Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

if you have an android phone it’s possible to use the “packet capture” app and then view the data transfer between phone & hub when using the wiser app. Within that data stream you can view the secret key.

However for the UK/European hub you don’t have to reset the device to get the key directly. You just have to put the hub into setup mode & connect to the hub’s hotspot using this approach

  • On your hub, press the setup button and the led should flash green.
  • Use your phone or tablet and connect to the wifi SSID (that you should now see available) that is Wiserxx_xxxxxx
  • Once connected to this wifi network, open your browser and go to

and then just tap the setup button on the hub again to exit the setup process.

Oh great, I have an android phone. Any more specific advice? Just install “packet capture” and then find the key between wiser/android phone? Any chance you can share a screenshot on what to do?

  1. Install packet capture from google play store
  2. start packet capture
  3. click the green arrow with a 1
  4. select “Wiser Home” as the app you wish to capture data for. You should then see a red square top right in the app and a key in the phone tool bar
  5. exit from packet capture
    6 start & exit from Wiser Home app. No need to actually do anything in the app
    7 start packet capture, click red button to stop collection. you should then see a date/time stamped entry
    8 click on that and you should see a long list of transactions. Just look for one which does NOT say “No Data”. Within that you should see the secret.

You should do this whilst connected to wifi on the same network as the hub.

Ok cool. Does it matter if the wiser hub is connected via ethernet?

EDIT - I think I found the key, used my router to find the IP for my Wiser hub and add them both to HA and get this:

Timed out trying to connect to the Wiser Hub. Check the IP address and try again

Am I missing some part of the setup? Do I need Zigbee2MQTT to do this?

are you sure your hub is compatible with this approach. Can you provide the model number of your hub and perhaps we can see if the setup process is similar and the process to obtain the secret would work.

The routine process using curl only requires a phone/tablet to connect to the hub wifi hotspot, nothing to do with zigbee.

Comfort Mode - can anyone give me the lowdown on the pros and cons to using this?

The concept, AFAICS, seems great - I have an old house with rooms that I allow to get quite cold because I can’t afford to keep them all warm if I’m not using them, and the offer to turn on the heating at the right time to get them up to temperature seems like a good one.

Where is the modelling done - in the hub or in Wiser’s cloud?

Are there any unfortunate interactions if I make manual adjustments to the target temperature, or change the schedule, while a room is being warmed up?

Am I right to think that this is an all-or-nothing offer - you can’t apply it to some rooms and not others?

All experiences very welcome.

I think there are pros & cons for comfort mode. The concept is to bring the heating on early to achieve your target temperature at the start of your on period. For example if you schedule your room for 21C at 7am with comfort mode enabled the hub starts heating up to 3 hours prior. Modelling is done in the hub based on its calculation of external temp and room temps, I assume based on a number of days as it sees how he room warms/cools.

Not sure how manual adjustments affect the issue. In general early in the morning when it’s most likely to be effective you are probably still asleep and unlikely to be making manual adjustments.

And yes its either on or off for all rooms.

As for the cons, if your house gets cold over night you may well find it does cut in the full 3 hours beforehand in an attempt to meet the target temp.

Personally I have comfort mode enabled and find the heating comes on around 90 minutes before the nominal ontime with the room around 3.5 C below the target value (17.5 → 21.0 C) in mid-February. One area you should look at is the minimum over night temp the room drops to and the rate at which it warms. That will give you an idea of the lead time comfort mode would use.

Prior to smart heating system you would set the on time to an hour or two prior to getting out of bed in the morning, comfort mode is taking some of that guess work away. Note my comments above assume you are allowing the hub to make the decisions and not “interferring” with any automation.


Has anyone else noticed that the Wiser app heat report within insights is about 3 hours behind actual time? For example the time is now 19:00 but the report thinks its 16:00. The app behaved in the same way when BST was approaching so I think it must be an issue with Schneiders servers.

I know this forum isn’t run by Schneider but the official forums get ignored by Schneider.

Friend of mine just getting started with HA and WISER, set it up about a month ago, the integration looks fine.

But I just checked his firmware version and he is still on 3.10.6, the one with the random disconnects.

Anybody know why that would be ?

Is it isolated from the internet? For this sort of query I would raise a ticket with Drayton Wiser directly at https://schneider-electric.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new

The forums might not be well used by Schneider, but I have had good support for specific issues by raising tickets at https://schneider-electric.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new

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Thanks, yes I was just asking in case anyone had faced similar issues, I realise it’s not related to the wiser integration.

It’s been connected to the cloud, but a LOT of disconnects

I have raised a ticket with support. I have done all the usual actions, log out and back in, connect over the Internet, reset the hub etc. Let’s see what support do. Interestingly this timing issue only affects the heat report within insights+, all other graphs have to correct time.

I have 4 devices logged in to the hub, 2 on android and 2 on ios and all show the same issue.

The heat report does seem to be a few hours behind for me also. I’m not bothered by this. In fact I would prefer my hub not to be streaming live data to Schneider. No benefit to me.

I have just re-installed the Wiser integration but I am now unable to find the Schedule and Zigbee cards. Some weeks ago I was having a lot of problems with a slow HA and uninstalled the Wiser integration – thinking erroneously that it was something to do with the integration and the hub going offline. As it happens it was nothing to do with either. With the original install both cards were present and everything worked just fine.
As far as I can tell everything works OK with the re-install except the 2 cards. I have tried adding a card and then clicking the 3 dots and selecting “Manage recourses”. Both cards are listed. I then clicked on the Schedule card and tried the update, but this did not help.
I seem to remember on the original install that I had to go through the finding if the Hub’s secret key. I did not have to do this with the re-instal. I checked out the date of the Custom folder for Wiser and it is for today just incase the uninstall left anything behind. I don’t know if this has any significance though.
The Wiser Integration was brilliant on the original install and I would love to get it going again. So any help would be gratefully received.

Try a shift f5 on your browser to reload the cache.

Thanks for your suggestion. I have tried that but unfortunately still no cards.

the Time of Sunset / sunrise is now an hour off ( 1 hour ahead) in the wiser app, is this normal ?, I have Day light saving turn off in the integration.

Screenshot 2023-10-29 at 17.18.22Screenshot 2023-10-29 at 17.18.12

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However I tried Control/f5 and 2 cards visible. Thanks for the kick start.

Today’s question (sorry!): now I’m having trouble with set_schedule_from_string.

I’m using it like this:

  - service: wiser.set_schedule_from_string
      entity_id: climate.wiser_treatmentroom
      schedule: |
        Type: Heating
        - Time: "09:00"
          Temp: 7.0 
        - Time: "10:00"
          Temp: 8.0

But it fails with an error, possibly because when I go back to look at the code it now looks like this:

  - service: wiser.set_schedule_from_string
      entity_id: climate.wiser_treatmentroom
      schedule: |
        Type: Heating All: - Time: "09:00"
          Temp: 7.0 
        - Time: "10:00"
          Temp: 8.0

The error I see in Traces is: Error setting schedule from yaml data - mapping values are not allowed here in “”, line 1, column 18: Type: Heating All: - Time: “09:00” ^

My “real” code is a bit more complex, with some templating, but I’ve simplified it here so we don’t get distracted. Though the templated version gets even more messed up with the formatting, with line breaks being thrown in randomly. Not sure if thats a real issue or just annoying.

Am I missing something?

ETA: Hmm, weird stuff going on here. Wondering if this is a problem with my browser or its host (I mostly use a Mac) I tried it on a Windows machine and got slightly different results (but still an error). So then I moved to a Linux host, had to retype more or less the whole text, but eventually got to something that actually works, even with my fancy templating. So this is not a Wiser or integration issue but a HA/browser UI one, hence I guess OT for this thread - unless anyone knows whats going on!?