Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

I have never turned off Valve Protection, I only installed HA to debug my signal strength and what the radiators were doing. When I look in HA it says valve protection is off. Do you know if this is a bug? I know you can turn it on in the HA integration. But mine shouldn’t be off in the first place. When I look in the log I see unavailble, is this just because the hub is unavailable at these times? I’ve just tried turning it on then off today to confirm in the log.

How often should valve protection trigger? Thanks


Not sure what’s happening, I have 5 zones on passive, all are approx 19 degrees, and the min temp for them is 16 degrees.

The other room is on schedule and is no scheduled for heat until about 6:30pm, it’s now 1:45pm

But 2 of the passive rooms are shown as heating and the boiler keeps firing.

Any suggestions ?

What’s the maximum temperature set to?

Oops, I think it might be the lounge as that is hovering around set temp, I will monitor some more, but it’s odd that the lounge is not showing any logs, all other zones do.

Hmm, this seems to be a new issue, dont recall seeing it before.

If I select a preset Boost 30 for example, I get the following error:

Preset mode is not valid. Valid preset modes are: Advance Schedule, Cancel Overrides, Boost 30m, Boost 1h, Boost 2h, Boost 3h.

The boost is called, bu this errors happens every time

My hub also went offline this moring, I powered off for 2 minutes, powered it on again and only about 10 mins later did it come online.

I have made no changes to the network and the firmware upgraded to 18.3 last week, so it was not a firmware update.

Also noticed before the restart, that as above, there were no logs for the living room, all other zones were fine.

when the Heating is set to off the Target Temperature entity becomes unavailable (see attached pic, can this be changed to 5˚c as I thought the valves are never truly off due to the Frost Protection being set to 5˚c ?

Hi all, sorry for the lack of responses over the past couple of months. Enjoying long holiday in Oz and then having some matters to attend to. However, i all back now!

@crankshaft , this was a known HA issue from some time ago. It was raised as a frontend issue but was never addressed afaik. When i looked before, i didnt think there was a good solution except HA devs fixing the frontend. I’ll have another look as was a number of versions ago and much has changed since then.

@andyblac , no we cant change this. There is a debate further up as anything but making it unavailable or unknown was causing issues with history graphs when rooms were turned off. In reality there is no target temp when a room is off (well actually it is -20C but that really messes up history!).

@crankshaft , what logs are you expecting?

Valve protection did historically exisit in the Wiser app as a switch. It can still be turned on and off through our api but at this point, i do not know if this actually does anything anymore or whether it is always on irrespective of this setting. If anyone does know please chip in.

However, if your switch in HA shows off then your hub is reporting off but as i say, dont know whether it is or not.

@msp1974 - apologies for not updating, a reboot fixed the issues, and I also realised that only the valves have logs, not the zones / rooms.

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ok np, I have manually edited the code myself, and it seems to be working, it also stops the gaps in the History graph as well, so I just keep tweaking on each update.

    def _handle_coordinator_update(self) -> None:
        """Fetch new state data for the sensor."""
        if self._lts_sensor_type == "current_temp":
            self._state = self._data.wiserhub.rooms.get_by_id(
        elif self._lts_sensor_type == "floor_current_temp":
            self._state = self._data.wiserhub.devices.get_by_id(
            if (
                self._data.wiserhub.rooms.get_by_id(self._device_id).mode == "Off"
                or self._data.wiserhub.rooms.get_by_id(
                == TEMP_OFF
                self._state = "5"
                self._state = self._data.wiserhub.rooms.get_by_id(

Hi @msp1974. I’ve updated to latest version of integration yesterday and “toggle hot water button” is gone making my hot water tank automation to stop working.
Was this expected? I couldn’t see other ways to trigger hot water and there was nothing mentioned in change log, so I’ve downgraded to previous version and things are working again.

I still see the Toggle Hot Water button for my hub on version 3.4.6. However I notice that HA is reporting the version I am using as 3.4.6 whereas the most recent version is 3.4.7. I redownloaded via HACS and specified 3.4.7 but after restart of HA I’m still seeing HA report 3.4.6.

@RolandLT which version specifically do you see in HA?

AH, does seem it shows as 3.4.6 but i also have the hot water buttons in 3.4.7. Any errors in logs?

I’ve installed new version again and same again happened. Can’t see anything related to Wiser in main logs. I’ve downloaded integration statistics, but not sure errors go there. If I’m looking at the wrong location, please point me and I’ll get logs. But as you can see some entities have disappeared after upgrade

@dunxd I’m not sure how to check version as going to same page as yours doesn’t provide me with version - I’m running HA in Docker btw

I’m seeing this exact same behaviour. HACS says I’m on latest (3.4.7) but the loaded integration is a lower one (3.4.6) and all “buttons” in the integration are greyed out.

Moments are coming thru but Water & Heating boosts aren’t there.

If I downgrade to 3.4.6 in HACS then the buttons all come back and I don’t see a mismatch between the install and loaded versions but then I’m ‘nagged’ to upgrade to 3.4.7 again and the buttons disappear.

Are there any files I can supply to help resolve this ?

Can you PM me a diagnostic file and I’ll take a look.

EDIT: Scrap that I know what I did. Please redownload v3.4.7 and it should now be fine. Sorry!

If you redownload v3.4.7 it will now report correctly.

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Any ideas why the ‘button’ type entities are greyed

out in 3.4.7 but ok in 3.4.6 ?

Just been looking and yes. When I was fixing some linting issues, it may appear ( :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) that I made a typo so these buttons will not get created if you have any moments configured.

However, the wonderful thing abouts a HACS integration, is I can fix this cock up quickly.

Please redownload v3.4.7 and it should now work properly.