I did a little try and error and it’s still a little bit strange… Until now I’m not able to identify the device itself but If I add an role shutter they will be found (so final I am able to use the role shutters)…
Thanks so far
I did a little try and error and it’s still a little bit strange… Until now I’m not able to identify the device itself but If I add an role shutter they will be found (so final I am able to use the role shutters)…
Thanks so far
I was not looking for the device itself. In the device list you only see the hacs integration.
Also I added my roller shutters. But it is working!
Good luck further on!
Does anyone know If this this stick is also supported?
Was it possible to find out from the documentation whether the devices use the Easywave protocol?
I think the transmitters shown above are quite expensive.
This seems to be a rebranded Eldat RX09 transceiver. The Elero blinds use a completely different protocol, that’s unrelated. The stick shown here lets the Elero Centero (which is a rebranded Mediola Gateway) control Easywave devices.
The stick itself is supported by an add-on: New add-on to add support for Easywave devices
Just a short fyi: I’ve started an ESPHome project to control Elero blinds as a cheaper (and available) alternative to the USB transmitter. All you need is an ESP32 (ESP8266 untested) with a CC1101 module. You can find my code at GitHub - andyboeh/esphome-elero
My code is heavily based on the two projects already linked:
The protocol I sniffed from my remote (TempoTel 2) is slighty different than the one in the mentioned projects, so about every aspect of the protocol is configurable.
Hi, I am new to Elero devices. I just discovered that my blinds where using the Elero protocol, but I don’t know more. I made a post about them here : Elero L1 blinds : How can I control them from HA? . As of today, what would be the best way to control them from HA ? What device would I need to buy ? I would like, if possible, to avoid any soldering but if there is no other option I could consider it. Is there an USB transmitter that could work with Elero ?
Thanks in advance for any answer and have a good day
I ordered this hardware as described in this link. But how are the two components to be connected?
However you like - a suggestion is provided in the example config file:
and of course VCC and GND.
Then you will have to use different pins, as long as they support the required operation (i.e. Input or Input/Output) nearly all will work.
I have the same board, I send you my pinout when I get home.
As promised, this is my WT32-ETH01 configuration. As you can see, I use the pins:
And the complete config:
name: elero-lan
platform: ESP32
board: esp-wrover-kit
type: LAN8720
mdc_pin: GPIO23
mdio_pin: GPIO18
clk_mode: GPIO0_IN
phy_addr: 1
power_pin: GPIO16
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
reboot_timeout: 0s
local: True
- source: github://andyboeh/esphome-elero
clk_pin: GPIO33
mosi_pin: GPIO14
miso_pin: GPIO39
cs_pin: GPIO12
gdo0_pin: GPIO32
- platform: homeassistant
id: homeassistant_time
- platform: elero
blind_address: 0xaabbcc
channel: 2
remote_address: 0xddeeff
name: Living Room
poll_interval: "30min"
device_class: "shutter"
@andyboeh - thanks for your great work. I have a question regarding your esphome-elero project. I have a Weinor awning with a 868,3 MHz remote control.
Do you think it would be possible to control it via a WT32-ETH01 + 868MHz CC1101 module? I wonder how I would be able to get the needed values?
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for any answer.
I do not know anything about Weinor products.
my hardware and ESP file is now running…but I don’t understand how I am getting the blind address and other values… I saw your description at github, but can you please explain step 1 in detail with the TempoTel2?
There is nothing to detail. Use the TempoTel2 to select any blind and keep an eye on the log file (you can also move a blind, it really doesn’t matter). If nothing appears, something is wrong.
