Energy: Cost for the individual devices

Getting to see how well I optimised energy consumption on price through the dashboard would be quite awesome!

Would like to have this as well.

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@Bram_Kragten :point_up_2: this would be really nice and not too hard I guess? +1 for this feature

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I would like to see the used energy from PV and Grid for the individual devices. As yellow for PV and blue for grid.
Also it would be nice, if one could select for each device, if it tracks the current percentage 50% PV, 50% Grid or if it is on top of the load meaning it shall only consume PV and all consumed from grid is counted as for this device. Some devices (like pool pump, Wallbox) work on top of other consumption and shall be 100% PV. This way one could track, if this works.

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Would love a feature keeping track on cost of individual components when having hourly price plan!

+1 would be great!

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+1 on this too

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is there any road map for this?
now i calculate it by hand.


Plus one from me as well please


Yes! This is so much needed!


A workaround is to add each appliance energy sensor to the gas consumption section of the energy dashboard.

Thanks @lundmilo

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Great Idea!

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In my humble opinion: It’s not a great idea, as long as there isn’t an automatic “other appliances” entity that collects all other consumption (compared to the mains measurements) so one would still get the over-all consumption.

A better way, as individual appliance costs are a very complex task actually, would be to have a very sleek and easy “helper” (No, Riemann - Sum Integral - is not easy) to input the appliance consumption (Watt / kWh) and the cost entity to automatically calculate the costs in relation to the current price on the grid.

You see, when you start having your own energy production (solar) or very complex pricing structures of cost in relation to the peak loads for your meter, the prices per appliance is very very complex, especially since it should also cover for usecases world wide…

So suggestion:
Make a new and purpose-built helper to calculate the cost for an individual device based on the price we give the helper [in my case hourly grid price]. This will make it possible for us to make automation and generate statistics and cover most users’ setups.

Whether this is integrated into the energy dashboard or not, that’s then a later question.


That’s exactly what I did using the gas consumption dialogue.

I entered two sensors the energy consumption of the appliance (kW) and the cost of consumption ($/ kW) and the energy dashboard calculates daily/ weekly/ monthly/ yearly energy consumption and cost values.

How do you add KWh sensors to the Gass consumption? Care to share?

Like this:

And result:



I got the daily energy sensor for my Fridge (it has a smart plug that reports energy to Home Assistant.


and my consumption cost from my energy provider as it varies during the day (or you can use a fixed cost).


and then in the energy dashboard setting I added the appliance as a new ‘gas source’

But to the `gas sources I am only able to add Cubic Meter sensor and not Kwh?
What does the actual sensor look like?

If you have a look at the above ‘configure gas consumption’ dialogues above you will see it accepts Wh, kWh or MWh, but yours doesn’t.

Do you already have a gas source configured for m3, if so maybe delete from gas sources and see if you can add other units sensors.

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Excellent! that was it. I removed it and now are able to add these sensors. Cool! Thank you!

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Hi! You can add any energy sensor there. If your energy sensor in available there to add, probably there is state_class: total_increasing missing on the entity.

Add this to customize.yaml:

  state_class: total_increasing
  friendly_name: FRIENDLY NAME
  device_class: energy