Failed to start Network Manager

i I picked up a second hand HP mini i5 computer to run proxmox on and Home Assistant as a VM however I get the following error message

[ OK ] Started HassOS AppArmor.
[FAILED] Failed to start Network Manager Wait Online.n
See ‘systemctl status NetworkManager-wait-online.service’ for details.
[ OK ] Reached target Network is Online.

Having spoken with wiskerz007 he tells me he thinks its because the service times out before the network can start so if it was possible to extend the time allowed for the network to startup it should be good - is there any chance to extend this time?


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I’m having the same problem. I can’t login since Wednesday. Does anyone know a solution for this problem?

Same here.

Followed by -

udevd[492]: starting eudev-3.2.9
Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason 00 on CPU 0
Do you have a strange power saving mode enabled?

I’m using the VHDX file in Hyper-V.

Has anyone found a fix for this? I had the same issue yesterday, I created a new VM and downloaded the latest virtual disk and just did a new setup. Then I pulled a snapshot off my old install and did a restore and everything was back up and running. YAY! Today I go to login and can’t hit the login page again. I rebooted the server and now I’m getting the same error. I think I’m about done with home assistant. I’ve spent countless hours setting things up over the past year and for this to happen twice…I’m out!

UPDATE: Not sure if this mattered, I disabled IPV6 on my HyperV host rebooted and now I can log back into Home Assistant. Did I just get lucky? :slight_smile:

Just encountered the same problem today. Even went as far as creating a new VM from the latest version of hassio vhdx. This also fails at the same point.

Tried to disable ipv6 and still not working.

Any suggestions as what to try would be greatly appreciated. All was fine yesterday.

Fixed the problem by using the Virtual Switch Manager (in the Hyper-V Manager) to delete the virtual switch and create a new one.

No idea why this should work or if it was a coincident but this has fixed the problem for me.

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I had this problem running HassOS in a VMware VM on Windows. I fixed it by disabling all the network adapters that the VM had access to but wasn’t using.


hi all thanks for the involvemenmt - gave up and bought a blue but did see that my exact mini pc has been used in this video Home Assistant PROXMOX Install and Setup (With NUC Alternative) - YouTube

Same here - VM in TrueNAS, I removed virtual ethernet adapter and added again with the same settings as it had. All good now. Thank you!

having this exact same issue on Oracle VM VirtualBox.
tried disabling network, reenabling it, switch from bridged to NAT,… no luck so far.

anyone any tips? :slight_smile:

ow yeah, it did work fine for about one day after installation.

ok… update… it works now.
must have been an issue with the settings in Virtualbox.
I was connected via ethernet cable, which resulted in the error described.
I disconnected the cable, so had my laptop connected via WiFi and now booting works fine and i have access again…

maybe this might help someone

Had the same problem. It looks that the problem is not related to Home Assistant OS. It a problem with Virtual Box Network Bridge mode. There is a problem with host WiFi interface that VB uses for network bridge mode. People says that they have the same problem with other OS images under Virtual Box. Just try to connect your host computer by ethernet cable and disable WiFi interface. That solution should work. Unfortunately I don’t know how to solve that problem with WiFI interface.

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had the same problem after fiddling with Virtual Box network adapter. restarting my macbook did it for me. :grimacing:

Having too many Bridge options was my problem as well.
Turned off all but what I needed and we’re golden, many thanks!

Found the solution for me :
“net update eth0 --ipv4-method auto --ipv6-method disabled” has worked in CLI and led to the solution of the problem.

Guts, IPv6 is causing some probs in my network?

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I’m taking some detailed notes here to understand the heart of the problem so that it’s easier for others to identify that they have this same problem.

From another post I learned how you can “login” to the system shell.

ha> login

I also learned that network-manager is the tool used to manage network settings in Home Assistant OS; hence "Failed to start Network Manager’.

I’ve not really worked with network-manager before I looked for a guide to disable IPV6. Which I found an article from Red Hat discussing just that.

I ran the following commands hoping ipv4 would start working.

# nmcli set ipv6.method disabled
# nmcli set ipv4.method auto
# nmcli connection up "Supervisor enp0s3"

Nope, but it did give me a command to check logs:

journalctl -xe NM_CONNECTION=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx + NM_DEVICE=enp0s3

I assume the command is unique per attempt.

:point_right: Anyways the command spit out a lot of helpful information. Namely that the dhcp4 transaction was timing out after 45 seconds.

Given sembo’s post I might wager that the issue is at the link layer of the OSI stack since we don’t seem to be connecting into the network to get an IP address.

Update: the net tool does not exist in the VM and it looks like the above nmcli commands do the same thing as in sembo’s post.

Update: In general it’s not a good idea to use bridge networking with WiFi. The combination isn’t very compatible. Lots of VirtualBox forum posts about this. Most of these posts suggest using NAT.

:point_right: When I do use NAT the VM is assigned an IP address. Just need to figure out how to access it :slight_smile:

If I ping the assigned IP I get requests timeouts.

There’s a great post in SuperUser about this issue with NAT: HOST can't connect to GUEST with NAT networking at Virtualbox but others. (I would link it, but I’m out of links :slight_smile: )

The gist is this:

edit the NAT Network’s port forwarding. In VirtualBox manager, go to File → Preferences → Network and click the edit button for the NAT Network you are using. Click on Port Forwarding. Add rules that forward ports on your host machine to ip address + port on the guests (You don’t need to set the IP address for your host machine, that’s optional).

This is exactly what Vagrant does when you set "forwarded_port", guest: 8123, host: 8123. It would be so nice if HAOS was packaged as a Vagrant box. Working with Virtualbox directly is such a drag.

Update: The SuperUser post is outdated (like I said, a drag). You need to go to the settings for the VM > Network > Advanced > Port Forwarding. Then define a rule from to $GUEST_VM_IP:8123.

:partying_face: And now it works :slight_smile:


  1. Don’t use Bridged networking with a WiFi adapter. Neither are built for that.
  2. Try using a NAT network and assign port forwarding rules.

Another Sad Update: If you use NAT the VM will not be in the same network as any device you would want to attach.


At this point I’m guessing you just have to have a wired ethernet connection.


Thank you, that fix my problem.

I’m also having a similar issue, however I’m running on a Rpi4b+, after applying the latest update (or trying to and rebooting) the docker daemon wouldn’t start. Trying to solve that lead me to here:

But I cant parse the first command because my netowkrmanager isn’t running, which brought me here, however I notice my setup is a bit different and the solution above seemed to be a wired connection, which I’ve been running. When I try and run the above net update command, I get a response:

/bin/ash: net: not found

This fixed it. I also was only able to start my VMWare VM with cabled network.