Don't understand energy dashboard

Hi !

I just set up a system that retrieves consumption information from my electric meter. So I added this to the energy dashboard, which I had never touched since I started using Home Assistant.

However, I don’t understand this dashboard at all. You can only define energy consumption or returns, and Home Assistant seems to decide on its own what to display. There’s no way to add cards as needed, it’s not possible to define the y-axis range for the consumption histogram…

And on the classic dashboard side, there are no energy-type cards.

So, I don’t really understand how one can set up a customized dashboard for the energy part.

I came across this page Energy cards - Home Assistant, but the types offered are not recognized when I try to build a custom card in YAML.

Yet, I have already seen screenshots of highly customized energy dashboards (with gauges, different types of histograms, etc…).

What did I not understand? :woozy_face:

Correct the energy dashboard is not configurable except for the sensors you supply to it. It is a one size fits all solution that may not actually suit everyone (particularly if you have a battery that can charge from the grid). You are of course free to make your own energy dashboard.

All of the cards in the energy dashboard are available for use in your own dashboards, but they are just copies of the data in the Energy Dashboard, so if you don’t have that set up they will not work.

As I said you are free to make your own. In addition to the built in cards, here are some 3rd party cards that may assist with doing this: