ESP32 S3 Box3

has anyone already solved the topic, that the device will be shown as offline in the ESPHomeDashboard?
And that it does not get the ESPHomeUpdates?

Depends. Did you verify esphome is trying to update the device using ip or dns name?

Did you try using use_address?

sorry - it is especially about the firmware shared by @Nir
with this, the device will be shown like this

Just want to get the new device shown as online / available but don’t know to what this is actually related.

Esphome uses mdns for online status and to get OTA install IP depending on setup.

Using below as example it will check dns for your device IP at iotswitch.local
ESPhome uses name field for the device hostname. “.local” is defualt domain.

  name: iotswitch
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}

  domain: ".local"

On linux system you can use dig to check name.domain IP resolution is working or not. If so, maybe device should show online.

If using docker you must use macvlan or host networking for mdns to possibly work.

Alternativly you can set ESPhome to use ping and it will use the static IP that you have set for the device

Can you help us with this screensaver code from the bigbobbas ESP32-S3-Box3-Custom-ESPHome project because there are function errors thank you

  • id: saver_enabled
    • if:
      switch.is_on: s_saver
      - light.turn_on:
      id: led
      brightness: 100%
      - delay: 30s
      - light.turn_on:
      id: led
      brightness: 30%
      - saver_page
      - component.update: s3_box_lcd
    • if:
      - switch.is_on: s_saver_mode
      - delay: 180s
      - light.turn_off: led
      mode: restart
radar sensor
  • platform: gpio
    number: GPIO21
    name: “Presence detect”
    disabled_by_default: false
    device_class: “occupancy”
    - switch.is_on: s_saver_presc
    - display.is_displaying_page: saver_page
    - idle_page
    - component.update: s3_box_lcd
    - light.turn_on:
    id: led
    brightness: 100%
    display.is_displaying_page: idle_page
    - component.update: s3_box_lcd
    - light.turn_on:
    id: led
    brightness: 100%
    - idle_page
    - component.update: s3_box_lcd
    - light.turn_on:
    id: led
    brightness: 100%


In an earlier post, it was suggested that you refer to chapter 11 for instruction about How To Help Us Help You. Step 11 will help you understand how to format you yaml code when such is posted in the forum. Please refer to those instructions then correct your post so we may assist with your issue.


OK I understand and I hope you understand
So let me explain this custom firmware which for me is wonderful works perfectly it has a sleep mode which displays the time and a temperature of the system or another thermometer that you can choose to integrate.
After 30 seconds reduces the brightness from 100% to 30%, after 180 seconds the LCD turns off but the radar as soon as it detects a person the screen saver reactivates at 100% brightness but goes off not turn off after 180 seconds here is the help I would need, of course I can do it automatically but if we can adjust this code would be great I hope to be understood I will provide you with the link it would be easier to understand
ESP32-S3-Box3-Custom-ESPHome/s3b.yaml at main · BigBobbas/ESP32-S3-Box3-Custom-ESPHome (


this installs successfully for me, and then it loses connection with HA and can’t reconnect.

this lil device is great, but dang the firmware can be tough.

well mine doesn’t lose the connection it just had a modification ESPHome 2024.6.0 which is for my part

ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
 password: !secret wifi_password

 platform: esphome

Is the addition of
 hardware_uart: USB_SERIAL_JTAG

For the screen saver for you it works??

@CChris, this is odd. It is not the case when I update the device. I click on “EDIT”, put the new code, save, then run install via wireless and that it. It doesn’t discover a new instant of the box, just keeps working with the old one. I’m not sure why this is happening. I do use manual IP but I am not sure if this is what it is about. Sorry.

What happens when you update the firmware on the discovered instant? It discovers a new one?

Maybe try to compare the firmware with one which doesn’t cause this issue and see if you can spot the difference.

@youkorr, this is something you should post on BigBobbas’s repository under “Issues” as it may be a bug with his firmware.

I the problem that you I did this before modifying I delete it in the integration I restart esp home is I made my compilation is everything is going well it’s true that it’s a bug to solve

Already posted

hm… okey, this might be a case related to the host names, etc.
I’ll try to find some time over the weekend to dig deeper into this…

Hey there :slight_smile:

Has anyone already tried to implement the IR Receiver & IR Transmitter?


1 Like

Why yes. I’ve been doing that for the past week. Here’s the first version that has some (bad) learning built in:

And here’s the more recent version that has better learning, has four buttons, and saves to flash (it’s a WIP but at least the IR stuff works):

I’m on the ESPHome discord if you’d like to chat.


No voice assistant

WIP = Work In Progress. I’m starting the VA integration today. You can merge my work into your existing VA implementation if you like.

The one at firmware/wake-word-voice-assistant/esp32-s3-box-3.yaml at 7b33f69cbef2723942768c37592fde14fcde17fa · esphome/firmware · GitHub freezes up on Box 3 once or twice per day, so hopefully I can find and fix that issue as well.

Hello, you install BIGBOBBAS screensaver

anyone else having wakeword issues recently?

Edit: reported here already: on device wake word only works for first command - s3box3 wake word config · Issue #219 · esphome/firmware · GitHub