deCONZ - Official thread

The problem with red lights and Philips dimmers is one I have had since I started with the official Philips hub. It actually got better changing to Deconz because with Deconz it normally works on 2nd press. On the Philips hub I had to do the 4 finger exercise (press all 4 buttons until red/green flashing) to get it to work again.

Philips released a firmware upgrade not so long ago for this remote (the one you upgraded to - so this is for other readers). You have to unlink it from Deconz and pair it with a Philips hub to upgrade it because Philips still will not release the binary firmware files. But things got better after the upgrade. But it can happen I see a red LED but then it recovers on 2nd press. The issue is a bug in the remote. I had a ticket open with Philips back in 2018 and gave them so much pressure that eventually a guy admitted that they knew there was a bug and would release a firmware upgrade. That took more than a year before that happened.

I will still say that the 4 button Philips remotes are very cool for a fair price. I have 15 of them. I use them with HA to turn by blinds, turn the TV on (with all the rest in an automation). I can live with a red LED once a week.

You’re right, it should better run into sleep mode to save CPU and let people to know exactly when deconz is awake to be able to turn on/off their lights…
Waiting for seconds to see its lights going on after turning on a switch does not suit any good user experience so it is quite obvious what deconz is doing all day long, no relation with lights power state, deconz is never idle because it’s listening for zigbee events to offer you the much real time / zero delay reaction it can achieve.

And as it works thanks to an USB key your OS need to deal with system interruptions over the USB Bus which need more or less CPU depending what optimizations are built in in your CPU model or how much USB concurency you have.
Plus running it in docker will add you some other overheads on top of this : USB sharing, network sharing, port forwarding, supervisor…
Could be interressing you install deconz in your host OS and “benchmark” it from there,

Anyway i’m agree with @KennethLavrsen, 5-10% CPU is quite normal considering the critical and zero delay system that deconz is.

Also do not forget that it’s a gateway so to free up your main server ressources you can still run it on a dedicated hardware like RPI and remotely plug HA on its API.


Is there a way to restart the gateway through the api? Sorry if this has been asked and answered but I’ve searched around a bit and couldn’t find anything other than a full reset of deconz.

My goal is to be able to automate a reset once conditions are met. That would be priceless.


I get that. I also have hass/node-red/pihole/mqtt/plex/ring-alarm/letencrypt containers running at the same server. hass also used wyze bridge on USB port as well. They are almost realtime response too. Most of time Deconz is using more CPU than the total of all other containers.
I’m not here to complain it. Just seeing the difference and want to ask if there is some setting I missed or if there is a way to optimize. I ran all those on a laptop. It is kind of cool before I added deconz, and it keeps warm :slight_smile:

Try to see at log level side, if set to debug it will write a lot on disk so more io more cpu.
Also as you only have few devices you could considered testing for the best system to manage your zigbee network. For example HA has the native ZHA integration.

You are saying “3 lights are not powered”

What do you mean with that? In a Zigbee context and with respect to load, it does not matter of a light is turned on or turned off. The traffic on the Zigbee network is a few small bursts here and there. The devices report their states. E.g. your remotes report the battery level. And there is probably some “I am alive” messages being sent from the mains powered devices.

I have zero practical delay on my Zigbee network with Deconz and a Conbee II. I have around 50 sensors and remotes and 30+ mains powered zigbee devices.

When you say 3 lights not powered did you mean mains power turned off? If so then stop doing that. All mains devices should be energized all the time. Zigbee is a mesh network and if you turn off mains devices you remove a router in the network and it will need to rebuild itself. It is only the mains powered devices that act as routers.

If you just meant that the lights were not lit but still connected then you are OK. But again the load on CPU with respect to Zigbee traffic … I doubt you can see any difference.

One thing that can give slow responce is poor radio coverage and interference because this means retransmissions again and again. For both Zigbee and Z-wave radios you want the antenna far away from electrical noise. And your computer is a terrible noise source which is why it is recommended to plug any radio based USB device via a 1-2 meter USB extention cable, and make sure to place the device in a place far from other electrical noise sources. And also think about it as an antenna. Place it so you optimize the coverage. The battery powered devices are very weak. Their transmitters and receivers have to work for a year on a coin cell battery. Mains powered devices have the luxury to consume much more power so they can act as routers and normally also receive and transmit better. Think about the fact that Zigbee is a 2.4 GHz radio system with very short range. Make sure you have routers that can reach your USB stick. If your bulbs are far away from the Conbee consider adding an extra router. That can be an additional light bulb in a lamp or a dedicated router. Ikea sells one that is cheap.

The Conbee II has a reputation for having excellent RF coverage compared to many other Zigbee coordinators. But it is still a tiny little antenna inside a USB stick. You have to consider radio coverage.

Last. remember that Zigbee, Bluetooth, and Wifi all shares the same 2.4 GHz spectrum. I have personally hard coded by Wifi to channels 1 and 6 (and avoid 11) and set my Zigbee to channel 25 (which is overlapping Wifi channel 11). I believe that has helped. Remember that changing Zigbee channel can take time before all devices have been moved over. You can end up having to repair (without deleting it, just repair again).


Oh. A little general note to all on the thread.

Often I see the advice about using an extension cable used where people have problem getting Home Assistant to connect to deConz.
If Home Assistant cannot connect to deConz or if deCons cannot see the USB stick then it cannot be cured by extension cables.
The extension cable is relevant when you have problems getting the Conbee stick to connect to devices. It cures RF coverage problems - ONLY


I disconnected the three lights from power after setup on deconz since I haven’t decided where to put them yet. So right now only 4 xiaomi buttons are active. I think those three lights (Sengled smart bulbs) are end devices that don’t act as routers.

Thanks for the suggestion. I picked deconz based on some posts from a giant threads regarding deconz vs zha etc. So far it works well based on limited devices and experience (except the observed CPU usage).

Hello, I’ve run into some issues (I think) and would need some help. I run the Deconz addon for Home Assistant and can login there without issues, but I can’t login to the Phoscon web app. Shouldn’t they both have the same password?

Also, the web UI shows as IP and not the one I run Home assistant on.
Any ideas?

What ports are in your config?

EDIT: I tried once again and now it worked

I am on HassIO (?) and latest deconz addon (official). I can not change the deconz password? Any idea why? I have another exactly same setup and with it there was no problem changing the password?

There is an issue with the integration of the binary sensors with 0.106!
All sensors are unavailable now.

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Same here! i am worried, hoping to solve it without restore the whole thing…

I have this same problem

I don’t have issues with my binary sensors, they are all fine with 106

Can you enable debug logging for deconz integration per instructions on integration page and share your logs

Me too lost all binary sensors. It didn’t happen when I upgraded, but when I restarted HA a few hours later.

But I did a complete reboot now and it is working again

I’ve lost all my binary sensors (water, open/close) upgrading to 0.106.

Tried to reboot, delete and activate the integration again with no luck.

Just to clearify: are binary sensors of all providers affected or only special ones?

For me it was all. Both Philips Hue presence sensors and Aqara door, water leak and presence sensors.