Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Don’t suppose a few more steps in getting two Hubs integrated? I have the challenge that our downstairs heating is underfloor and on a different timer than our radiators upstairs. So I’ve put in a single-channel Hub downstairs which runs a schedule, and upstairs will be a two-channel hub for upstairs heating (with iTRVs) and hot water.


Hi Angelo,

With the thermostats having a humidity sensor I think it’d be good to have automatic entities for it along with the battery & signal entries.

I’ve just setup mine via templates (so I can control my new dehumidifier) so no rush but think it’d be a great addition.

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Nice idea, but is it needed? Like you say you can easily create them using templates. my concern is that we’d be creating a ton of entities for things which are actually devices…

Can you create some docs examples for the template and I’ll add it to the recipies section.
We’ll also poll people and see what people think

sensor.yaml: sensor to output current humidity

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Humidity"
      value_template: "{{state_attr('sensor.wiser_roomstat_living_room', 'humidity')}}"
      unit_of_measurement: "%"
	  device_class: humidity

New user to Wiser and I’m loving this integration. Got a slight issue.

I’ve just integrated these components via Home Assistant with Google Home, but the thermostats are showing as mode other. It appears to have lost the auto mode. Any ideas?


No idea… I dont have google home or nabu casa…

Could this be a HA issue??? Does anyone else have GoogleHome/NabuCasa?

I’ve seen the same behaviour re. thermostats showing as mode other. Both off & heat work as expected though.
I’ve also noticed that querying google over voice for a room temperature just returns ‘the thermostat is set to auto’.

Sounds like a HA bug/feature then… not sure what we can do in HA component… any thougths?

Thanks for your work on this component Angelo, I got it set up within minutes and it works great!

What’s not so great is the Wiser system itself, specifically the reported temperatures by the TRVs. I find my rooms massively overshoot the target temperature by 2-4c as the TRV temp is always lower/lagging behind, I assume they don’t get any “smarter” over time?

I already have Xiaomi temp sensors in every room integrated with HA so wondering if anyone has a similar setup and how they may have overcome this issue using 3rd party sensors.

I’m thinking it might be best to just entirely disable the Wiser scheduling and do everything in HA. e.g If xiaomi sensor is below a certain temp it will increase the target temp of the TRV and decrease it when the xiaomi sensor reports the room has reached temperature.

I’m having a similar issue but instead of 2-4 degrees different its more like 8 to 10! I’m discussing this with there support and they are suggesting I get replacements, but this is on all TRV’s I have, so I’d be shocked if its the hardware. I’m kinda at the brink of giving up on the brand.

Anyway, the wiser room stat’s help, but its a lot of cost. You can try this, which I found helped a little:

When the room temp is at say 16 and the stat constantly says 18 and 18 is the set-point. Reduce the set-point to 15, over time you’ll see the temperature of the TRV drop to around 14 to 15 degrees. Turn it back up and I found it reduced the difference in accuracy.

this could work but you’ll need to control the “ask for heat” by controlling the trvs with HA automation…

@FlangeMonkey very strange, Ive not noticed a big temperature difference… …maybe faulty trvs? or something else…

I swapped out the valve’s with new ones, same issue. I passed it onto there support, but I’m going to return them unfortunately. I really wanted to pervasive with them, but it sounds like its my environment being a bad insulator together with there code.

The holding at a constant temp based on the set-point is weird, but has got to be something in there code.

This might be a silly question, and I apologise if it is.

I moved a TRV from one room to another, factory reset it, deleted it in the wiser app, and reconnected it. I deleted the room in the wiser app too.

I reloaded the integration and the new devices and entities appeared but the old ones remain and I can’t seem to delete them.

They should “refresh” by themselves but to speed it up just restart HA, that should do the trick.
(PS No questions are silly :slight_smile: )

This was a few week ago, only just gotten around to posting. I’ve restarted HA a few times and done a couple of upgrades - it’s still the same. There is an option to delete the entities, but it’s greyed out but there is no delete option for the TRV device

Sorry pete, just realised I never responded to this, is it all working now?

No worries - it’s not causing any proplems, so it’s not urgent.

No, they are both still there. I wonder if there is a way to manually remove them.

Has anyone created the binary sensors to measure the hot water (as per the recipe for heating with the little graphs) ? I tried but I cannot get it to work… the heating ones working nicely but no luck with the sensor for hot water.

# binary sensors
- platform: template
    friendly_name: Heating Stat
    value_template: '{{state_attr("climate.wiser_upstairs_hallway","control_output_state") == "On"}}'
    icon_template: >-
        {% if is_state("binary_sensor.heating_stat", "on") %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
    friendly_name: Hotwater Stat
    value_template: '{{state_attr("sensor.wiser_hot_water","control_output_state") == "On"}}'
    icon_template: >-
        {% if is_state("binary_sensor.hotwater_stat", "on") %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

Is it strange that my Wiser roomstat has no temperature attribute? I can’t see a separate sensor for it…