deCONZ - Official thread

Question, if I want to run the deCONZ graphical app do I need to disconnect HA first? If so, how? I am trying to use the app and connect to my conbee stick, but it fails to connect. The only reason I can think of, is that HA is locking the connection somehow.

I have many lamps, switches and sensors successfull connected, but I want to update the ikea firmware of some lamps and for that I need the deCONZ app.

HA keeps connection fine with deCONZ Gui app running

Thanks, good to know.
Anyway I have stoped deconz ( sudo systemctl stop deconz ) and than I can connect. Maybe because I am running on a headless system?

Hi all, so I bumped on this topic. Since a few weeks I also have regular unavailability of my zigbee devices. Restarting a device brings is back as available for a few minutes but the is gone again.
Only thing that relieves then is restarting the deconz addon.

I read multiple people are experiencing this…

I run supervised and have deCONZ
Current version: 6.3.0 (changelog)

Is there anything I can do?

When you run deconz headless then it runs as a daemon. This means that the deCONZ rest API and the Phoscon webserver are running but not the GUI program (The one you use for advanced things like network link diagram and OTA upgrades).

You run one OR the other. So to run the GUI you have to stop the daemon. The GUI version of deCONZ also runs the rest API and the Phoscon webserver, so while you play with the deCONZ GUI everything else is running. It is only the few seconds between stopping the daemon and starting the GUI or the other way that the Zigbee network is dead.

The Addon runs the GUI version all the time in a VNC session. I prefer to run the daemon. I am convinced that is more stable in the long run. The less software that runs on as few layers as possible the more stable things get. That is a fact

thanks for explanation, now it makes sense to me.

Sadly today deconz stops again (i have no clue why)!

The new deCONZ update (add-on) supports the sonoff zigbee motion sensors :grin: Tested them, too bad they are terrible :cry: Horrible cooldowns and not consistent with detecting motion.

Anyone else having better experience?

The best are hue motion sensors. Quick reaction and 1 second after the last motion, they are watching again.
As enhencement in order to cover a certain corner in the room, I use aquara. The reaction time is ok but they need several minutes to be active again.

But the hue’s are just too expensive :sob: I have aqara’s and work very quick. The cooldown is too long in some use cases indeed (90 seconds). But they do trigger instantly after that. Just every now and then, they don’t detect motion. Like 1 out of 100 times. Still annoying when it happens.

Perhaps I’ll get a hue for certain area’s. If it’s rock solid, I think it’s worth the €20 price difference.

But replacing 8 sensor for hue’s, ouch…

What is the cooldown of the hue sensor?

To be specific with Aqara (see EDIT below): Sensor is in detected state for 10 seconds and detects again in less than a minute. Detection time can be adjusted with deconz.configure service.

EDIT: my sensor is Xiaomi Mijia Smart Human Body Motion Sensor but I get pretty much same results with Aqara sensors.

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i just paired some ISW-ZPR1-WP13 pir sensors and working perfectly.
only 2 sensors created in HA: 1.temperature and 2. binary_sensor for presence
Missing batery state and tamper sensor.
deconz api shows that sensors. Shouldn’t be automatically populated in HA?

{“config”:{“battery”:null,“duration”:60,“on”:true,“pending”:[],“reachable”:true},“ep”:5,“etag”:“948eaa7befa5835d7fd7a38f6c3c8b1a”,“lastseen”:“2020-10-11T14:43Z”,“manufacturername”:“Bosch”,“modelid”:“ISW-ZPR1-WP13”,“name”:“Kitchen Motion sensor”,“state”:{“lastupdated”:“2020-10-11T14:43:57.887”,“lowbattery”:false,“presence”:false,“tampered”:true},“swversion”:“20140929”,“type”:“ZHAPresence”,“uniqueid”:“00:15:5f:00:b4:4d:1c:f2-05-0500”}
{“config”:{“battery”:null,“offset”:0,“on”:true,“reachable”:true},“ep”:5,“etag”:“cf48ac696715c56e5e79368c96c4c2c2”,“lastseen”:“2020-10-11T14:43Z”,“manufacturername”:“Bosch”,“modelid”:“ISW-ZPR1-WP13”,“name”:“Kitchen Motion sensor”,“state”:{“lastupdated”:“2020-10-11T14:43:46.295”,“temperature”:2614},“swversion”:“20140929”,“type”:“ZHATemperature”,“uniqueid”:“00:15:5f:00:b4:4d:1c:f2-05-0402”}

If it gets reported properly yes it should be populated as well. As can be seen the battery is reported as null so that is working properly. And what zha type would tamper be? Not sure I’ve heard of it before

The battery is reported as ‘null’ is not OK… Is not reported on home assistant. Shouldn’t be showing persentage? Battery state (state OK) I think is the lowbattery state as false. Is reported on phoscon app only, not in home assistant. Tampered sensor and battery state(lowbattery) and presence sensor are in IAS cluster.

Having it visible in the desktop gui doesn’t mean it is available over the rest api

But they are available in rest api:
… “lowbattery”:false,“presence”:false,“tampered”:true},“swversion”:“20140929”,“type”:“ZHAPresence”,“uniqueid”…

Ok, I didn’t know about those attributes.

Interesting. My last check was around two minutes.
I will check this configure service. Never heard about

Already checked. Around 10 seconds

Hi. I already checked this configure service.
It seems, that it can be modified but it’s not persistent during a restart.
There seems to be a hardware mod, in order to shorten the cooldown: