Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

It could be a mismatch between your phone clock and the Wiser hub’s.

In the Wiser App > Settings > System Settings does the System Time and Date match what your phone clock shows?

Is your phone set to the same timezone and is it currently on DST?

You should check if you have set the automatic daylight savings option to false. This is something that can be done via HA but is not exposed by the Wiser app. The Wiser app only allows you to set your timezone, assuming you are in the UK that should show “UTC Dublin, Edinburgh, London”. You may well find this issue corrects itself next weekend (Sunday 29th October) when BST ends.

A dump of the system settings should show

“System”: {

“TimeZoneOffset”: 0,
“AutomaticDaylightSaving”: true,

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Do you mean the Wiser Daylight Saving switch for the Wiser HomeHub device?

Get to the integration using this link:
Open your Home Assistant instance and show the Wiser integration.

Then scroll down to devices, and click on Wiser HeatHub to get to the settings and it is under Controls.

NB. I am trying out Create a link – My Home Assistant which can be used to share links to specific places in the UI.

A simple question , will the HA Drayton Wiser integation auto update ?

That’s the one.

If you look back to posts 1101 or 2275 you will see other users who toggled the switch without realising the consequences.

Andrew, no it will not auto update. It will list in HACs that there is an update but you will have to install that as and when you wish.

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Just a quick thanks, your suggestion above immediately fixed the same daylight savings issue for me. I previously just changed the time zone manually to overcome it, wasn’t aware of that parameter in HA. Nice to have the settings back to how they should be :+1:

I wanted to allow my family to boost the hot water if they used it all up. This requires a script to toggle the hot water boost, and a button - I like smaller buttons so use Mushroom Cards Chips.

The button isn’t that big in real life - this is what happens when you screen shot from a retina screen on a Mac!

The script should work with any button:

alias: Toggle Hot Water Boost
  - alias: Condition check to cancel boost else activate hour boost
      - condition: or
          - condition: state
            entity_id: sensor.wiser_hot_water
            attribute: is_boosted
            state: "true"
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.hot_water_state
            state: "on"
        alias: Is already boosted, or is already heating
      - service: button.press
        data: {}
          entity_id: button.wiser_cancel_hot_water_overrides
        alias: Cancel any boosts to hot water
      - service: wiser.boost_hotwater
          time_period: 60
        alias: Boost Hot Water for 1 hour
mode: single
icon: mdi:water-plus

This checks to see if the hot water is already on for any reason, and if so cancels any existing boosts (but it won’t turn off the hot water if it is on because of its schedule) - otherwise it boosts the hot water for one hour. Hopefully the thermostat on my tank stops the boiler from running for an hour!

Here is the script for the mushroom chip in its card:

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
chips:  - type: template
      action: call-service
      service: script.toggle_hot_water_boost
      target: {}
    entity: sensor.wiser_hot_water
    icon: mdi:water-plus
    content: Boost Hot Water 1h
    icon_color: |-
      {% if states('sensor.wiser_hot_water') == 'On' %}
      {% elif state_attr('sensor.wiser_hot_water','is_boosted') == true %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
alignment: center

The color of the icon changes to indicate the status - red if it is on due to a boost, orange if on for any other reason, and grey if it is off.

Maybe this will be helpful to someone else, and I’d love to hear any feedback.


Thanks for the replies

@msp1974 I tend to do all controls via the Wiser app tbh so yeah I don’t think HA is at fault but thought I’d ask here since Wiser immediately, and correctly, assumed I’m using HA so thought maybe its a known issue. I will wait and see what they come back with.
This is happening on mine and my partners phones, both are showing the correct time and timezones (BST). Just to be sure I disabled the auto timezone setting on my phone and manually set it to GMT+1 BST and have the same issue. Both phones did recently update to Android 14 so there could be a bug I suppose.

@dunxd Yeah, wiser system settings in app shows the correct time and timezone. As does my phone.

@ian1182 yep, daylight savings option in HA is set to ON, first thing I checked.

I’m 90% sure it’s an Android 14 bug as I just dug out my old phone running Android 11 and boosted the heating from there and it shows the correct time. While both the Android 14 phones show the wrong time.

I guess it will resolve itself next weekend and hopefully Google will fix it before we head back into BST next year.

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There must be an error in the timezone settings. I can see from your screen print that dawn is shown as 06:36 and dusk at 17:13. Assuming that image was taken in the past couple of days they should each be an hour later. I’m just to the west of London and see 07:36 & 17:58 for 21st October, Bath would be a few minutes later.

I’d recommend you check the system settings. It should look similar to this. Note the phone & wiser times are the same. I did a quick check setting my phone to Madrid time and the system settings value did not change but the dawn/dusk values did move an hour. If the Wiser system value is correct that implies the problem is with your phone.

Ok thought that was the case,

I did a quick test by setting the timezone on my phone to see how that affects the times shown in the Wiser App. The times shown in the schedule and for the rooms reflect the Hub settings whilst the dawn/dusk use the phones timezone.

In your original post your phone shows 21:19 which you said was correct. However the hub seems to think it’s an hour earlier based on your boost. You should check the hub settings and your home router to verify they are correct. There is some anomaly

As I’ve said, system time and timezone are correct on the phone and on the wiser app/system.

Here’s the 2 phones side by side. Same settings, same app version, same Wiser account/hub, same wifi but showing different sunrise/set times. Android 14 vs Android 11.

Pretty convinced it’s Android 14 due to what I’m seeing, but also similar reports about an app update fixing the issue for a public transport app:

I’m also seeing this issue of boost times + sunrise/sunset being 1hr out on mine and my wife’s Google Pixels on Android 14. An older tablet in the house on Android 12 shows all the times correctly. All devices set to correct time and timezone, same Wiser Android version, same Wiser login, same boosted room etc. My wiser is integrated to openHAB not Home Assistant but from what we’re seeing I’m pretty sure that’s irrelevant.

@msp1974 just noticed when away mode is enabled the rooms that are set in passive mode remain unchanged until you interact with the climate entity at which point the room reverts to the single away temperature (which I believe is the intended behaviour)? Can you replicate this behaviour or is this something happening only in my setup?

Thanks for the reply, so that’s pretty much confirmed - the issue is with Android 14, or more likely Wiser not reading the system timezone correctly in Android 14.

I’m just testing the Passive mode, but I don’t appear to be able to change the passive range.

If I drag the upper limit from it’s current value of 12 to 18 degrees (or any other value) a few seconds later it just pops back again, I seem to be unable to change the values at all.

Any suggestions ?

Screenshot 2023-10-22 at 6.40.22 PM

Screenshot 2023-10-22 at 6.40.43 PM

You have it in Passive Auto. As such it will follow the schedule, which is why it does what you are seeing. If you put in Heat/Manual mode, you can then adjust the range.

Edit: in auto mode you can change to bottom range but not the top.

I’ll have a look over the next few days and see.

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