Eufy Camera Integration

I think this may be why @nosleepr went towards using MQTT? I recall that when there was a change in the way things worked around March I could see changes in the app (to turn off motion, for example) but I’d still get motion alerts.

Is there a way to automate this camera.turn_on Call Service? I notice I have to do it manually to get my eufy camera to update in my dashboard every time I restart my server. I’m using the HACS integration to setup and use my eufy camera in HA

Sure, i’m surprised that the camera stream is lasting long for you, I thought it timed out after 3 minutes.

But you can create an automation that triggers when HASS reboots and then fire the camera.turn_on script.

- alias: "HASS Restart Camera On"
    platform: homeassistant
    event: start
    - service: camera.turn_on
        entity_id: camera.whatever

If you find a solution to automatically call the camera.turn_on let me know! Right now my eufy cams just show some still image from forever ago every time I restart HA. I have to manually go into Developer Tools > Services and call camera.turn_on for my eufy cams

I’m still learning. Where do I put that code snippet you have above? It doesn’t seem to work when I stick it inside my configurations.yaml and the root level. Does it go in a different file? Does it go underneath something? Thanks!

It’s an automation. So either add the snippet to automation.yaml, or create a version of it using the interface: Configuration > Automations, click on the + then skip the wizard. Use the alias as the name, in the trigger section choose Home Assistant from the drop-down (the event should be set as Start automatically). Skip the conditions (unless you want to add conditions, of course!), then in the Actions use Call service from the drop-down, then camera.turn_on from the next one and finally the camera from the last one.


Hi all, i have a wired eufy doorbell
i installed the nosleepr itegration, got a camera doorbell entity, it shows me a still image of the last event triggered.
Is it okay? ive heard that integration for doorbells are lame
also have a check tab on the image (Preload stream) does this affect anything?

Your integration doesnt affect doorbell cameras?

As I don’t have the doorbell myself, I have been unable to test it. It’s possible that it would work (with minor code changes) but it could require a bit more work to support it.

And by “support” I mean just simple controls that the app can do, no doorbell/motion events (yet)

I’d also like to clarify that the fork I have is for the API only, it’s not a HA integration.

I wish someone could do the integration
Great work tho

I installed the custom repository ( in HACS - but I cannot see an image in lovelace. What configurations are required to see that? there are no instructions in the github wiki. Thanks!

log shows:

$ more home-assistant.log |grep eufy                                     
2020-09-03 12:04:45 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for eufy_security which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant.
1 Like

Hello Integration Works for me i have juste the last image when motion or person is detected
but for each camera I have a lot of information. Anyone know the meaning of each code ? Is ther possible to doo something with it ?
exemple Doorbeel:

1011: 1
1013: 1
1015: 0
1045: 0
1056: 0
1101: 86
1131: 1
1138: 21
1142: -46
1145: 0
1148: 0
1149: -1
1150: -1
1177: 255
1210: 112
1225: 9
1229: 100
1230: 100
1239: 9
1240: 1
1241: 1
1243: 2
1246: 1
1273: 1
1276: 3
1277: 1
1286: 2
1288: 0
1401: 100
1408: 0
1702: 1
1703: 1
1704: 1
1705: 5
1708: 80
1709: 0
1710: {"notification_motion_onoff":1,"notification_ring_onoff":1,"notification_style":2}
1714: 0
1716: 1
1717: 26
1718: 0
2111: 3
99904: 0
100000: 1
access_token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (replaced)
model_name: T8210
brand: Eufy Security
attribution: Data provided by Eufy Security
hardware_version: T8210
serial_number: T8210xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (replaced)
device_upgrade_now: 0
watermark_mode: 1
push_msg_mode: 0
friendly_name: Doorbell
entity_picture: /api/camera_proxy/camera.doorbell?token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (replaced)
supported_features: 3

for eufycam 2C :slight_smile:

1011: 1
1013: 1
1015: 0
1045: 1
1056: 0
1101: 58
1131: 1
1138: 22
1142: -55
1145: 1
1146: 1
1148: 0
1149: -1
1150: -1
1177: 255
1210: 46
1225: 9
1229: 100
1230: 93
1239: 11
1240: 1
1241: 1
1243: 2
1246: 1
1273: 1
1276: 4
1277: 1
1286: 2
1288: 0
1401: 100
1408: 0
1702: 1
1703: 0
1704: 1
1705: 0
1708: 80
1709: 0
1710: {"notification_motion_onoff":1,"notification_ring_onoff":1,"notification_style":2}
1714: 0
1716: 1
1717: 26
1718: 0
2111: 2
99904: 0
access_token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (replaced)
model_name: T8113
brand: Eufy Security
attribution: Data provided by Eufy Security
hardware_version: eufy2_mini
serial_number: T8113xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (replaced)
software_version: 1.6.7
device_upgrade_now: 0
watermark_mode: 1
push_msg_mode: 0
friendly_name: Parking vue Rue
entity_picture: /api/camera_proxy/camera.parking_vue_rue?token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (replaced)
supported_features: 3

I Add a door sensor
Home assistant with this integration dicover it after restart
It’s a Camera.xxxxxxx
Here the information

1131: 1
1148: -1
1149: -1
1150: -1
1177: 255
1225: 8
1239: 12
1506: 1
1507: 0
1508: 14
1550: 1
1551: 1599566313
1552: 0
access_token: xxxxxxxxxxxxx (remplaced)
model_name: T8900
brand: Eufy Security
attribution: Data provided by Eufy Security
hardware_version: 0.0.1
serial_number: T8900xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (remplaced)
software_version: 0.1.0gb
friendly_name: Porte d'entrée
entity_picture: /api/camera_proxy/camera.porte_d_entree?token=xxxxxxxxxxxxx (remplaced)
supported_features: 3

I try to open or close the sensor I don’t see modification !!!

