Edit entities within a group helper in UI

I didn’t know this either - was very lost on to how to see members or make changes.

@petro Is it my old eyes going blind, I don’t see that?

This is a light group helper.

Ahh, it’s because in danish it’s even worse translated, it’s gruppe valg, which means group choice.
Geez, that is bad design…

+1. Groups need to be able to be edited in the UI, not the yaml. This is very confusing, esp for new users.

Is there a FR already opened on this?

This is now entitled Group Options:


That’s a button?! I have overlooked that so many times trying to edit groups.



+1 I never saw a note about this in release notes. When did this get implemented?

No option in the latest version

You mean in 2022.9.1? Please file a bug!

I created a feature request to rename Group Options to Edit Group Options…
See: Group Helper improvement to edit the groups options/entities

For me it was also not clear how to view/edit the groups entities. Simply changing the name might already help a lot i think. If you think that is helpful (or have additional thoughts/suggestions) please vote for the feature request.


I’ve just Googled my way to this page because I too couldn’t figure out how to edit a Group. The wording and location of the “button” make it look like a subheading, not a button.

The crude fix would be to change the word to “EDIT GROUP OPTIONS”, but even then I don’t think it’s obvious. Better option would be to inline the options into the main window and get rid of the button altogether.

PS: I’ve voted for the feature request, although I’d call it a usability bug.


Was this ever resolved? I cannot find the solution…

I didn’t find it either. Only by googeling I came here and found the solution. Once you know it its obvious but for some reason its hard to find initially.

Lol, so many times before, I deleted existing group, then made it again including new members. This morning I told to my self: “Wait, there have to be some smart way…” then I landed here. Joining the club :rofl: Please don’t change it, I will end by deleting/creating groups again :rofl:

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We all did. We all

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(1) Any text for a button should start with a verb.
(2) The color of the text being the same as the tab headings obfuscates the functionality,
(3) Especially as the button has no outline (at least in DARK theme),
(4) Except for the highlight when hovering, which is poor discoverability.

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Yeah, go figure that GROUP OPTIONS is not just a header, but actually clickable… :frowning: Kudos to the OP for starting this thread.


Do we need to make this a feature request?

… for what?

Just to make it more obvious that it is a button that can be clicked on. May be that isn’t a feature, but whatever it is called it would be nice to make the change.