Eufy Camera Integration

So yes, I use the bridge for bell press detection and automations based on that. I use the custom component made by nonsleepr for live view and last motion picture in UI, not in any automations.
I don’t think there is much I can share, maybe the lovelace yaml, but I got that from this thread:

type: picture-glance
title: Deurbel live
entities: []
camera_image: camera.deurbel
camera_view: live

type: picture-glance
title: Deurbel laatste
image: camera.deurbel
entities: []
camera_image: camera.deurbel

Also mentioned in this thread, there are some issues (by design) with the live feed, but the last motion picture has worked for me all the time.

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Hi at all,

I’m the developer of the ioBroker Eufy-Security adapter. Through @MaxW and @fuzzymistborn I came on this thread. Thanks for that!
It’s very interesting what has come to all here :slight_smile:
I decided to register here, despite the fact that I actually don’t use Home Assistant for a long time, but I think I can still contribute something :wink: Such as:

If you want to have the changes of the ioBroker Eufy-Security adapter in real time in Home Assistant via MQTT, there is the possibility to realize this with the following ioBroker adapter:

ioBroker MQTT

Currently I am deciphering the Eufy P2P communication and am already on good point :). I am working on decrypting the P2P Livestream (not to be confused with the RTMP Livestream).
For device specific integrations I need volunteers to help me with this. I think I can provide most of the functionality over time (mind you, I’m working on this project in my spare time).

On a good cooperation :wink:


That looks about right, took me hours to get to that summary. Well done.

Can you share how you managed to push the stream to google nest hub?

Hi ,
Welcome here too,
Respect for your hard, voluntary work already on the adapter. Appreciated!
Although, right now, i dont see what will be added.
Whats the difference with:

  • eufy security integration
  • eufy addon bridge MQTT

So we will have a third option? For?

Hope someday all will be integrated in 1 addon/integration

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If ur willing, always interested in your automation for doorbellpress

About the live view cam.
I have it to but…
I get a picture-glance with the latest thumb
If i press on it , nothing happens (showing more info) only the picture comes bigger…
However, if i go to the development thing and start the service to turn on camera…
Then the picture glance card… behaves differently…
If i click on it then, then i see a live view

Is it possible so that when i click on it, the camera turns on automatically and showing live view?
Without turning that service continuesly on with an automation?

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Using CATT for this. Not great as currently there is some sort of issue that stream cuts every 10 minutes but I use an automation for this to restart the script every 10 min.

(See also

  • This is just to stream a dashboard/lovelace to Hub. In there, I just have an picture entity card with sensor camera.doorbell_last_event (together with other stuff)*
alias: SmartDisplay_start
description: ''
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /10
  - condition: time
    after: '07:30'
    before: '23:59'
  - data:
      addon: a0d7b954_ssh
      input: >-
        catt -d "Smart Display" cast_site
    service: hassio.addon_stdin
mode: single

Mmm sorry i think i misunderstood you, or you misunderstand me
I know how to cast my dashboard.
However i though u said, you cast the stream (of your eufy cam / doorbell) to google home device
But that i dont see in your automation

True, was already editing my post to add this. I do not have this working yet, also still searching for a method to stream on doorpress or motion on full screen to Hub. FOr example for 5 minutes and it closes again. Now the last event keeps constantly on the dashboard, which is not really required. So sorry, no method for that yet :). If someone knows in future, please share!

Yeah im trying to do the same, but i dont think its possible yet.
Still, maybe we can try to cast the still picture/thumbnail first?
That would be already something.
But that too , i dont succeed in

I can grab the RTMP url from the iobroker adapter via the REST api. The issue is the result includes quotes and I haven’t figured out how to strip the quotes to make it work with the generic camera integration.