In the yaml file I added this line:
# Enable logging
Then I startet to move a blind via TempoTel2 and afterthat I downloaded the logfile.
but there is only:
[15:40:38][V][mdns:119]: - _esphomelib, _tcp, 6053
[15:40:38][V][mdns:121]: TXT: friendly_name = ESPHome Web c830e8
[15:40:38][V][mdns:121]: TXT: version = 2024.5.0
[15:40:38][V][mdns:121]: TXT: api_encryption = Noise_NNpsk0_25519_ChaChaPoly_SHA256
[15:40:38][V][mdns:121]: TXT: project_name = esphome.web
[15:40:38][V][mdns:121]: TXT: project_version = 1.0
[15:40:38][V][mdns:121]: TXT: package_import_url = github://esphome/example-configs/esphome-web/esp32.yaml@main?full_config
[15:40:38][V][mdns:119]: - _http, _tcp, 80
[15:40:38][C][ota:096]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[15:40:38][C][ota:097]: Address: esphome-web-c830e8.local:3232
[15:40:38][C][ota:100]: Using Password.
[15:40:38][C][ota:103]: OTA version: 2.
[15:40:38][C][api:139]: API Server:
[15:40:38][C][api:140]: Address: esphome-web-c830e8.local:6053
[15:40:38][C][api:142]: Using noise encryption: YES
[15:40:44][VV][scheduler:226]: Running interval '' with interval=10000 last_execution=169635 (now=179636)
[15:40:54][VV][scheduler:226]: Running interval '' with interval=10000 last_execution=179635 (now=189635)
[15:41:04][VV][scheduler:226]: Running interval '' with interval=10000 last_execution=189635 (now=199636)
[15:41:14][VV][scheduler:226]: Running interval '' with interval=10000 last_execution=199635 (now=209636)
[15:41:15][VV][api.service:654]: on_ping_request: PingRequest {}
[15:41:15][VV][api.service:043]: send_ping_response: PingResponse {}
[15:41:24][VV][scheduler:226]: Running interval '' with interval=10000 last_execution=209635 (now=219638)
[15:41:34][VV][scheduler:226]: Running interval '' with interval=10000 last_execution=219635 (now=229636)
[15:41:35][VV][scheduler:226]: Running interval '' with interval=60000 last_execution=170904 (now=230909)
[15:41:37][VV][api.connection:132]: Sending keepalive PING...
[15:41:37][VV][api.service:037]: send_ping_request: PingRequest {}
[15:41:38][VV][api.service:663]: on_ping_response: PingResponse {}
[15:41:44][VV][scheduler:226]: Running interval '' with interval=10000 last_execution=229635 (now=239636)
Please post your complete YAML file and do not touch the log level - the default of DEBUG is fine, VERY_VERBOSE is way too much.
And what do you mean by “you downloaded the log file”? You need live access to the log, either via serial console or one of the web management solutions, but you need to check immediately what a button press triggered.
In the install window of the yaml file (ESPHome Addon in Home Assistant), I understand this is a live view of dthe log (and there is the button download logs) > is this the wrong access? (alternative: ESPHome > Logs)
complete yaml
name: esphome-web-c830e8
friendly_name: ESPHome Web c830e8
name: ${name}
friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
name_add_mac_suffix: false
name: esphome.web
version: '1.0'
#board: esp32dev
board: 'wt32-eth01'
# Enable logging
level: DEBUG
# Enable Home Assistant API
key: "xycxxxxxxxxxxx"
# Allow Over-The-Air updates
password: "xyyyyyyyyy"
# Allow provisioning Wi-Fi via serial
# Set up a wifi access point
#ap: {}
ssid: "myssid"
password: "xyyyyyyy"
# In combination with the `ap` this allows the user
# to provision wifi credentials to the device via WiFi AP.
- source: github://andyboeh/esphome-elero
clk_pin: GPIO33
mosi_pin: GPIO14
miso_pin: GPIO39
cs_pin: GPIO12
gdo0_pin: GPIO32
- platform: homeassistant
id: homeassistant_time
- platform: elero
blind_address: 0xa831e5
channel: 4
remote_address: 0xf0d008
name: Schlafzimmer
or is a view to the log via wireless not possible?
That looks about right.