Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

thats a bug

I just fixed it in release 2.6.
if you want you can tweak your install by looking at this git diff added temperature reading for roomstat #144 · asantaga/wiserHomeAssistantPlatform@fca3c71 · GitHub

it just download the sensor.py from the dev branch ( https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asantaga/wiserHomeAssistantPlatform/fca3c719ef1667baeac76b728732e027e0bc7cdf/custom_components/wiser/sensor.py)

Im hoping to have 2.6 out soon, trying to see what else needs to be done

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You can manually remove them using the HA UI

Am I asking a stupid question or has nobody created some graphs around hot water usage ?

Yes, I link HA with influxDB and then use grafana to chart the hot water timings as a bar.

I also have a esphome device attached to the HW cylinder and graph the hot water temp.

HA does have some OOTB graphing but I didnt find it very good…

An old post, but in case you didn’t find an answer this is how I’m doing it. I’m new to HA but it seems to work OK. I created a switch like the below:

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('climate.wiser_master_bedroom', 'preset_mode', 'boost') }}"
        icon_template: "{{ 'mdi:fire' }}"
          service: climate.set_preset_mode
            entity_id: climate.wiser_master_bedroom
            preset_mode: Boost 1h
          service: climate.set_preset_mode
            entity_id: climate.wiser_master_bedroom
            preset_mode: Cancel Boost 

Then add a button card to trigger the switch:

type: button
  action: toggle
entity: switch.master_bedroom_boost
show_state: false

I tried the recipe for changing the names in the history graph, but I can’t get the ‘heating’ part to display. Current and Target both work.I have this:

  - platform: template
      friendly_name: "Current"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.wiser_master_bedroom', 'current_temperature') }}"
      friendly_name: "Target"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.wiser_master_bedroom', 'temperature') }}"
      friendly_name: "Heating"
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.wiser_master_bedroom', 'control_output_state') }}"

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?
I’m using a history graph card to display the data

Thanks for the recipe page by the way - it is very useful.

Edit:I got the heating part to show… but not as a graph sadly. Not sure what I’m doing wrong.

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I followed the recipe pretty much exactly. Setting up separate binary sensor yaml files etc. I am using the following to display the statistics:

Results in the following:

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Thanks interesting I will investigate that. I was trying to use same method as the receipt for the heating but create a binary sensor for hot water. I cannot get it to work for some reason as per my code above.


I love this integration - I’ve been using is for almost as long as I’ve had my HA setup - so a good year. It’s great being able to access features that the native app doesn’t expose - like the signal strength!

However, I’ve had the same issue described by PistolPete - of not being able to remove devices. I had a TRV that I removed from the Wiser hub and moved to a new room and now it shows up twice. I have restarted both the integration and HA several times and both ‘devices’ are still there. There does not appear to be a standard way to remove any of the devices manually in HA, and there are several discussion threads around the issue where the current policy seems to be that “the integration is responsible” - although an exception was made for MQTT. Can you please provide instructions for how to remove orphaned iTRVs?

Many thanks

Hi there, I’m considering buying a wiser heating system like this one but branded Schneider Electric in my country CCTFR6901 - Wiser - kit thermostat connecté pour chaudière commande on/off ou OpenTherm - Professionnels | Schneider Electric France

Is it the same reference than this Drayton branded one? (Schneider Electric bought the company in 2014)

Second naive question, as all Wiser devices communicate in ZigBee, having some Danfoss eTRV (also ZigBee) do you think it is possible to pair the Wiser gateway with non wiser ZigBee devices? Anyone tried?

Hi there,

YUP, I can’t guarantee it but it looks the same hardware!


Thank you, and about pairing non Drayton / Schneider TRV to the bridge, anyone tried? (ZigBee is supposed to be standard but meh…)

Anybody else’s integration failed recently? I’ve tried adding the files again manually but no joy.

Thanks to the creators of the integration! Looks amazing! One thing I wanted to ask is whether it is possible to “override” the integrated temperature sensor of the TRV and use readings from another temperature sensor instead? I suppose how it is done with the Wiser room thermostat but using a different sensor.

mine failed after latest update too, can seem to get going again

What “update” are you referring to;

  1. Wiser hub firmware
  2. Intergration
  3. Home Assistant

I received an email within the last few days from Wiser stating their app has a new name and expect changes in the coming months. It also said new firmware will be rolled out within a couple of days, maybe something has changed in the API they use?

My hub is on 3.6.0 and still working

ah, see my bad as normal, yep after latest intergration update all battery levels disappeared, uninstalled the intergration and removed all trace of it, then reinstalled done secret key etc control works for the valves again but i have still not battery or signal sensors.

I’m on 3.6.0 as well (“latest” app as well but having no joy). I’ve just tried installing the integration via HACs but still getting this message:

“Connection to the Wiser Hub has timed out. Check the IP address and try again.”

I haven’t updated to the latest iOS app and still using version v2.4beta integration.

Have you tried rolling back to an earlier version?

Also I had a problem with another integration which I couldn’t get to work, finally fixed it by upgrading HA.

Have you recently updated the integration?