Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Tested over the weekend and it worked perfectly. It really was a copy-paste effort for me, since I have the same devices. Keeps the wife happy so it passed the real test!

Thank you Mark, this has fixed it :smiley:

Sandy, yeah sometimes virgin hub reboots and IP addresses get mingled up. Static addresses is the way to go

Cheers Angelo although I think it might actually have been me, I have a Deco M5 mesh and was playing with port forwarding to set up the external domain access to HA. Several tries and running into some issues (I never actually managed it either, I think having a pihole is messing with things) meant I had to reboot the router a few times so I think that caused devices to be assigned new IPā€™s that I hadnā€™t set as static. Thankfully it is trivial to set them as static in the Deco app. At least itā€™s working now though :slight_smile:

Has anyone figured out if by bying the IHD device (Insights+), can we get the electricity and gas real time data in home assistant? (Assuming thereā€™s a working smets2 smart meter and the IHD device gets the data correctly)

I have the IHD and have managed it following the following thread;

Post 101

Hope it helps


Oh, so you have the Geo Trio IHD and youā€™re getting the data via the Geo API? Thats interesting. May I ask, how well does it work? Is the data real time or with a 30 minute or more delay? Is it bundled up in 30-minute segments or is actually fine-grained? E.g. how many readings per minute? Is it the same for electricity and gas? Finally, how do you register to get access to the Geo API?

And final question: Since thereā€™s a WiFi module that can be installed in Geo Trio IHDs, and is used for the Geo app to communicate directly to these meters, does that also mean that a 3rd party integration can communicate directly, without going through the geo cloud servers?

Forgive me but Iā€™ve only mobile phone access at the moment.

I have the IHD supplied by wiser for Ā£14.99. This is a geo unit which has the Wi-Fi module already installed.

I registered the IHD on the geo app and the integration uses the geo servers. The HA setup is then relying on the geo server.

The energy tab in HA updates every hour however the integration gives a few other sensors, but does give instant updates on the electric usage. Gas smart meters only connect to the electric meter every 30 minutes due to them being powered by a battery.

Iā€™ve been running with it for 3 weeks and am happy with it. The insights + isnā€™t that exciting but I only got the IHD after having the same idea of implementing energy data in to HA.

At Ā£14.99 give it a go because you get a no quibble 30 day return anyway with free postage both ways.

One thing to note though is it is virtually impossible to make changes to the sensors used in the energy panel after the initial setup. You canā€™t delete the data so when I changed the gas from m3 to KWH I had all sorts of issues. In the end I had to start from scratch with my gas being called gas3, yes it took three attempts to get it how I wanted it

That is really helpful. Iā€™ve implemented this and stats are starting to be collected. I was using an integration that tried to pull the data directly from Octopus but it really didnā€™t work right. This looks like it may do the trick and I learnt some cool stuff too :slight_smile:

@nofuse - care to share how you converted the gas measurement from m3 to KWH?

Still only got phone access so forgive me for any formatting errors.

I have shared my .yaml.

Notice I have added an extra gas sensor which has the conversion from m3 to KwH (gas4, geo_energy_usage_total1)

Gas3 is still in m3 which is the actual gas meter reading. I show this entity in a lovelace panel. (geo_energy_usage_total)

As I said if you have already setup the utility meter you canā€™t change the settings. That is why I now have mine as electricity3 and gas4

  - platform: rest
    name: geo_accesstoken
    method: POST
    payload: '{ "identity" : "xxxxxxx", "password": "xxxxxx" }'
    resource: https://api.geotogether.com/usersservice/v2/login
    scan_interval: 3000
    value_template: "OK"
      - accessToken

  - platform: command_line
    command: >
      -H "Authorization: Bearer {{ state_attr('sensor.geo_accesstoken', 'accessToken') }}"
      -H "Accept: application/json" 
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    name: geo_energy_usage_live
    scan_interval: 30
    value_template: "OK"
      - power

  - platform: command_line
    command: >
      -H "Authorization: Bearer {{ state_attr('sensor.geo_accesstoken', 'accessToken') }}"
      -H "Accept: application/json" 
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    name: geo_energy_usage_total
    scan_interval: 600
    value_template: "OK"
      - totalConsumptionList
  - platform: command_line
    command: >
      -H "Authorization: Bearer {{ state_attr('sensor.geo_accesstoken', 'accessToken') }}"
      -H "Accept: application/json" 
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    name: geo_energy_usage_total1
    scan_interval: 600
    value_template: "OK"
      - totalConsumptionList

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Total Gas Used'
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.geo_energy_usage_total','totalConsumptionList') | selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | map(attribute='totalConsumption') | first/1000 }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "mĀ³"
          last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
          device_class: gas
          state_class: total_increasing
        friendly_name: 'Total Gas Used kwh'
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.geo_energy_usage_total1','totalConsumptionList') | selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | map(attribute='totalConsumption') | first/1000*1.02264*39.2/3.6 }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
          last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
          device_class: gas
          state_class: total_increasing
        friendly_name: 'Total Electricity Used'
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.geo_energy_usage_total','totalConsumptionList') | selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | map(attribute='totalConsumption') | first }}"
        device_class: energy
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
        friendly_name: 'Live Electric Usage'
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.geo_energy_usage_live','power') | selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | map(attribute='watts') | first }}"
        device_class: energy
        unit_of_measurement: "Wh"
        friendly_name: 'Live Gas Usage'
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.geo_energy_usage_live','power') | selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | map(attribute='watts') | first /1000 }}"
        device_class: gas
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
    source: sensor.geo_electricity_usage_total3
    source: sensor.geo_gas_usage_total4
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Iā€™m quite impressed with the Geo interface. It has predicted usage for gas and electricity, which Insights+ lacks. Ā£14.99 is cheaper than any other solution I have seen for getting utility usage data into HA.

