Eufy Camera Integration

ok so setting up using docker but not sure what I should be adding for the dockerhost in the docker command:

--add-host=dockerhost:docker network inspect --format=’{{range .IPAM.Config}}{{.Gateway}}{{end}}’ bridge \

Adding my Synology ip (my docker box) gives me an error.

came across this too, while trying to build multi-arch:

#35 [linux/386 7/9] RUN npm install && npm install -g json2yaml
#35 0.144 /bin/bash: npm: command not found
#35 ERROR: executor failed running [/bin/bash -o pipefail -c npm install && npm install -g json2yaml]: exit code: 127

i386 support was dropped by nodejs a few releases ago, but as far as i understand the raspi3 is based on arm arch and therefore this should not the the problem…

Did you really get it going? Can you provide the log output of the add-on, this line?

 System: Home Assistant OS 5.9  (aarch64 / raspberrypi4-64)


I just noticed sómething has been installed before I took the power off.
When I try to start I get the following error:

## Failed to start addon

404 Client Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.40/containers/create?name=addon_f1c878cb_eufy-ha-mqtt-bridge: Not Found ("No such image: f1c878cb/aarch64-addon-eufy-ha-mqtt-bridge:0.6.0")

Meaby that was the part it froze on?

For full information:
Raspberry 3b+.
Home Assistant OS 64mbit

They finally replied to my support ticket, and seem genuinely interested in helping resolve my issue. I guess the holidays slowed things down (maybe). I’ll update this thread after the case is resolved.

Anyone getting thumbnail to work through @MaxW excellent plug-in? I get both motion and door chime but unfortunately no thumbnail.

Sure, bust out the multimeter and test each lead on boot. They could either be UART (serial) or jtag if anything. Though, on my battery version, I didn’t notice anything like that. If you get activity (spikes in voltage) as you test each lead, then data may be flowing on it. I have the battery version, so I can’t test that. For the battery version, I would suggest looking into getting a shell on the Homebase2.

Eufy Home Assistant MQTT Bridge Add-on v.0.7.0

Version 0.7.0 is out in the wild.

Docker image is now pre-build and update/installation time and resource consumption should be way better!

e.g. for me on my rpi4

21-01-05 16:14:52 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.addon] Starting build for local/aarch64-addon-eufy-ha-mqtt-bridge:0.7.0
21-01-05 16:16:34 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.addon] Build local/aarch64-addon-eufy-ha-mqtt-bridge:0.7.0 done

As all that multi-arch build stuff is pretty bad explained it might be some arch missing now. Please leave feedback if you meet any problem :wink:


You cant broadcast to sonos , you can to google
Sonos doesnt have chromecast support either.
You probably mean you let the mediaplayer say smth using tts
Blueprints are things u can use for multiple automations.

So basically it does’nt work and i’m experiencing the same as others? I’ll “wait” for the RTSP support then. Appreciate advice

I would bet on fix for the bridge
If u wait for rtsp, u cant wait long i think lol

You said you use this for still image and video, does that work at all times?
Can you give me some more explanation pls?

So you are using 2 things , this one and the bridge?
Kinda confused what this one is for too
changing modes? video and still?
Too many options right now
the bridge addon, iobroker, this one,…

Can confirm I had this cannot found image as well during previous installs and (as said) RPI freezes when install or updating this addon. After a power cut off / on of RPI bootup, it works again, and the addon is actually installed/upgraded. So it works, but I do have to completely power cut and power on the RPI as a whole to finish it as it freeze ;-).

Currently installing the 0.7.0 update of MaxW. Hope this will fix things wr.t. RPI (I have v4) :). Will post when update is succesful.
–> Update: Let my PC alone so didn’t check permanently, but update was succesful and apparantly didn’t freeze now. Logfile from the add-on in HA looks fine as well. That seems good :smile:

Small stupid question: Also have IoBroker installed. Not sure if that’s still required. Is IoBroker add-on required or can I delete this? (using MQTT eufy bridge 0.7.0).

