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but I’m a bit confused and was wondering if I can access the configuration.yaml here, so I can change the commands (in configuration.yaml), restart HA and will be able to access the UI again. I do not have samba nor the ssh add-on installed
Sorry for making a big fuss about this but I really just want to be able to access the UI again. Thanks a lot! And any help would be appreciated.
Thank you for the reply, I did not install samba before I messed up the configuration.yaml and unable to access the UI, so I’m not sure how I can still install/use samba.
Where can I possibly learn the commands/ how can I install samba ( have no experience with this) Thanks a lot!
Hi, thanks for the reply! I tried that and it wasn’t working. I’ve decided to start over since I was already planning to upgrade to a bigger SD card. The first thing I’m going to do this time is installing samba and the ssh add-on. Thanks!
I just wanted to put this here for those that run into the same problem. I mistakenly had a tab in my configuration.yaml and restarted without checking first. I also didn’t have access to SSH (I tried installing from CLI, but couldn’t get the configuration edited correctly).
So, here’s what I did:
login to get out of hassio cli and into bash
docker ps to get a list of containers
note the first 3 characters or so of the container for homeassistant - for me it was 51a
docker exec -it 51a /bin/bash
ls to make sure configuration.yaml is there
vi configuration.yaml to edit the file
edit your mistake
esc + :wq to save and exit
exit then login to get back to hassio CLI
homeassistant check to make sure the conf is right this time
My home assistant just died after a windows update (I run HASSIO via virtualbox). Somehow the configuration.yaml file was completely corrupted and so wouldn’t boot. This allowed me to delete the yaml file and replace it with a backup i keep.
Thank you for this. You are a life saver. I had a very worrisome couple of hours before I found this post and now I have my front-end back again! Definitely bookmarking this one.