Eufy Security Integration

did you go over these examples here? Camera control using the service eufy_security.send_message · Issue #71 · fuatakgun/eufy_security · GitHub

Thanks! I did not quite understand the post at first. But after some figuring out I realised that it is possible to - for example - include these in scripts.

I have used the example below and it works. It returns the third quick response from your doorbell, which is “We will be right there”. There’s one requirement however; it only works when the app is open and actively streaming video of the doorbell. I suppose you’d be able to work around this by constantly streaming the video of the doorbell somewhere in HA… I haven’t looked into this yet.

alias: Doorbell Response 3
  - service: eufy_security.send_message
      message: |-
          "messageId": "message_id_do_not_add_value_here", 
          "command": "device.quick_response",
          "serialNumber": "your_serial_no",
          "voiceId": 3,
          "value": true
mode: single

I have recorded three custom quick reponses, but they do not have the values 4, 5 and 6. I would like to find out what their voiceIDs are, which I thought I’d be able to do through the command below in Developmer Tools > Services, but this does not return any values in either home assistant’s nor the Eufy Security Addon logs. Is there any way to see what information this command returns?

service: eufy_security.send_message
  message: |-
      "messageId": "message_id_do_not_add_value_here", 
      "command": "device.get_voices",
      "serialNumber": "your_serial_no", 
      "value": true

Edit: The thing I want to achieve would also be possible by being able to broadcast custom audio files to the doorbell’s speaker, but I kind of assumed we do not get that amount of freedom from Eufy…

Trying to download custom repository within HACS and it is returning “no repositories found matching your filter” when inputting GitHub - fuatakgun/eufy_security: Home Assistant integration to manage Eufy Security devices as cameras, home base stations, doorbells, motion and contact sensors."

you didn’t chose the right menu to add the custom repositories…
in HACS, integration menu, upper right corner 3 dots menu, custom repositories.


So everything works except live view. I had it working and then it just randomly stopped. I removed everything and re-created it and still no change. But it will record a video and I can view that video. It will take pics on person detection. It will even show a pic of who is there on the tv screen but no matter what it will not load a video stream when you click on the camera in lovelace.

Please check readme and install webrtc, i don’t have a solution in place for live streaming problem in native home assistant, but WebRTC works flawlessly

Still no working picture url for one of my cams… Was working before…
Posted on github too, pointed to eufy but why did it work with earlier versions then?

Just to recap, as you and some other users heavily requested, i am closely following eufy-security-ws versioning.

So, if data is missing from add-on, i can do nothing about it. It should be resolved from add-on (eufy-security-ws)

If data exists in camera attributes and if the pictureUrl is accessible using a browser, i can debug but i remember you are not into sharing your camera, so just thinking freely will not solve this specific issue.

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The data exists but the picture url isnt accesible
It was accesible before and i didnt change anything except updating the addon :wink:

Should i try to remove the camera and re-add it? If so, whats the best method for this?

I have exactly the same issue and i can share the camera if you can tell me how (= point me to the how-to).

Apparently there is no fix available :frowning: Camera 2C has no image · Issue #48 · bropat/eufy-security-ws · GitHub or there is nothing to fix. @bropat has the correct point of contact for the issue

Why dont we use http 1.0/1.1 then?
Anyone also seeing issues with webrtc now with latest HA update?

I don’t have any dependency or preference over http2.0 vs http1.1, not sure if this is an issue of the client (browser or home assistant http client) or is it coming from eufy-security-ws. So, not sure what is exact problem.

If anyone is having issues about webrtc installation, please check here: Webrtc stopped working after update core to version core-2021.12.0

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Hi all, integration has been updated recently with long waited switches, users can use switches to enable and disable features on devices.


Thanks a lot for the developments @anon63427907
I take it the minimum version for this intetgration is 2021.12?
I get the following after upgrading to the latest version of the integration on 2021.11.5:

Error while setting up eufy_security platform for binary_sensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 249, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.shield(task)
  File "/config/custom_components/eufy_security/", line 40, in async_setup_entry
    ("battery_low", "Battery Low", "state.batteryLow", None, DEVICE_CLASS_BATTERY),
NameError: name 'DEVICE_CLASS_BATTERY' is not defined

please get latest version again, it should be fixed today.

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Thanks, fixed indeed

Platform eufy_security does not generate unique IDs. ID eufy_security_T8200[redacted]08EC_audio_recording_switch already exists - ignoring switch.doorbell_audio_recording
Is this also related to the latest update?

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yes yes yes :slight_smile: fixed now, apparently i was rushing too much and did not test enough

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