Error returned from Supervisor: System is not ready with state: setup

Hi. Today I installed last updates as always when new version comes. My device is Rpi4.
After restart I got same problem as discussed above. “Banner”, “Supervisor restore” not helps.
I found old SD card worked for me many years before. I left it before a half of year and made a copy on better card, which is installed now and do not started.
After I try to start HA with an old working SD, I got same error.

I think, problem is not in updates or card or software, but in Hardware.
Trying to find why…

My home assistant is installed on VMM Synology.

* Core: 2023.11.3
* Supervisor: 2023.11.6
* Operating System: 11.1
* User interface: 20231030.2

I was getting the error Error returned from Supervisor: System is not ready with state: setup on every reboot, which I apparently resolved by deleting:


and reboot.
Hope this helps.
Have a nice day.

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This has always appeared to be a poorly set timeout of some sort. I would guess that deleting the database just makes startup happen slightly quicker thus avoiding the issue. If I’m right the issue will reappear once your history grows sufficiently again.

You’re right :unamused: the error has returned.

Apologies for somewhat of a dumb question, but how does one delete these files?

Those files are in the config-folder of HA…

BUT!! Deleting these files will also make you loose all your history.

I just upgraded hardware and my allocated cores were not paired by default. So my VMs were painfully slow. I got this error message. It took about 5 minutes to boot. And when I typed banner all was fine.

Then I paired the cores and restarted and it loaded within about 30 seconds and no error message. This clearly points to a timeout issue as indicated above.

Thanks to the posters for sharing this as it helped me diagnose the issue very quickly.


In my case, every night at 3:00 something happens that prevents me from connecting to the Home Assistant, the error shown being the one mentioned above: Error returned from Supervisor: system is not ready with state: setup

For it to work I have to turn off and start home assistant and everything works again until the next night.

In my case I have it installed on a QNAP with virtualization station, updated to the latest version

Same problem, started last night apparently. Running a vm on a synology. Was running fine so far.

hmm, that didn’t quite work for me!

this very same error happened to me today.

after disconnecting raspi3 from power (that runs adguard) - my home assistant went mad - it absolutely broke completely :frowning:

whenever I start it up - it will load for ever.

in cli I get this:


GUI keeps connection lost - reconnecting.

managed to finally run it in safe mode.

pinging HA gives flaky results:


I run ma HA within proxmox 7 - this was never an issue up until today…

things like banner, supervisor repair, restart - didn’t help.

could anyone direct me what should I do?

I do have backup but I am worried it will not work :confused: (it is full backup indeed).

I am getting the System is not ready with state: setup, after a clean restart.
This started to happen after I changed my router, The IP Address for HA hadn’t changed, but I had a lot of trouble connecting, I ended up restoring from an older backup, thinking that would fix the issue, but it appears to be an underlying network issue.
I have updated the the IP Address to a different static IP, made the appropriate changes in HA gui, and I can run the front end with out (much) issue, but everytime I reboot, its back to this error,
Has Anyone else fixed this? or are people using a work around?

This just happened to me on 11.5

Typing banner worked.

But it is in no way an acceptable solution, that HA won’t restart properly and requires connecting a keyboard and typing “banner” to get it back up again whenever it for some reasons restarts. What if there’s a short power outage when I am out traveling.

This thread is more than 2 years old, so it’s not like it’s a new issue. Or did it re-appear?

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same problem for me too, second time this and last week, no update or known restart, im on VMM on Synology DS 1821+.
typing “banner” also works for me first try .
Isn’t it possible to add banner into restart if this happend more often, or is it just possible to type it manually?

Hot the same error on Synology NAS, ‘banner’ and system reboots does not help. Any idea what is causing this issue?

PS: It seems problem is related to the disk subsystem performance (HDD). During my tests, I was unable to properly start HA with defragmentation process running. When I have stopped defragmentation (and other disk activity) I was able to start HA with ‘banner’ command.

This is definitely something developers can fix, should be sort of timeout issue.

I have the same issue with my HA VM running on Synology VMM but I’m quite hopeful I fixed it for my installation.

The HA VM is running on a RAID-1 volume based on HDD storage. When the VM is stored on SSD storage on the Synology NAS, things work just fine. Did move the VM back to HDD volume storage and on each reboot got back the issue.

Not sure why this behaviour occurs, but running on SSD definitely fixes this issue for me.

Hi, I see many solved it with banner entered into the CLI. sadly it isn’t working for me
Running Rpi5 and have HAOS installed on a 64GB sandisk SD card.
I’ve tried a fresh install, banner, supervisor repair etc but no success.

Any help would greatly be appreciated!

Seeing the same on a Synology VM. Is there really no solution?

I have the exact same error on a synology VM.
banner solved nothing

This came up again. Banner solves it, but needs to be entered every time.
HA updates don’t really seem like they are being tested. I will probably have to create a new image and revert from backup again. It would be nice if there was a more stable branch.