a Philips hue dimmer connected. I can see it in deconz, and HA, but I can’t find it in node-red. Any pointers where to look for troubleshooting?

thanks, that worked

Hello guys,

what is your advice to slow deconz reactions.

Click on IKEA button, and after 5 seconds IKEA bulb is turned on.
Funny is that another IKEA bulb (E14) is working fast - max delay is 1s.

I already checked free chanells, i am using channell 15 as default and it looks free.
I am running latest version of HA and deCONZ, running from RaspberryPi3.

Thanks for comments.

Have a nice day!

IKEA Fyrtur only works properly with deConz if both the remote and the blinds are directly connected to the coordinator (Conbee). I tried that and it worked for a while but, as soon as I restarted HA, both devices got paired with a light bulb nearby and now it doesn’t work. You press the button and it respond after 5 min. Deconz is pointless. Every time I need to add a device I need to spend a week troubleshooting.