Last update about last events picture: Today was a good day, it seems to work a few times in H.A. including the stream to my Google Nest Hub. Did activate motion notifications as well now in the Eufy App (was before only using doorbell press notifications).

This thread is getting confusing. Someone correct me if I’m wrong and I’ll edit this, but here’s how I understand it.

Eufy Security integration for Home Assistant

Installed as an integration through a custom repository in HACs, this connects via the Eufy API to the cloud to display pictures and videos. Requires a secondary Eufy account. The video is somewhat temperamental in the current release although various workarounds earlier in this thread have had some success.

Eufy Home Assistant MQTT Bridge

Available as an Add On via a custom repository or as a Docker image.

This script subscribes to push notifications of the Eufy Security app and publishes Motion and Doorbell pressed events via MQTT to Home Assistant. When using auto discovery, it automatically creates binary sensors for Motion and Doorbell pressed events.

So it receives the push messages (notifications) that your phone would, which is different from Eufy Security integration for Home Assistant which pulls them from the cloud. This allows you to use the camera as a motion sensor to trigger events, e.g. turn on the light on the porch when the camera sees movement. In the Eufy app you probably want to set Notifications to include a Thumbnail, which is in the Notifications section of each camera’s settings. That said, Eufy doesn’t seem to reliably send thumbnails so Eufy Home Security integration is probably a better choice for pictures.

Eufy Security integration for Home Assistant and Eufy Home Assistant MQTT Bridge can be run concurrently.

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Quick question. The MQTT version can’t change the security setting… But because it subscribes to notifications, can it detect changes of security status? I get a notification when the home base changes from home to away (my use case would be to buy the eufy keypad and use this to set the home assistant alarm).

You don’t need it if you have the Add On.

I’ve noticed that sometimes Eufy fails to send a thumbnail in the notification that my phone receives so it seems broken at Eufy. You might want to use the Eufy Home Security integration for pictures instead.

AFAIK the MQTT bridge cannot handle guard modes as of now.

Edit: Sorry wrong person. @DanM

Anyone here have any luck with JanLoebel’s eufy-node-client? I got it setup in my VM, but it states that it times out when attempting a P2P connection to my Homebase2 IP. I actually have the same setup as Jan, so I’m curious as to what I could be doing wrong. I setup the .env file, but it says that the IP times out. I can ping the IP since I’m on the same network, and the typical TCP ports are open (though I don’t know what UDP ports are required for P2P here). Any suggestions guys?

Look in Integrations => MQTT => Configure => Re-configure MQTT.

This is great!

Now I don’t have to rely on the rest platform with 9 second delay in checking iobroker to get these events. I have yet to get a “true” reading from the motion_detected, person_detected, nor ringging endpoints from iobroker. I tried to grab the livestream URL too, but never did with this method. I was able to set the person_identified endpoint, but I have no idea how to associate that to a person. Has anyone else played with this?

There were 2 pitfalls I fell into while installing this addon. I’ll list them here, with the resolutions, in case anyone else stumbles across them.

  1. In the stub config provided, there are no quotes around the eufy username and passwords. I did not add them. This resulted in an 401 (Unauthorized) . To make matters worse, I started the addon with the watchdog enabled, and before I figured out what was going on – I had 11 of these failed logins and my eufy account was disabled. Lesson learned.

  2. The config setup in the UI overrides the config you have in your configuration.yaml. I already had discovery: true in my configuration.yaml, so I thought I was good. When I didn’t see any new entities I turned on debug logging and found one line telling me about the config being overridden. I added discovery: true to the UI config, removed the offending lines in my configuration.yaml, and restarted HA. I now have fancy new insight into my T8210!

As an aside; it’s much easier to invite yourself as admin to the app with an alias email (or the like) than it is to deal with trying to reset a password that you probably locked yourself out of by using malformed YAML. Life is hard :slight_smile: