Eufy Camera Integration

32bit I think

Operating System Version	5.4.79-v7
CPU Architecture	armv7l

1Gb of RAM …about 400Mb available

from supervisor logs:

Step 8/17 : RUN npm install && npm install -g json2yaml
 ---> Running in 1dfc9931da31
/bin/bash: npm: command not found

this is really strange. Current build version should only have 11 Steps, your log shows 17?!
Looks like some old version laying around.

Fresh from my machine:

Step 8/11 : RUN npm install && npm install -g json2yaml

What you could do is to download the source folder and place it inside your addon folder. Easiest way is to add the samba share addon and expose it. this would ensure you have the latest version.

Best guess for the moment :thinking:

Hey @MaxW is your addon only for Hassio? I am running HA on docker.


The Bridge itself is not from me, i just wrapped it :wink:

It can be run directly on docker, see the readme


@MaxW I removed unused docker images (using Portainer) probably created by failed installs and install worked now.

I’m looking also into an Eufy Doorbell (Wired version), do you guys know if its possible to have the integration with HA on a doorbell that has no internet access?

My understanding is no. The Eufy devices extensively use the cloud to communicate to the app or api for the app. Also, the live feed is a random URL pulling from cloud services and not a direct connection as you might want. Not sure if Eufy is your solution if no internet is in the equation.

Just wondering if anyone has a blueprint they are proud of using the eufy ha mqtt bridge. I’m trying to think of some new ways to use the integration to the fullest.

Still don’t understand the difference between a blueprint and an automation, but so far I only added an automation for the doorbell button, sending a broadcast to google assistance… this way my sonos speakers announce that someone is at the door.

I tried installing Eufy Home Assistant MQTT Bridge, but my Raspberry Pi 3b+ (64bit) completely froze and I had to shut off power to restart it.

Anything I can be doing wrong?

I will try again tomorrow. Just to be sure: I only need to install Eufy Home Assistant MQTT Bridge to access my camera’s (2x2C)?

Hey @fuzzymistborn, I figured I’d ask here because raising a ticket in your github probably wouldn’t be helpful. I’m trying to use your lib to reset my mechanical doorbell from on to off, to back on (my doorbell has a weird bug where it buzzes between the ding and dong after a few days, not sure why, but resetting it on my phone fixes it).

With that, I have two questions. How do I grab the auth token and use it instead of async_login? Apparently too many successful logins locks out your account, so I suspect doing testing with the token will be less of an issue.

Second, how would I set CMD_BAT_DOORBELL_MECHANICAL_CHIME_SWITCH = 1703 to 0 or 1 (as per I tried adding a function in to be called, but it doesn’t replace it correctly in the params dump when I inspect the output. I was trying it like this after adding it to

async def async_reset_chime(self):
        """Reset doorbell mechanical chime"""
        await self.async_set_params({ParamType.CMD_BAT_DOORBELL_MECHANICAL_CHIME_SWITCH: 1})

Instead, when calling params, it output “<ParamType.CMD_BAT_DOORBELL_MECHANICAL_CHIME_SWITCH: 1703>: 1” as opposed to how the rest of the output looks like, such as simply 1703: 1.

Basically, my end goal here is to simulate enabling and disabling the indoor chime, or simulate selecting the mechanical chime again on my phone. Thanks in advance!

Sorry, honestly beyond me at this point.

second raspberry pi 3 that i heard with build problems. my best guess is that you run out of memory.

How many add-ons are you running? can you try to stop all others before installing?

If you know how to run HA on plain docker, you can run the bridge itself also in docker. Check the Readme :v:

I noticed on the back of my Eufy Doorbell some possible debug ports. I thought they were pins to connect to the mount for some reason but they don’t connect to anything.


6 pin debug headers are very common, so pretty sure that’s what they must be.

Anyone smarter than me have any idea how to go about start probing this device?

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yep will run it on docker mate. thanks

I stopped all add-ons which could be stopped and tried again.
After 1,5 hour building time I gave up :slight_smile:
I will wait until there is a fully compiled add-on.

Thanks for all the work so far!


Seems like i need to borrow my printers raspberry for a few hours :wink:

Well, installing on rpi3 works, but is really resource eating. Main problem is the sqlite3 npm lib, that must be build from sources as there are no binaries. Googling around but can’t find a nice trick to pre-install that :frowning:

This would be great if it could be added to HACS for installing.