ESP Somfy RTS Integration

Your logs from HA are indicating that the module is going offline and cannot reconnect. The next version of the plugin will only report this once for the disconnect and on not for each attempt at reconnecting.

Certainly a low power condition can make an ESP32 do really weird things. Has the device been updated to the current released version v2.4.1 not any of the pre-releases?

Open an issue on github and give me a little bit of info regarding your setup.

  1. Which board do you have?
  2. Is MQTT and/or Discovery enabled?
  3. Is UPnP broadcast enabled?
  4. How many shades/groups are set up?

If you provide a backup I can stand up a device and watch it. There is currently another user with wifi dropouts but he is having wild swings on the link quality which indicates the module may be defective.

Could the kind folks here help out a complete noob venturing into home automation?
I have 4 somfy rts devices that I would like to control through HA.

I bought a rfxusb-rfx433 and followed instructions from below link and added HACS integration.
The next step is where I am lost. I can see the ESPSomfy-RTS-HA under devices however, how do I configure my somfy device? I have put it in program mode and still nothing picked up by HA.

Any help is appreciated.

GitHub - rstrouse/ESPSomfy-RTS-HA: Control your somfy shades in Home Assistant

Control your somfy shades in Home Assistant. Contribute to rstrouse/ESPSomfy-RTS-HA development by creating an account on GitHub.

The referenced rfxusb-rfx433 device is not needed or desired for the integration. Please see the following github for the hardware related to the above plugin.

Thanks for the reply. I have no knowledge or know how on the HW guide listed on github. I bought this HW based on the post below. Will it work?

The RFXtrx is a completely different animal and will not work with the integration listed above. There have been a lot of users that saved themselves $100 and simply set up an ESP32 just like the guide shows. No special skills are required and the functionality is far greater without creating a bunch of yaml code.

Anyone knows if there is a ready made harware boartd with ESP32 and CC1101 ?
Iā€™m now running the ESPhome verions with dupont cables and would like to migrate to this solution.

Hello all,

Iā€™m trying to setup my ESP32 with the transceiver, but I canā€™t get past the ā€œradio not initializedā€ phase.

I have a Olimex ESP21-POE-ISO board. In the web interface I have setup this:
Capture dā€™eĢcran 2024-04-07 aĢ€ 23.32.42

This is because I want to use the pins on the UEXT, and according to the manual they are setup like this:


As far as I understand I should have the following pinout:
01 +3.3V
02 GND
06 CSN
07 TX
08 RX

Now I connect these to their matching pins on the transceiver - this is an E07-M11010D v2.0. The doc I can find indicates this pinout:

I understand GDO2 is RX and GDO0 is TX.

These are all connected and yet I have ā€œradio not initializedā€.

Am I doing something wrong? How can I test the transceiver to know itā€™s working?

Thank you!

Did you check the enable radio checkbox?

Yes, the checkbox is enabled.

Hey Gang,
Iā€™m looking for some debug suggestions.
I have 3 RTS shades, two are powered off of 120v and one is a Sonesse Lion battery powered shade. All 3 work perfectly from the esp32 web interface. The two 120v shades work perfectly from HomeAssistant. The Sonesse Lion powered shade works from the controllers web interface, but not from Home Assistant.
Any ideas how I debug this?

From the devices and services page click reload integration. Then try it again. It sounds like it is working fine from the ESPSomfy RTS web interface but it does not work from a card. Is this correct?

Your pinout definition for the E07-M1101D is correct. Do you by chance have an SD card installed on the board. If you do GPIO15 and GPIO2 are not usable. GPIO2 is also a bootstrap pin meaning that it can be finicky.

The board not initialized will only occur if ESPSomfy RTS writes a value to the transceiver circuit over SPI and cannot read it back. So the top row of pins on the configuration are either not correct or there is some limitation to the pins you have selected. I would be suspect of your choice for MISO as GPIO36 is sometimes an input only pin.

Try setting it up where the wires are connected as follows:
SCLK (Pin5) = GPIO-16
CSN (Pin4) = GPIO-13
MOSI (Pin6) = GPIO-14
MISO (Pin7) = GPIO-15
TX (Pin3) = GPIO-04
RX (Pin8) = GPIO-36

Thanks a lot for the help. Iā€™m not using an SD card, only the internal flash.

In your pinout, I assume you meant:
ā€œCSN (Pin6) = GPIO-13ā€ instead of ā€œCSN (Pin4) = GPIO-13ā€
ā€œMOSI (Pin9) = GPIO-14ā€ instead of ā€œMOSI (Pin6) = GPIO-14ā€

I assume this because I canā€™t correct the pinout ā€œthe other way aroundā€, for instance for CSN I canā€™t pick GPIO-36 (the list stops at 33 for this entry).

In any case, I tried the configuration with my corrections above. No change, I still have the same message ā€œradio not initializedā€.

I have also ordered two extra transceivers, Iā€™m still not convinced the one Iā€™m using is okā€¦

The pin numbers I was referring to are the pin numbers on the E07-M1101D. The header pins on the Olimex are referred to by the GPIO number. If you look at the E07-M1101D the pins will be numbered. Then on the header of the UEXT connector there will be a GPIO reference. So pin 4 (CSN) on the E07-M1101D will connect to the GPIO13 on the Olimex UEXT connector.

GPIO-36 on the ESP32 is an input only pin and the CSN function is an output from the ESP32. From the pics in the documentation I cannot discern whether GND is pin 1 on the UEXT connector but it looks like it here. The key slot appears to be on the left.

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The devices work from ESPSomfy, and 2 of the 3 devices work from HAā€¦ one does not. Iā€™ll reload the integration and do more testing.

@rstrouse indeed, I had wrongly understood that the pin numbers were the ones on the ESP32. It all makes sense now (and on the UEXT, GND is pin 2).

And at last I am past the error message. When I start a scan, the message is gone, so I assume the radio works. I need to assume for now because my RTS curtains are not in place yet :slight_smile: I will resume the project when they arrive.

In any case, a big thank you! for the code and for the support here. This is awesome and I wish I could buy you a beer!

OK - I have reloaded the integration, but the issue remains.
I have confirmed that the shades all work from ESPSomfy, and two out of three work from HA. Puzzling!

Post an issue and include a backup on Issues Ā· rstrouse/ESPSomfy-RTS Ā· GitHub

It is very strange that a single entity in HA would not respond.

Right?? Itā€™s really bugging me because it shouldnā€™t be the case.
From the RTS remotes, it works flawlessly. And it works perfectly from Somfy RTS ESP32 web interface.

@rstrouse you are awesome dude! Thank you so much for sharing such a fantastic piece of work.

You have obviously put a lot of effort and time into this and have very nicely documented it for everyone to easily use.

Several years ago, I cobbled together an esp and cheap transmitter only. With a little code and using MQTT had it talking to my Sunsetter awning and listing to my HA through MQTT. It was clunky but it worked.

Your solution is so eloquent, itā€™s very professional, and works perfectly!

Thank again for your generosity.