Eufy Camera Integration

Hi @matijse ,

I have decided to give preference to the shared library, so you (and others) can already start with some tests and integrations.
I think I will publish a first version later today.
This version already includes the latest P2P features (incl. livestream support over p2p) :slight_smile:

PS: By the way, I am already married :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Wow that’s great (and fast)!

I will probably have time next week to try it out and will see if there are things I can help out with…


Published :slight_smile:

bropat/eufy-security-client (
eufy-security-client - npm (

Next step is to port my ioBroker adapter on this shared library and then test the shared library effectively. :sweat_smile:


The ioBroker adapter has been ported to use the shared library and works as before :slight_smile:

Now I will turn back to the ioBroker adapter and complete the next public release.


Alright so 4GB is plenty for a few weeks of clips?
I’ll probably go for the wired version then, only thinking about how to secure good to my door post since i live in an apartment with a neighbour that cannot be trusted.

Not really, since the ioBroker adapter also supports P2P communication via the Eufy Cloud. The only requirement is that the configured Eufy Cloud account can view all devices.
If the Eufy Cloud account configured in the ioBroker adapter has access to all devices and you still can’t see all devices (of both properties) in ioBroker, please enable debug mode and then send me the logs.

@dax333 Many thanks for the coffees :heart:


Everyone here is doing great work! keep it up! :grinning:

1 Like

Depending on the amount of motion detected, more than likely yes.

awesome. So this is just a more updated replacement for the “old” eufy-node-client . ?

Yes, here I have told the story.

You will need to forgive me, this looks amazing but how do I install and setup?

Install what? Bropat’s new library? You don’t. Either use ioBroker or the HASS-MQTT-Bridge (though this doesn’t use the library yet)

hey @MaxW

Any reason your iobroker addon couldnt support ingress so we can have iobroker in a tab within home assistant for those of us accessing remotely?

Tried and ran into some major gfx problems. Maybe I will give it a second try someday, but not in my high prio list.

no worries. Im a complete amateur, but ill mess with getting it to show up in a tab it a bit locally. Useful to me even if the graphics are borked.

i am a little bit confused which package should i use to make it work in home assistant?

This post has some good explanations:

To run the ioBroker option, you’d need to install a custom add-on or follow this blog post: Controlling Eufy Security Devices with ioBroker

got this working, if anyone wants to do it here is the config.json that enables ingress.

Its a little busted like MaxW said, mainly the buttons are the wrong size, but its very usable should you need to access it remotely.

    "name": "ioBroker_ingress",
    "version": "0.5.0",
    "webui": "http://[HOST]:[PORT:8081]/",
    "slug": "iobroker",
    "description": "Open source automation platform",
    "ingress": true,
    "ingress_port": 8081,
    "panel_icon": "mdi:iobroker",
    "arch": ["armhf", "armv7", "aarch64", "amd64", "i386"],
    "startup": "application",
    "boot": "auto",
    "options": {},
    "schema": {},
    "ports": {
      "8081/tcp": 8081,
      "8082/tcp": null,
      "8083/tcp": null,
      "8084/tcp": null,
      "8085/tcp": null,
      "8086/tcp": null
    "ports_description": {
      "8081/tcp": "Admin interface",
      "8082/tcp": "reserved for addition addons",
      "8083/tcp": "reserved for addition addons",
      "8084/tcp": "reserved for addition addons",
      "8085/tcp": "reserved for addition addons",
      "8086/tcp": "reserved for addition addons"
    "stage": "experimental",
    "url": "",
    "hassio_role": "default",
    "hassio_api": true
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I got it all working! The solution was install iobroker independently in its own docker, something about my configuration of MaxWs addon just wasnt letting the rest commands through, it would 404 no matter what. As soon as i got the independent docker up and running per fuzzys instructions, all my rest commands work and i get a stream.

Yay! Thank you everyone.

to compound all this, im doing this remotely, so the only ingress i have to my HA setup is through the HA interface, I dont have local network access, and i finally got guacamole and xrdp working right too, so i can rdp… through the guacamole plugin in HA… into the debian box that HA (and now iobroker) is running on.

Hi @jbrukardt yesterday I got my ioBroker working in Hassio by configuring the TCP ports found in the configuration section of ioBroker. Before I was getting connection refused, irrespective of TCP port assigned in the instance config.

supervisor > dashboard > ioBroker > configuration, specify two extra TCP ports. I just used the next two 8082 & 8083.

In the GUI of ioBroker, I assigned 8082 to simple Restful API & 8083 to Web server instances.

All appears working I can call the status of motion detection using Rest commands when targeting TCP port 8082. e.g.

http://(hassio IP):8082/getPlainValue/eufy-security.0.(model ID).cameras.(camera ID).person_detected
Returned value is “false”. If the camera is set for motion the state is triggered in motion_detected instead of person_detected. The status changes to “true” during camera detection.

I just need to figure out how to get this into HA as a trigger for lights, I’m still a novice but I think I’m moving slowly towards my goal/ambtion to toggle my Hue lights at night when triggered :slight_smile:

Fuzzys guide has some info on how to set up input_select conditions from iobroker for automations.