Energy Management in Home Assistant

But they I would have the same issue in reverse? In my mind I need to use the raw data from the clamp to have import as one sensor and export as another. Maybe I’m misunderstanding something here but the energy setup wants a sensor for each.

did you find a solution, same issue overhere

still nothing in the graphs, after many hours.
Could I check some entries in the configuration.yaml?

Where in Australia do that do this? Most smart meters I have seen areare using cellular (3/4/5G) radios in Australia. Would be curious to get some more details on what unit you have

Have you tried to type over the EUR, that worked for me ?

I’ve managed to add total consumption / return / solar template sensors (using this as my starting point and this to set last reset time, thanks for sharing your config).

      last_reset: "2021-08-05T08:05:00+00:00"
      state_class: measurement

  # Home Energy sensors for HAEnergy
  - sensor:
      - name: HAEnergy Consumption
        state: "{{ states('sensor.emoncms2_import_all_time') | float | round(2) }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
        state_class: measurement
        device_class: energy
      - name: HAEnergy Return to Grid
        state: "{{ states('sensor.emoncms2_export_all_time') | float | round(2) }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
        state_class: measurement
        device_class: energy
      - name: HAEnergy Solar Production
        state: "{{ states('sensor.emoncms2_solar_all_time') | float | round(2) }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
        state_class: measurement
        device_class: energy

Are they acceptable to use? In HA, they are new sensors and but doesn’t start from 0. I’ve set their last_reset to when I set it up in HA. But they start from non-zero. I can reset it in emonCMS if it helps, it is arbitrary number from when emonCMS was setup.

It’s been a few hours and the dashboard is still completely empty. Hence the question above.

Is there any way to debug why it remains completely empty?

EDIT: upon checking again, it has sprang to life :smiley: It’s beautiful!


On the tarif-aspects, too bad here in Flanders/Belgium we will be using a new method as of 2022 called “Capaciteitstarief” (capacity-tarif) based on “Kwartierpiek” meting (quart-hour peak measurement) so not a “fixed” X cents / kWh anymore.

Not so easy to incorporate in the calculation model I think.

No, continues empty…

I use the CircuitSetup 6 Channel board, esphome and cts to currently monitor my energy (see setup video from Travis ( How do I add this to the new built in energy monitoring?

while testing, i added 2 of those, how to remove it? :slight_smile:

Really cool new addition. Solaredge works, although adding it was a little confusing since the solaredge lifetime energy is measured in Wh. The dropdown menu says it expects kWh. But it seems the conversion works.

Too bad though that I can’t add any of my smart plugs to the detailed section for individual devices. I have a bunch of Fibaro zwave wall plugs and tasmota flashed gosund plugs, but they do not show up.

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You can remove them from the Integrations panel in Configuration
image| 592x408


hi I have the same problem, any idea when the official growatt integration will be updated to support this?

i have 3 sonoff switch and energy meter… only 2 were grabbed by this tool, one is missing… but I can see on my dashboard…

energy: in my configuration.yaml did the trick

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I wish there were easier ways of not loading things in the default_config: because of what you just encountered. I can’t currently make use of energy: and would like to hide it, but I’m concerned if something new gets added to the default_config: that I would like to use I’ll miss it if I remove default_config: and have everything individually listed.


This is a great initiative :clap:!

It’s as if you where reading our minds. Just two weeks ago I started a project to read my smart energy meter using ESPHome in my house. It’s almost finished and the new views and database capabilites will come very handy.

A small solar installation will be next.

Knx sensors have a device_class set if you configured the appropriate type:.
You can add the missing state_class and last_reset attributes with customize for now.


@frenck This is super AWESOME! THANK YOU!

Is it possible to use the YOULESS integration here?

I have a youless LS120 on my energy meter and i have the integration already in Home Assistant since several years. And it would be super awesome to have this data in the Energy service.



Use this for your smart plugs:

Check part “Energy” at the end of the doc.