  • eufy security integration is based on python-eufy-security which, as far as I can see, is no longer being developed further
  • eufy addon bridge MQTT is based on eufy-node-client, which at the moment i see no more updates (i contributed a little bit to this lib - push notification and some p2p bugfixes)

My project started at the same time as the eufy-node-client project, with the difference that the eufy-node-client project was progressing faster, so I decided to contribute to it. However, when I needed some special features to integrate with ioBroker, I decided to make a spin-off from eufy-node-client.
Now my integration is more advanced than the others. Some examples:

  • I support 2FA
  • my P2P implementation already supports among others:
    • keep alive
    • reconnect on failure
    • checks the P2P response for success when issuing a command (the other implementations do not take this into account, so changing the guard mode could be considered as done, even if it is not).
    • There are some P2P events that are triggered directly by the station or device, like changing the guard mode (I already react to it) is also communicated via P2P (not only via push notification; just for info, the push notification can be disabled in the Eufy-App and then you won’t get anything over push…).

Anyway, I don’t want to force anyone to use my solution :wink:

I don’t have all the Eufy devices and so I can’t implement everything without help. So if someone wants me to add some functionality, just contact me and I will try (what i need then is support in testing the new funcionality, debug logs if something goes wrong etc.).


Digging in the eufy app code i found a piece of code that allows to trigger the chime via a RF433 dongle from the station using the P2P protocol. I think I read someone talking about this RF dongle in this thread.
I can implement it if anyone is interested. Is there someone who could test it?

    public static void addDongleChime(String str, String str2) {
        sendP2PRequest(str, str2, new P2PRequest(CommandType.APP_CMD_RF433_TRIGER_RING, ""));

Nice to see you here @bropat, I am sure your development on your ioBroker adapter did some part of this currently awesome growing field of integration <3

Like 200 posts up you can see our ride along the mqtt train, that works, but is not at charming as it could be.

I think, technically speaking your adapter is the most advanced, specially the 2FA stuff is great (I personally don’t use it, if you want to hack and see me shirtless - feel free :stuck_out_tongue: ).

I guess in a perfect world you and matijse (I don’t thing he is here around) would get married and have a child called awesome-eufy-lib, and some fat cookie eating guy like me would build the home assistant addon around it, and someone else the iobroker adapter. This would definitely lead to world peace!


I tell google assistant “show doorbell on upstairs” – where doorbell is camera.doorbell and upstairs is media_player.upstairs (a chromecast device). Works like a charm.

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Eufy cam 2 at your service, whenever you need something tested pm me.

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:rofl: :rofl:
You made my day :smile:

When my adapter reaches stable status, I can imagine to start backporting the feature towards eufy-node-client. So matijse would benefit from it and indirectly the community. :wink:
I also thought of starting a backporting towards python-eufy-security, but that would be too many sites for my little spare time :stuck_out_tongue:
In any case, my code is freely available and if someone wants to start a backporting towards Python he can do it. If questions arise, I can try to answer them :wink:

PS: For the MQTT part I must confess, I have not read the previous posts :blush:


Not keen on that way…
Not everyone has an extra dongle ,or has a doorbell which transfer over RF433

I prefer the mqtt way with the doorbell press via push notificatin, that one always work without extra hardware

The reason why i use the addon bridge (node client) is cause for the doorbell press and motion detections

The reason i use security integration (python-eufy) is cause it always has thumbnail which i can use (with bridge thats a hit or miss) + the live time viewing that works…

Both in one, and able to cast live view automaticcaly would rock

For now, as i can read for your text, i dont see what it adds? (except 2FA, which i want too though)
Does it do all the stuff above too?
doorbellpress and live cam view and thumbnail? and motion?

How do i test yours?

What is supported with my adapter you can see in the readme of my git repo.

Currently only the RTMP stream is supported (without transcoding; will be implemented as soon as I have finished decoding the P2P part). Regarding the thumbnail, the support is about the same on with the addon bridge (integration is not finished yet; but will reach the quality of the security integration (python-eufy)). As I said before, the main focus right now is decrypting P2P communication.
Motion-detection etc. is already included (see Readme for more details).

If you are satisfied with your current solution, stick with it :wink: