Disk almost full

You’re info is much appreciated @jeffwcollins and at least you found something, I didn’t (noob).

So, I am not sure when to enter the login command. I assume they mean at the CLI screen:



After authentication, this happens in the screen:


Did you add the ssh key?

HassOS based Hass.io

Use a USB drive formatted with FAT, ext4, or NTFS and name it CONFIG (case sensitive). Create an authorized_keys file (no extension) containing your public key, and place it in the root of the USB drive. File needs to be ANSI encoded (not UTF-8) and must have Unix line ends (LF), not Windows (CR LF). See Generating SSH Keys section below if you need help generating keys. From the UI, navigate to the hass.io system page and choose “Import from USB”. You can now access your device as root over SSH on port 22222. Alternatively, the file will be imported from the USB when the hass.io device is rebooted.

Make sure when you are copying the public key to the root of the USB drive that you rename the file correctly to authorized_keys with no .pub file extension.

You should then be able to SSH into your Hass.io device. On Mac/Linux, use:

You will initially be logged in to Hass.io CLI for HassOS where you can perform normal CLI functions. If you need access to the host system use the ‘login’ command. Hass.io OS is a hypervisor for Docker. See the Hass.io Architecturedocumentation for information regarding the Hass.io supervisor. The supervisor offers an API to manage the host and running the Docker containers. Home Assistant itself and all installed addon’s run in separate Docker containers.

Uh nope, let’s give it a try and try to find a USB key and put it on there

I am not able to solve this. Disk capacity shows 91,5% used, still don’t know where it is coming from. Help is more than welcome, thanks!


I really cannot figure this out somehow. Lost at the SSH keys thingy (collect or generate). Help needed, because running at 99,9% :frowning:

I found the root cause of the large files (by mounting the SD to my mac and using this article: https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2017/mount-raspberry-pi-sd-card-on-mac-read-only-osxfuse-and-ext4fuse



It is definitely the Unifi database and tmp repair database files. So now it is about pruning the database from hassio, how can I do that? Can I access the container SSH into the docker container? Unfortunately I cannot remove files directly from the SD via the mac

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Did you find a solution to this? Really need to prune my unifi library from hassio

Hi there,

I was wondering how did you delete those folders form the Unifi add on, because I am running into the same issue propably. My free disk space is almost 0 :cold_sweat:.

But I can’t find the folder on the SD card for some reason… any help would be apreciated.

I am trying to remember how I solved this issue, but cannot immediately remember now.

Unfortunately I can’t find where the the disk space is used in my system. I have used the “docker system prune” command but that didn’t make any difference unfortunately.

In portainer I see a lot of “unused” images, but can these be deleted without any problems? i.e. homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.114.4 is this this the install file from HA?
For now I deleted some backups to free some space.Someone who can help me with this?


Have you checked disk space via host’s terminal? For example by this command (by defining the path you can get more specific folder/file):
du -h / --max-depth=1

For me, most of the times, the docker logs are the culprit which eats the disk space. If that’s your case as well, then you can wipe them by:
find /var/lib/docker/containers/ -type f -name "*.log" -delete

I don’t think the docker images are supposed to grow indefinitely. In my case the database file has never been a problem, it is tiny and correctly auto pruned every 10 days.

So, is there any way at all to clean up Home Assistant, rather than re-installing everything from scratch?

It is a default setup, I can’t be the only one with this problem.

Created a full snapshot, reinstalled the HASSOS VM (giving access to 4 CPU cores instead of only 1), restored the snapshot. Now the system takes 2GB less (with same full original database, same everything).

Is there any way to “see the files” within a container? To allow debugging if it happens again :slight_smile:

Edit: You can do this by:
1) Opening the main HASSOS terminal
2) Enter as root and no password
3) Run “login” (that’d go from the ha> terminal to the # terminal)
4) cd /

Then use “du -d1 | sort -n” to find the largest folders in each directory. Check /mnt/data/logs and /mnt/data/docker/overlay2


I don’t know what is causing this, but I am having a HUUGE disk space problem.
I have actually an 120 GB SSD that I use only for homeassistant running inside Docker and today I saw the notification that no space is available.
I was able to track the problem with
du -sh – * | sort -hr
to docker/containers and there the homeassistant container has 80Gb!!!

I installed portainer but I can’t see anything wrong.
So I guess something is writing like crazy inside homeassistant.
How can I fix it or at least find the cause.
I will try to do a snapshot so in the case it fails I can reinstall homeassistant and reload the snapshot.


I was having the disk usage problem. However, in my case, with du command i could only see 5gbs used of my 128gb microSD. One of the previous comments mentioned that the Unifi controller could cause the problem so I uninstalled it and solved the problem! I have now more than 100gb free! I will now install the add-on again and see what happens

Thanks for your comment. This did the trick also for me

Glad it worked for you too!

I have tried to reinstall the Unifi add-on but it does not start :frowning:

Well, this happened again and I don’t want to reinstall, nor increase disk size.

The following post helped me to regain a couple GBs. Good luck! :smiley:

12/feb/2021: Check out this as well, though it may be obsolete.


I have to do it also every few months : remove all unused stuff by Docker.
Maybe that should be done automatically after a sucessfull update. Maybe it is done for some part but not for others (community addons ?, …).
I will try to have a look at what I delete next time I’ll do it. But I agree with you : disk usage keeps going up when you keep a fully updated HassOS system.

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That’d be great! Which command/s do you use BTW?