For the sensor it’s seems that the 1550 and 1551 change !!!
1550 : 0 or 1 but it’s’nt change when i open or closed i don’t know
1551 : 1599566313 , 1599567942 perhaps iteration

Edit 10/09/2020

Just add motion detector

1131: 1
1141: -54
1148: -1
1149: -1
1150: -1
1177: 32
1178: 0
1179: 0
1225: 8
1239: 12
1507: 0
1601: 0
1607: 1
1608: 1
1609: 18
1613: 0
access_token: xxxxxx (remplaced)
model_name: T8910
brand: Eufy Security
attribution: Data provided by Eufy Security
hardware_version: 0.0.1
serial_number: T8910xxxxxx (remplaced)
friendly_name: Salon
entity_picture: /api/camera_proxy/ (remplaced)
supported_features: 3

hi @Denizen

does your script work with the motion sensor which is separate from the camera system ? eufy have motion, window sensors for security.


hi @bachoo786

As I don’t have the devices myself I can’t be certain, I’ve just moved house myself and will soon be purchasing more eufy products once I’ve got everything unpacked and organised.

Until then I’m afraid I won’t be able to test with other devices. But feel free to pull my repo and test with your own devices to see what data you get from eufy’s servers.

1 Like

Hi @Denizen

Thanks for your reply.

I am moving house as well and wasn’t sure of getting the ring eco system which I know people have reversed engineered or the eufy eco system which you have given alot of attention to in reverse engineering etc. I dont have the devices yet so will wait until anyone confirms if the motion sensor works with your script etc.

Ps. Reason why I want the eufy eco system is due to the eufy doorbell which I have heard allows rtsp etc.

Hi all,

I followed the instructions from here

Unfortunately, I cannot get any picture into the picture card… please find below the logs. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

2020-09-16 21:11:25 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry for ipp not ready yet. Retrying in 5 seconds.

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6011", value "0"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6016", value "0"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6062", value "0"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "1145", value "0"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6045", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "1045", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "1056", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6010", value "0"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "1230", value "80"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "1013", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6044", value "3"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6024", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6053", value "22"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6047", value "0"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6012", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6025", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "1249", value "299"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "1207", value "0"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "1250", value "0"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "1251", value "0"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6040", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6050", value "0"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6026", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "1241", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6023", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6046", value "2"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6020", value "3"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6049", value "0"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6041", value "3"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "1246", value "2"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6022", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6043", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "6014", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Unable to process parameter "1240", value "1"

2020-09-16 21:11:30 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.translation] eufy_security: the '.translations' directory has been moved, the new name is 'translations', starting with Home Assistant 0.11$

2020-09-16 21:11:30 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.translation] eufy_security: the '.translations' directory has been moved, the new name is 'translations', starting with Home Assistant 0.11$

2020-09-16 21:11:30 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.translation] eufy_security: the '.translations' directory has been moved, the new name is 'translations', starting with Home Assistant 0.11$

2020-09-16 21:11:33 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.translation] eufy_security: the '.translations' directory has been moved, the new name is 'translations', starting with Home Assistant 0.11$

2020-09-16 21:11:33 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.translation] eufy_security: the '.translations' directory has been moved, the new name is 'translations', starting with Home Assistant 0.11$

2020-09-16 21:11:33 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.translation] eufy_security: the '.translations' directory has been moved, the new name is 'translations', starting with Home Assistant 0.11$

we are all waiting for you buying that doorbel to reverse engeneer
Frankly speaking i tried Amcrest doorbell and guess what? ive had enough of it in 3 days
i packed it back and pulled eufy back on the wall
Amcrest is shitty due to :

  1. it doesnt send you image with oush message tho you know who is there without openning
    2)if you open the push image - guess what - wait 30 sec till its saved and the person is gone
    3)no remote ding dong.
  2. rtsp on amcrest is laggy, i know stream component has a lag but it is 20 sec lag, and on dahua cam its 4sec

If eufy had a normal api it would be a masterpiece, or if someone hacks it normaly

I came across this topic by coincidence.
I have an Eufy Video Doorbell 2K installed here.

Would like to know if there is any integration for it.
I would be particularly interested in detecting button presses and motion detection, I’m not really looking for a video stream in HA.
Sorry about the noob question :sweat_smile:, but I couldn’t find an answer in this topic or the referred integration(s).