deCONZ - Official thread

great I am at that firmware already so will try at weekend and post results here !

In the past, I have had to flash the same firmware over itself to regain the ability to add new devices. Might be worth a try?

My issue was stability not adding new devices… but will keep all my options open!

I‘m seeing the same issue: All devices are working as expected but the map is missing many connection lines and half of my sensors appear isolated on the map like in your picture.

I taken a bit of time to upgrade firmware to the latest and move to 6.11.1 and retry. I also pairing again nearly all devices which were not directly connected to the conbee II.

Hi guys I think I have figured out the problem. Mixed up the cables and was powering the Pi 4 with a 2.5A instead of the original PI charger. Need to label them out to avoid loosing more hair over this…
Update to 6.11.1 all came up and hope it stays up.

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I’ve never mixed up my plugs, but hesitant to upgrade.

happy to report that all works ok since the upgrade. Beside power check that you have conbee2 cable in an USB 2.0 and not USB 3.0 entry in the PI 4


/EDIT: I do not know why, but suddenly it works. Must have taken several minutes to get a status.

I have just tried to put a BW-SHP15 Plug into operation. After HA, unfortunately, only the following values are transferred: On/Off and current power in W. Various attempts to add the plug in deCONZ new as a lamp, sensor whatever has brought nothing. The value for Consumption remains unfortunately on “unknown”. Does anyone have a solution?


I think a minimum of usage is necessary to start to get data. If nothing, it’s because of that, supposed…

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Noticed mine was plugged into a USB 3 port, which has been fine for ages, however, I took your advice and moved it to the USB2 port and upgraded. After an initial loss of lights, all is well after a few moments. Upset my son for a moment, but hey ho.

All OK and cooking on gas

I’m starting to think that its the aqara devices that are messing up with the 6.11.1 release.

RPi4. HASSOS. Usb cable, attached Conbee2. Deconz addon in HA.
HA 2021.12.2
Core 7.2

After the Core update, the addon could not communicate with HA.

i added a new instance of the addon, from the same conbee 2, and then out sort of worked. Still almost all lights and remotes and outlets in Deconz are not reachable from HA.

inside Deconz i see them all, and can toggle them.

In developer, events, deconz_events nothing happens when i try to use a remote.

The lights that are unreachable, i cannot toggle inside ha. I get NO errors from the addon Deconz, in that log.

What is happening you think?


Same problem for me. I suppose after update to home assistant os 7.2.

I have home assistant on VM.

I have never had an issue with Xiaomi sensor. I have Xiaomi mija and aqara sensor without problem.

EDIT: downgrade with automatic backup from core version 2021.12.10 to 2021.12.9 fixed the problem. still with OS 7.2.

I’m also in the same boat. OS 7.2 and the 2021.12.10 core.

EDIT :Attempted to downgrade to 2021.12.9 since I did not have a snapshot of it available…no luck. Opened an issue but I’m sure it’s lacking information…will need to gather more:

The Core is not involved here. Just so you don’t focus on the wrong thing.

For me, the option to revert to a backup did not mitigate the issue.

To partially resolve my issue i did this;
Removed the Deconz Add-on
Add the Deconz Add-on
Setup Deconz again
(All entities are initially found in the Deconz Add-on setup process, strangely)

Opened Deconz Phoscon app through Home Assistant interface
For each Light, sensor, Switch; press Add new and then put each and every device (physical light bulb, sensor and switch) in Pairing Mode

When discovered by Deconz Phoscon, it won’t register as a new device, but rather “re-discover” an already added device.

This I had to do with EACH AND EVERY physical ZigBee device.

My thoughts on this;
WTH?! This sort of glitch makes me upset to the point where i seriously start contemplating buying another ZigBee controller or leave HA (witch I in the end won’t, because I’m stubborn). But I’m profoundly disappointed with the End User experience in my case.

And update should not break functionality this way.

I would gladly provide logs for all and any dev that reads this and want to look into the issue.

Best regards
:dove: :vulcan_salute:

What exactly is not working after upgrading to 7.2 ? i too runn HassOS on esxi, with conbee stick
not upgraded yet, still on 7.1 … but is the stick not recognized anymore?

This may not be limited to Deconz.
I’m using a TI_CC2531 USB Stick with Zigbee2MQTT addon and I am also having problems since updateing to 7.2

i did upgrade to 7.2 , no issues here, running on esxi server