Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Just realised i can check this on my prod version. No mine update immediately. What card are you using?

works fine here also, the bottom value is for it to kick-in the boiler if the room drops below this value, and ignore passive mode, the top value closes the valve on the rad, even if another room is still calling for heat.

Tile card. Just to confirm what is the expected behaviour with passive mode and away mode?

This explains how it works.

Yes can confirm that I am seeing passive mode not being overridden when away mode is enabled until I interact with the climate entity. Will play around with different card to see if it is just the tile card or not.

Wierd. Just tested with tile card and it updates instantly too (was testing with climate card initially). What HA version are you on?

2023.10.4 (ie latest). Not sure when this behaviour started because it definitely used to work. It’s not card related - behaviour occurs on various cards and also with the native HA thermostat dialogue. It just seems to stay with passive mode active when away mode is enabled until interacting with the heating mode. When I switch to heat, it overrides passive mode and this continues to be the case when switching back to auto.

I can also confirm I only noticed this issue after upgrading my phone (Pixel 5 from Android 13 to 14) a few days ago.

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Hi All, been using this integration for around 18 months now, and its been great. In fact i opted for the wiser setup as this integration existed.

Just over a week ago, after reading the change log, I decided to give opentherm another go. (tried last winter and it gave erratic heating issue that the wife wasn’t very happy about so switch back to norm).

This time round its seems to be working ok. however, when i first set it up i could see the Flow Temp and Return Temp readings in HA.

As of 10:52am on the 19/10/23. These readings became unknown…

I have tried a reset (HA, Wiser, Boiler, everything all at the same time), winding back the extensions to an earlier version, none have offered any resolve to the issue.

I have noticed that I am getting a changing message on operating mode, Fluctuating between OTplus and OTplusCommunicationFailure

Any ideas on the source of my issue?

Boiler is an Ideal Logic+ 30 (2016)
Wiser Hub Firmware 3.14.0
Home Assistant 2023.10.5
Supervisor 2023.10.0
Operating System 11.0
Frontend 20231005.0
Wiser Integration: 3.3.9

This seems to be something between your hub and boiler as the hub is complaining. I would start by checking the cables are all securely connected.

As a note, you can download a diagnostics output from HA for the integration and can see all the hub opentherm params when this is erroring at the bottom of the file.

EDIT: And maybe change the cable in case it is a broken wire.

Anyone else seeing this same behaviour with passive mode? @tombadog are you able to share a video and i’ll do some more testing to see if i can recreate.

In case anyone else didn’t know where to look - the recipes section of docs has an example.
NB I found that cancelling the boost was better on the turn off event of the template switch:
entity_id: climate.wiser_study
preset_mode: “Cancel Overrides”

Additionally increasing the time period and temp delta means that the built in target doesn’t come into play:

        time_period: 60
        temperature_delta: 4

Here is a video. As you can see after enabling away mode, passive mode remains active until interaction.

Away Mode for Rooms in Passive Mode behaves as expected for me. I’m using the standard Thermostat card, but have also tested with the Tile Card.

Are you getting any failed update messages in logs? When you change a setting, we then requery the hub and update the entities, which then triggers an update of the card. The only thing i can think is when you enable away mode, the request for updates then fails. By interacting with the card, you are requerying the hub again and maybe this time it succeeds?

EDIT: from your video, it looks like other rooms are not showing the away mode temp too that are not in passive mode. Ie master bedroom.

EDIT2: can you also tell me if the card updates if you just leave it long enough for the scheduled update ie 60 seconds if your scan interval is set to that.

No errors regarding this in the logs. Master bedroom is not away mode temp because the setpoint (17.5) is below away mode temp (18). I have away mode temp set quite high and have an automation to lower it depending on length of time away. I have also tried leaving it for a while and nothing changes. Bizarre because it definitely did work but something has changed over the summer while the heating wasn’t in use.

Bizarrely this started working again last night.

Is there a way to turn off the TRV’s when no one is home? Can’t see an obvious way to do it with the inbuilt scheduler

You would need to use an automation for this. It is preferable to put in away mode when no one is home rather than turn the trvs off. So something like this (and obviously another automation to turn away mode off when returning home).

description: "Set away mode when no one home"
mode: single
  - platform: state
      - zone.home
    to: "0"
      hours: 0
      minutes: 15
      seconds: 0
condition: []
  - service: switch.turn_on
    data: {}
      entity_id: switch.wiser_away_mode
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Hi all,
I am using the Wiser setup in Australia for lights. Is there anyway to get the secret key without needing to reset the device? I can’t connect to the wifi without reseting it I assume? Not really keen to do that.