Eve Thermo - Matter

Eve has started an invite-based beta for the matter firmware for their Eve thermo thermostats. I upgraded a bunch of them and they work really well in Home Assistant:

Before I did it with Homekit but they lost connection after like half an hour and never came back, but with Matter they are rock solid and didn’t lose connection yet (3 days in)


I read under , that after the Firmware-Upgrade, which enables Matter on the Eve Thermo, you cannot control off/on status via Apple Home App anymore. How was that according to your experience in Home Assistant with Matter? Can you fully control the device?

Yes, on/off status works in HA

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How did you get the invite? I did find a link (from googling), but it was password protected. Did they ask you, or was it a register interest thing?

Edit: Ignore me, found a link (in case anyone wants EA) Eve Thermo – Early Access Program| evehome.com

Can you control the temperature offset for calibration from HA? I‘m missing this feature in the Homekit integration and its the only reason to keep the Eve app installed (well, besides firmware upgrades, which probably aren‘t supported in HA either?)