I noticed that Geo had data going back a few weeks earlier than when I ordered Insights+ from Wiser. I suspect that Wiser are getting their data via the same API used to pull the data into HA, and set up Geo for my smart meters already.

Overall, neither are really game changers - smart meters have always been about benefits for the utility company more than consumers. I get my energy from octopus and they already show me my hourly usage. Would love to see some AI analytics that tell me how much my washing machine, computers, fridge and TV cost per day, without having to attach smart plugs to everything.

Does anyone have any ideas for using the energy data from Geo for automating Wiser heating?

What exactly do you mean by this?

The only way what I can imagine for this is when you will hit by the ā€œsurgeā€ pricing. Basically shut down anything what is not essential, but you need plugs for everything than.

For the AI stuff, the connected Samsung appliances have the features of providing electricity consumption data on a daily basis, they do offer some AI stuff as well, but I think it is just the hype.
The fridges provide the data how many times the door was opened in 2-3 hours intervals. You might will find out with that somebody in the family is doing night runs to the fridge to empty itā€¦ :wink:

But on the down side you cannot start a washing, unless you set up everything and you have the washer in Smart Control function.

Here are some pictures from the SmartThings app what the fridge provides, and as I know you can access it through the SmartThings API/Integration in HA:

Unfortunately I cannot show pictures of the washer as that is a piece of sh!t. It continuously disconnects from the cloud and the even worse SmartThings app does not recognises it connected, meanwhile in another place it shows connectedā€¦

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Looking at how many times your fridge door is opened must mean you have teenage kids!? :grin:

Nope, two younglingsā€¦ I think those are weekly sums in those hour ranges.

It seems that HA doesnā€™t like gas readings in kWH. Using device_class: energy instead of gas got rid of the error message.

Iā€™ve now got properly populated energy usage charts in HA! Thanks for putting me on the right track!

@GSzabados you asked what I meant by ā€œDoes anyone have any ideas for automations using this?ā€. Exactly that - now I have got this into HA Iā€™m wondering what I can do with it other than look at the bar charts :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks for your suggestions and thoughts.

Yeah, really the use for these is to identify what consumes a lot and eliminate them or to manage when you consume.

  1. ā€œSurgeā€ pricing, I believe there is similar thing in the US as well, and there is a service which makes people to consume less during those periods and they can earn this way money. Have a look at this:

Basically turn off any of those which is in the following sectionā€¦

  1. You have your own production by photovoltaic, arrange your consumption to be at that time when your production have surplus. Ideas for this:
  • Run the washer or the drier at that time.
  • Do your cooking if you have electric hob and oven.
  • Charge your domestic hot water tank if electric
  • Charge your electric car if you own one

Iā€™ve followed the instructions in githib to install in my HA OS, namely

1. On your server clone the github repository into a suitable directory using the following command git clone https://github.com/asantaga/wiserHomeAssistantPlatform.git

2. Switch to either the master or dev branch as per your requirements. e.g. git checkout master or git checkout dev

3. Create a custom_components directory within your Home Assistant directory config directory

4. Within the custom components directory copy the wiser folder, from the directory where you github cloned the wiser component, to your installations custom components directory.

Iā€™ve rebooted, but cant see any integration listed. other people seemed to have managed it, so where do I look next?

As per the instructions I cloned the package and selected master, I then created /config/custom_components and copied the package there

This is what it looks like

[core-ssh custom_components]$ cd /config/custom_components
[core-ssh custom_components]$ ls -l
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Feb 12 01:25 wiserHomeAssistantPlatform
[core-ssh custom_components]$

Iā€™ve rebooted a couple of times, but still nothing shows up

We do recommend installing via HACS but if you want to clone repo then thats ok.

In the package is a custom_components/wiser directory. This wiser directory is what you should copy under your config/custom_components directory so it should look like:

[core-ssh custom_components]$ cd /config/custom_components
[core-ssh custom_components]$ ls -l
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Feb 12 01:25 wiser
[core-ssh custom_components]$

Hi and thanks for the quick reply.

I had the wiserHomeAssistantPlatform folder under /config/custom_components.
So I tried creating a wiser folder under /config/custom_components and moved the wiserHomeAssistantPlatform into it. I rebooted, but still nothing shows up under integrations.

Iā€™m using HA OS on a raspberry pi 4 version is 2021.12.7 (OS is 7.0). I know its not the very latest, but the minumum requirements for the wiser integration says at least 2021.12.

The docs say that zeroconf should auto discover the hub, but Iā€™m not seeing it, nor am I seeing the wiser integration whowing up in the list of integrations on the info tab.

I can re-try cloning the package, but Iā€™ve already done that twice, so I want to make sure that Iā€™m following the correct instructions before I give it another go.

This is the command history of the steps Iā€™ve taken so far

cd /config
mkdir wiser
cd /config/wiser
git clone https://github.com/asantaga/wiserHomeAssistantPlatform.git
cd /config
mkdir custom_components
cd custom_components
cp -r /config/wiser/wiserHomeAssistantPlatform .

Then I rebooted

After seeing your answer I triedā€¦
cd /config/custom_components
mkdir wiser
mv wiserHomeAssistantPlatform wiser

Then a couple more reboots, but still nothing.

Is there anything else to try (I did start tto try HACS, but I lost patience with github demanding a strong password for my account).