DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

This is a bug caused by the latest HA version.

Thx for the Info !


After a lot of work I just released a beta version of 3.5 to fix all the current issues on my Discord Server. Let some people try it for some days and if it works for everyone I can release it official :slight_smile:

17 days since my last visit and as I have learned a lot this 17 days, I must admit this dashboard is awesome. Have a question though, is it possible to switch the outdoor temp coming from the weather forecast with an actual temp sensor? I havent figured that out yet.

Hi, I keep getting the “dwains dashboard custom element doesn’t exist dwains-dashboard-layout” error. It happens only in the mobile app when I connect to HA remote https url with a cloudflare tunnel. But if I change the HA url in the companion app settings to a non secured http (ie. changing the HA url from “https://myhaurl.com” to “http://myhaurl.com”) then it is ok.
This happens only with app, connecting to the https url by PC is ok.
I already cleared the app cache and also purged cloudflare cache.
So to summarize:

  • with PC browser or mobile app connected to HA local IP → DD is ok
  • with PC browser connected to HA external https url → DD is ok
  • with app connected to HA external http url ->DD is ok
  • with app connected to HA external HTTPS url → i get the error.

Any idea? thanks

Hi guys! I’ve been using Dwains for the past two years, but the areas are getting messy as I grow my smart home.

Is it possible to create group of devices inside an area? Like entities that have a relation, for example, pool entities on garden, curtains in living room.

Any advices?

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@prenazol I run into the same issue everytime HA is upgraded. Only a logout and login from the server helps (or wipeing the complete app memory). In both cases you loose the mobil app settinge. :frowning:

I’ve just started playing with this and have hit a problem. Apologies if this has been covered before.

I have a number of entities that have been created using yaml (e.g. a number of ping services). They cannot be edited through the GUI because they don’t have an entity_id. As a consequence I can find no way to assign them to an area.

As far as I know, you cannot.

Aah, that’s a shame as it rules out using this dashboard. Pity as it’s really nice.

I’ll go back to ui-minimalist and see if I can replicate those lovely entity cards that incorporate the entity history graph.

You can add a unique id to it in YAML and then add t hem in a area its possible.

Hello all,

Can someone tell me if there is a way to fix the below with Dwains dashboard. For someone reason, the door is showing as “off” rather than closed. And when I click into it, it shows “closed” in the standard lovelace window.

2 screenshots provided below.

Thank you all!

Another question I have is:

Is there anyway to change the order of the page navigation icons at the top of the dashboard?

An additional issue I have found is that I have created a 10th new page in my dwains dashboard however when I click it on the more pages page, it takes me to the home page rather than the page I had just created. The url changes properly at the top of the browser but the correct page does not show up on the screen. I noticed that upon completion of the 10 new page, an icon for that page did not show up at the top of the screen. Is there a limit of new pages on dwains dashboard or something that could be causing this. Screenshots included below. Second screenshot shows url but it just navigated me back to the homepage.

It appears that you can’t for the ping platform: With the following:

   - platform: ping
     name: rut-951-ping
     entity_id: sensor.rut-951-ping

I get:

Invalid config for [binary_sensor.ping]: [entity_id] is an invalid option for [binary_sensor.ping]. Check: binary_sensor.ping->entity_id. (See ?, line ?).

Without the entity_id line it works fine.

Any update on when this is being released?

Hello! I am wondering when trying to add a blueprint I get the next

and see this logs

any updates on the new release ? we really appreciate your work!

Hello! Please tell me if it is possible to swap the card somehow? Vertical Stack Card does not work.

Dwain, Great work on the Dashboard!! Im running the latest version, as well as Mushroom.
When I select a pop-up card for a light entity and select a Mushroom card, the dashboard is using a default Lovelace card.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Mushroom and still have the issue.
Do you know if this is an issue with the dashboard or is it a Mushroom issue?

Thank you in advance!