deCONZ - Official thread

Hmmm…I have one. There is no attribute or sensor which provides the power usage.
TPLink wlan switches can do this

Ok, I withdrow my statement and claim the opposite. Power and consumption for innr SP120
Found it finally :slight_smile:

You can check what smart plugs are supported by deconz and what values they will send.

hey all,
im really struggling with the VNC and getting that working.

running rpi4 and windos10. I can access the UI fine and add new bulbs/swtiches - no issue there

i have installed VNC but keep getting “failed” to connect with either

any thoughts please?

Iam new in deconz, and home assistant :slight_smile: Sorry :slight_smile:

I try to connect to conbee 2 stick, but not working.

The log:

starting version 237

[08:35:18] INFO: Starting the deCONZ gateway...
[08:35:18] INFO: Running the deCONZ OTA updater...
[08:35:18] INFO: Running the IKEA OTA updater...
[08:35:18] INFO: Running discovery task...
[08:35:18] INFO: Success send discovery information to Home Assistant
[08:35:18] INFO: deCONZ is set up and running!
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
08:35:19:025 HTTP Server listen on address, port: 40850, root: /usr/share/deCONZ/webapp/
08:35:19:167 CTRL. 3.22.008:35:19:571 COM: /dev/ttyACM0 / serialno: DE2133394
08:35:19:571 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyACM0 (ConBee II)
08:35:19:571 ZCLDB init file /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zcldb.txt
08:35:19:815 parent process bash
08:35:19:817 gw run mode: docker/hassio
08:35:19:818 GW sd-card image version file does not exist: /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/gw-version
08:35:19:820 DB sqlite version 3.22.0
08:35:19:821 DB PRAGMA page_count: 30
08:35:19:822 DB PRAGMA page_size: 4096
08:35:19:822 DB PRAGMA freelist_count: 0
08:35:19:823 DB file size 122880 bytes, free pages 0
08:35:19:823 DB PRAGMA user_version: 6
08:35:19:823 DB cleanup
08:35:19:852 DB create temporary views
08:35:19:885 don't close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
08:35:19:886 started websocket server at port 40860
08:35:19:889 GW firmware update not supported on x86 linux headless
08:35:19:892 found node plugin: - REST API Plugin
08:35:19:897 found node plugin: - Signal Monitor Plugin
08:35:22:074 found node plugin: - STD OTAU Plugin
08:35:22:187 COM: /dev/ttyACM0 / serialno: DE2133394
08:35:22:187 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyACM0 (ConBee II)
This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()
This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()
08:35:22:496 COM: /dev/ttyACM0 / serialno: DE2133394
08:35:22:500 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyACM0 (ConBee II)
08:35:22:645 COM: /dev/ttyACM0 / serialno: DE2133394
08:35:22:645 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyACM0 (ConBee II)
08:35:23:180 wait reconnect 15 seconds
08:35:23:284 COM: /dev/ttyACM0 / serialno: DE2133394
08:35:23:284 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyACM0 (ConBee II)
08:35:24:130 wait reconnect 14 seconds
08:35:24:817 discovery network reply error: Error transferring - server replied: Service Unavailable
08:35:25:080 wait reconnect 13 seconds

I connect from qnap=> virtual ubuntu=> hassio.

If i connect from windows 10… its working correctly.

Please help me.

I’m running deconz (hassio add on) on a conbee 2. I’ve updated to the most recent version of the add on and I believe also the most recent firmware and I’ve noticed that ikea bulbs no longer seem to transition their state smoothly; previously, be default, if you changed the brightness of an Ikea bulb it would smoothly and quickly change to that brightness value, but it seems now instead to immediately jump to that brightness instead. It’s very noticeable compared to the previous smooth behavior. Hue bulbs are OK. Do I need to update something or change a value somewhere?

I think I know why you see this

There is a known firmware in the Ikea smart bulbs so if you send a command to the bulb with a transition time, the bulb will appear to hang and ignore other commands during that period. Only the bri_inc = 0 command brings it out of this which is what the ikea bridge sends when you release a long held up or down button.

I have tried to find a recent reference but I am sure I read in a github report something about a workaround where they choose to change the default transition time to 0 so you avoid problems when people try to send multiple commands in sequence. You should be able to set a longer transition time but then you have to avoid sending more commands right after to same device or group.

The bug is in the Ikea bulbs. And you have to choose the work around the hurts the least. A fast on and off default is better than bulbs that do not react to e.g. color changes or will not turn on again


I’ve just moved from the marthoc add on to the official one. I’m surprised to see that my conbee doesn’t have a firmware update available, since it’s been ages since I updated it.

The phoscon web Ui says my firmware version is 26330500

Can anyone confirm if that seems right? I tried looking for information on the latest version but was unable to find any.



@jamesking , deconz-firmware

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Hi guys,

Switched from a Raspi 3 with Hassio install (image, no docker) to Intel NUC. On the NUC I am using hassion in docker enviroment with poratiner as management tool.

Now I recognized that deconz is shown twice on my integrations site. One is filled with my sensors and light, the other one (when I configzre it) is empty and does not show any devices. To keep it clean I want to delete this deconz integration entry, because it’s useless. But how can I do it and why is there a second integration listed without any devices. I am using just 1 conbee2 stick, so no other deconz gateway is available.


Maybe somebody has a tip to remove it?

Thank’s in advance!

Thanks - that deconz II looks more current than my current firmware, but I think I have the original deconz stick.

I’ll go ask on their site.

Your firmware is the latest for the ConBee original (see bottom of list)

Try removing ssdp: from your config

There’s no ssdp in my config. :frowning:

I guess I have to delete:


Did not work. If I delete the default_config the sudebar entries: map, log, history and preferences are gone.

you can always configure those componenets manually, but anyway, ssdp is not the culprit
this is maybe related:

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Hi all,

I am trying to update my conbee-II stick firmware running 264A0700. Reading the wiki it only mentions the marthoc’s deCONZ Docker image and there it say’s at step 3:

Invoke the firmware update script: docker run -it --rm --entrypoint "/" --privileged --cap-add=ALL -v /dev:/dev -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules -v /sys:/sys marthoc/deconz

Is this the same way to do when running the Hassio Core Add-on: deCONZ?

Kind regards

I thought it was supposed to be possible through the phoscon web UI in the official add on?

Thanks - I was confused by the reference to Rpi in the filenames, I thought it meant a specific recovery pi implementation.

So i read that too, but if it’s not possible then it must be done manually. In my situation it says it’s up to date in the app

Why does deCONZ check the firmware like every 6-10 minutes?

15:17:41:410 GW firmware version: 0x264a0700
15:17:41:410 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x264a0700

15:09:41:404 GW firmware version: 0x264a0700
15:09:41:404 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x264a0700

15:01:41:409 GW firmware version: 0x264a0700
15:01:41:409 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x264a0700

I have an issue with conbee II and firmware 26490700 with a xiaomi aqara motion sensor.
I can discover the sensor and I can see it in the deconz ui and in the HA but the sensor was refreshed 19 hours ago.
The sensor is new and the battery level is 100%.

How can I collect data to find the issue?