Desky Standing Desk (ESPHome) [Works with Desky, Uplift, Jiecang, Assmann & others]

Hello @Mahko_Mahko, I am really sorry for typing in german and don’t know today why I did that after reading the most of this thread. Maybe a bit to tired yesterday as I have written it. Thanks for your kind answer to this, I appreciate it a lot.

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No worries.

I think it’s unlikely this solution will work for you.

The other Boho desk on this thread clearly had a Jiecang controller while yours appears to be Kaidi, who appear to be a different manufacturer.

You may need to start from scratch and be willing to decode the protocol, like this guy did…



I have the same desk and took the time this evening to sort out the protocol – planning to integrate this here, but there are some further hardware adaptions required due to a 5V logic level instead of 3v3

Here’s the protocol: GitHub - xvzf/kaidi-desk-controller-protocol: Kaidi standing desk controller protocol analysis for homeassistant integration

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This component is actually 5V logic too!

You’ll find various discussions online about whether ESPs are 5V tolerant.

I concluded that they are and use no extra level shifting. Everything has been fine so far.

Uh, interesting! I killed an ESP32 with it :rofl:

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Where did I go wrong?!

I’m wondering if anyone here can spot the mistake I’ve made in my setup, as I’ve deviated a bit from what folks have posted in the thread.

Desk: Fully Jarvis (JCB35N-110)
Controller: Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3
Ethernet Jacks: Teansic 2PCS RJ45 Ethernet Dual Female Terminal Breakout Board

What works:

  • Desk controller works as normal
  • ESP32 boots and connects over wifi off of the 5v line

Esphome Config:

  - id: desk_uart
    baud_rate: 9600
    tx_pin: 21

  id: my_desky
    name: Desk Height
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    unit_of_measurement: cm
    number: 8
    inverted: true
    number: 9
    inverted: true
    number: 10
    inverted: true
  stopping_distance: 15
  timeout: 15s

  - platform: template
    name: Desky moving
    lambda: return id(my_desky).current_operation != desky::DESKY_OPERATION_IDLE;

Wiring (Seeed Studio XIAO pins → Ethernet board line):
D6: 2
D8: 7
D9: 8
D10: 4
Ground: 3

Wiring (Seeed Studio XIAO pins → Pin Name → ESP32 SoC pin from pinout):
D6: U0TXD (Uart TX) GPIO21 - 28
D8: GPIO8 - 14
D9: GPIO9 - 15
D10: GPIO10/FSPICS0 - 16

I may be misinterpreting this diagram?

Or perhaps I’m using a pin that can’t be used for what I think it can be used for?

What’s not working? Like more or less everything?

Posting some logs will prob help a bit.

Probably post your whole config too.


Hello Mahko Mahko, would like to know if you have this controller, I am needing it!! Please txt me, Ph. <redacted>
Juan Pablo G

Posting personal contact information on public forums is not a smart thing to do. Please do some reading about why here:

We are a friendly bunch of regulars here but anyone can see that information

I have edited your post to remove the phone number and hidden the revision.

Mahko_Mahko will likely respond to you here and invite you to contact them privately if they feel so inclined.

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Welcome @gonperjp.

If we could start again and you could elaborate a little more on what your issues/needs are we can see what we can do to help.

In the first instance I’d rather do it here rather than PM so that others can learn from it too.

Good morning Mahko, my neighbors desk stopped working, the controller is broken, and I am lookind for its replacement. Attached the picture. Txs, JP

Google Photos

Do you know what make and model the desk is? I can’t identify the controller from that photo. Does the control box have a label with details (like some of the other photos of controllers in this thread?)

Thanks for responding, these are the pictures of it:


It looks like you have a JCB35N2 (Same as me).

From what I can tell these are now an older model and are discontinued (see Jiecang site). Likely there is a newer backwards compatible model.

? JCB36N2 - Buy JCB36N2 Product on JIECANG

You could reach out to BDI (who appear to be the retailer based on the control panel badging) and ask them about a suitable replacement?

You could also reach out to Jiecang and confirm which newer models are compatible.

Be aware that it could be another component rather that the control box that may be faulty (control panel, connections, linear actuators etc). Definitely double check all connections are solid (just check none are lose ). You could probably dianose what the faulty component is at home with a multimeter, but that would require some electrical knowledge (beware of high voltages etc). BDI also may be able to help fault-find.

If you are confident it is the controller you may be able to find old stock online (perhaps this is already what you are doing;).

Hello! these are the pics of the BDI desk, Thanks!!

Does anyone have a table from Meinoffice - is this the same steering?

Welcome @MaNeit .

Have you checked if this is a Jiecang controller per OP?

Hey just wanted to say thanks everyone for the awesome development on this project.

I had a quick question, does anyone know if Updesk V2 control boxes “FRM053-2” and “F053-2” are the same? I’m assuming RM stands for remote which might be a feature not included on one. I have F053-2 and can’t find anything about it online, even in Updesk’s replacement manual. I’ve attached a picture showing the label on my control box.

I doubt anyone on this thread will know this, but let’s see…

Interesting that the label on the control box suggests it is manufactured by Uplift in the USA (not Jiecang in China). I thought Uplift desks had Jiecang controllers?

Might still be worth browsing the Jiecang controllers in case it is somehow a misleading rebadge.