Ener-j Smart WiFi Weatherproof Double Socket

Does anybody here have one of these?



Interested in thoughts for integrating into either HA or Node-RED (without using IFTTT).

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Looks to me like one of theses, which I have and converted with TuyaConvert and I have it running esphome no problem:


This socket has a replaceable socket so you could fit it in there, a bit less costly:

Thanks for the info, am I correct in thinking that Tuya is cloud interface so your device has a dependency on the cloud or ISP connection to operate? If that is the case, then I was trying to avoid reliance on cloud, preference is for local API.

Also, did you lose any functionality from the device within the native app?

Yes tuya is cloud based and how the sockets are when purchased. Flashing it with esphome (or tasmota) allows it to be controlled locally. Retained all functionality after flashing, ie buttons, relays and even leds. The usb works as well.

Native app, smartlife is cloud based. Same as the socket you found I expect.

Thanks, this looks like a good solution to me. Not yet jumped into the world of esphome, but feel it is now coming!

Are you able to share links to any instructions guide you used, or your steps to successfully flashing this device? also I would be very interested to see how you have presented your dashboard for the device. I plan to use the outdoor sockets to power outdoor feature spot lighting and a patio water feature.

Have a search for tuya convert, there’s a GitHub page with easy to follow instructions. Used that to get tasmota flashed and then uploaded my esphome firmware to it. It shows up in HA as 2 relays, 2 binary sensors and a light. I’ll post my esphome config tomorrow.
Esphome is dead easy just add the add-on in HA

This is my esphome config, showing what GPIO pins to use:

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO09
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
    name: "Left Socket Button"
      - switch.toggle: left_relay

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO00
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
    name: "Right Socket Button"
      - switch.toggle: right_relay

  - platform: gpio
    id: left_relay   
      number: GPIO05
    name: "Left Socket"
    icon: mdi:power-socket-uk

  - platform: gpio
    id: right_relay   
      number: GPIO12
    name: "Right Socket"
    icon: mdi:power-socket-uk
  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: op_green_led
      number: GPIO13
      inverted: True

  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "Socket LED"
    output: op_green_led
    id: green_led
      - strobe:
          name: Flash
      - strobe:
          name: Slow Flash
            - state: True
              duration: 1000ms
            - state: False
              duration: 1000ms
      - strobe:
          name: Fast Flash
            - state: True
              duration: 250ms
            - state: False
              duration: 250ms
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Thanks for your help on this, for £18 I think I should now have enough info to set this up.

Ive just done this with one of these indoor sockets too from ebay:

Works like a charm!

Great to hear there are a few who have this working with HA, mine is being delivered this afternoon, so I have a new little project for this weekend.

Which device type should I select within ESPhome for this socket? Is this generic ESP8266?

Thanks in advance.

Yes use that one, just tested it , this works for me, so yes use that one and edit it later if it doesn’t look like this:

  name: socket
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m

Thanks for the continued help, compiling succeeds but download of the file fails?

Try refreshing browser before compiling, kind of remember something about that

That worked, ta.

Firmware is in and device showing up as online in esphome, but how are the entities added?

Do I need to append your config you posted a few days back and edit this within esphome ( garden_socket.yaml) then upload to the device?

Would I append the additional config after the ota line in the existing config and then upload this?


I just went for it and the entities are now there, this was my first device with esphome thanks for your help.


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Glad it worked, let me know how the install into the weatherproof housing goes.

I disassembled my existing 2 gang weatherproof enclosure and removed the socket face plate, the new Ener-J socket height is about 5mm to large to fit between the fixing points. So need to start looking for a suitable new 2 gang enclosure which shall accept this new socket.
