Emporia Vue

I am not smart enough to do this :slight_smile:
I would like to be able to create a sensor for the other cost valuse that are not generated from the energy tab. As in if I select 1D to use for consumption HA creates a cost for this. I would like to see Min and Mon also.

Apparently it is done with templates. sensor_1Min * “cost per kWH”

Anyone figured this out yet?

This seems to work

      - name: Minute Power Cost
        state_class: measurement
        unit_of_measurement: USD
        device_class: power
        icon: mdi:transmission-tower
        state: >
          {% set production = states('sensor.power_shop_123_1min') | float %}
          {{ (production * 0.00009) }}  
      - name: Month_Power
        state_class: measurement
        unit_of_measurement: USD
        device_class: power
        icon: mdi:transmission-tower
        state: >
          {% set production = states('sensor.power_shop_123_1mon') | float %}
          {{ (production * 0.09) }}      

Great work @magico13 - how do I shout a coffee (or 5)?

@PapaLanc - would you be willing to share the yaml for your dashboard? I’m interested in the power vs energy balance. I’ve just had my vue installed yesterday, got the integration up and running, now looking to make it useful.

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The balance is automagic if you configure a sensor under the main

I just installed the Emporia with 16 50a clamps and the two main clamps. Everything is working in the app and I’ve got it setup in Home assistant but I’m only seeing 3 devices; minute, day, and month. I’ve restarted HA after installing the integration. Is there something else I need to do to see the individual sensors? Thanks

I have had this integration installed for less then 24hours and got email from Emporia:

Our logs show that your Emporia account is making invalid calls to our cloud. As our app continues to improve, some previously valid calls have been deprecated.

If you don’t access our cloud programmatically, you may be running an old version of our app. Please update to the latest version.

As a reminded, programmatic access is unsupported. If you do call our APIs directly, please:
Limit calls to no more than 2 a minute to keep the cost impact down.
Check your logs for errors.

I asked them if something had changed in the backend and said it had (but did not provide details). I am curious if anyone else has had this. I did disable the integration in HomeAssistant as it was causing an error now.

Any insight/feedback is welcome.

Has anyone else got this email? I would hate to have to remove this from home assistant


That’s a red flag, they are already struggling with cloud API traffic…

This HW looks great. Has anyone seen a hint of anyone reflashing these to get them off the cloud or at least be able to pick which way you want to access your own data ?

I’d be happy to assist with somebody already has started a project to do so, I don’t have the time to go it alone, I have equipment to check and tune the CT calibration.

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Yes, I have seen this in a couple of places. Looks like it might be possible with more people working on it

This is great work! Very encouraging!
My vue works great but reliance on the cloud for the data via the vue addon is good but not very robust and drops a lot.

Just today I flashed my Emporia Vue Gen 2 with ESPHome, and it is now officially off the cloud!

Here is the site: https://gist.github.com/flaviut/93a1212c7b165c7674693a45ad52c512


Great work. I also flashed my Vue2 today. So far so good. I still
have it on the bench running with only a CT on A using single phase 120. Seeing WiFi error in log and readings that go from plus watts to negative. Also seeing reading from all 16 power cirs that are not connected.
Any thoughts?
I currently have a Vue1 installed running locally using MQTT but version 1 is prone to erroneously reporting errors so I hope to upgrade once I get these issues sorted.
I look forward to hearing from you and contributing to this project.


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It appears that 2021.12.10 breaks the Vue. I restored 2021.12.9 and it came back to normal.

Hi everyone,
looking for some help for couple of questions.
I installed 2022.3.0b2 and I no longer can control emporia vue plugs. they still show as power sensors though. when I went to github, it talks only about sensors. did the integration dropped support for switches? is a compatibility issue with 2022.3.x?
the second question can V1 be flashed? or it is totally different beast?
can the plugs be flashed?

there is an upgrade in hacs

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@canuck.ray , after flashing, is everything still working as before, no errors or incorrect readings?

I just upgraded my HA to the latest as of 4/23/22 just to add the vue integration, it installed fine but I get no devices, on the integration screen it just shows my customer number and nothing else. There are no options for me to tweak that are helpful. Any help would be appreciated. J

Integration using ESPHome to offload all the data locally

and another one not using ESPhome

I only thought that my system was upgraded for some reason the core did not update fully, after I got that done it started working.

How are people configuring this using the energy dashboard? I previously had mine configured to only use the “MainsFromGrid” sensor, but have now added each channel as per the below. Is this what people are doing?

I’d be interested to hear from others, even moreso @magico13’s usage.

I have another batch of channels I’m hoping to configure, but need a larger switchbox to do so…