FlightRadar24 as an Add-On?

Which add-on? This one: Home Assistant Add-on: ADS-B Multi-Portal Feeder (Flightradar24 and FlightAware) ?

Are there any error messages? If you could share your configuration for this add-on then maybe someone who is using that add-on could help.

Typical me…
Installed the “ADS-B Multi-Portal Feeder” add-on, and I see that there are a lot of HOST/REMOTE settings.

I would like to keep my RPI on the attic and read the ADS-B dongle from the add on… I this possible?
If it is, what do I need the enter in the settings to remotely connect to my RPI?

Suspecting that i’ve to make some settings in the RPI dump1090 ?
The addon is complaining about “Refused to connect to…”

I’m using a variation of what @exxamalte had posted.

It took a bit for me to get it working at the time, but once I added the info towards the top of my configuration.yaml file, it’s been working great.

# ADS-B System / Flightradar 24

      hidden: true
      icon: mdi:airplane
      icon: mdi:airplane
      icon: mdi:radar

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Receiver Connected
        value_template: '{{ is_state_attr("sensor.fr24_feeder", "rx_connected", "1") }}'
        device_class: connectivity
        friendly_name: Link Connected
        value_template: '{{ is_state_attr("sensor.fr24_feeder", "feed_status", "connected") }}'
        device_class: connectivity

  - platform: rest
    name: FR24 Feeder
    resource: http://YOURFEEDERIPADDRESS:8754/monitor.json
    value_template: '{{ value_json.feed_alias }}'
    method: GET
    scan_interval: 60
      - rx_connected
      - feed_status
      - d11_map_size
      - feed_num_ac_tracked
      - build_version
      - feed_alias
      - feed_num_ac_adsb_tracked
      - feed_num_ac_non_adsb_tracked
      - mlat-ok
      - mlat-number-seen
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Radar Code
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.fr24_feeder.attributes["feed_alias"] }}'
        friendly_name: Aircraft Tracked
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.fr24_feeder.attributes["d11_map_size"] | round(0) }}'
        unit_of_measurement: 'aircraft'
        friendly_name: Total Aircraft Uploaded
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.fr24_feeder.attributes["feed_num_ac_tracked"] | round(0) }}'
        unit_of_measurement: 'aircraft'
        friendly_name: Version
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.fr24_feeder.attributes["build_version"] }}'
        friendly_name: ADSB Tracked
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.fr24_feeder.attributes["feed_num_ac_adsb_tracked"] | round(0) }}'
        unit_of_measurement: 'aircraft'     
        friendly_name: NON-ADSB Tracked
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.fr24_feeder.attributes["feed_num_ac_non_adsb_tracked"] | round(0) }}'
        unit_of_measurement: 'aircraft'    
        friendly_name: MLAT Status
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.fr24_feeder.attributes["mlat-ok"] }}'            
        friendly_name: MLAT number seen
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.fr24_feeder.attributes["mlat-number-seen"] | round(0) }}'
        unit_of_measurement: 'aircraft'

Here is a nice Lovelace card for monitoring your data.
Media used to be downloaded from the bottom of this page Press | Flightradar24 Blog.
Make sure you download the png file and copy it into the \yourhomeassistantip\config\www folder.
Code for a static pic without any action and aircraft uploaded for the last 24hours graph

type: entities
  - entity: sensor.fr24_feeder_aircraft_tracked
    icon: mdi:airplane-marker
  - entity: sensor.fr24_feeder_aircraft_uploaded
    icon: mdi:airplane-check
  - entity: binary_sensor.fr24_feeder_link_connected
  - entity: sensor.fr24_feeder_radar_code
    icon: mdi:radar
  - entity: binary_sensor.fr24_feeder_receiver_connected
  - entity: sensor.fr24_feeder_version
  type: picture
  image: /local/flightradar24_logo_transparent.png
    action: none
    action: none
  type: graph
  entity: sensor.fr24_feeder_aircraft_uploaded
  detail: 2

This is with a clickable pic to your local Fr24 page. Remember to change your homeassistantip to your home assistant IP and Fr24 local server.

also enable color icons based on state.

type: entities
  - entity: sensor.fr24_feeder_aircraft_tracked
    icon: mdi:airplane-marker
  - entity: sensor.fr24_feeder_aircraft_uploaded
    icon: mdi:airplane-check
  - entity: binary_sensor.fr24_feeder_link_connected
  - entity: sensor.fr24_feeder_radar_code
    icon: mdi:radar
  - entity: binary_sensor.fr24_feeder_receiver_connected
  - entity: sensor.fr24_feeder_version
  type: picture
  image: /local/flightradar24_logo_transparent.png
    action: url
    url_path: http://yourhomeassistantip:8123xxxxxx_adsb-multi-portal-feeder/dashboard
    action: none
  type: graph
  entity: sensor.fr24_feeder_aircraft_uploaded
  detail: 2
state_color: true

I’ve installed @exxamalte add-on, thank you it’s really amazing! I’m asking: could it be possible to track a specific codesign (for example, I-TIKE); I would like to know when a specific aircraft is above my head. Thank you!

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Since I’ve been using HA I wanted to load my radar data into HA to show the tracked aircraft. I’ve checked this topic many times hoping there was a nice way to show the data. Based on this topic I was already able to load my aircraft.json into HA. But I wanted more.

After a while I added a markdown card that generated a table with the data based on the REST sensor. It looked okay, but I wanted more: other information such as the registration and the distance.

So a few weeks ago I started my first custom plugin for Home Assistant, and today, after being in PR for two weeks it has finally been released in HACS; my custom Flight Radar card.


For more information check out ‘FR24 card’ in HACS or go to the repository: https://github.com/fratsloos/fr24_card


Fabulous, @fratsloos ! :smiley:

I wonder, if you could help me a little.
I have used your code to grab data from aircraft.json generated by tar1090, as I do not use dump1090.
Just shoot in to the wild, it will work, or it won’t.
And, it did. Almost.
I do get Registration, Flight and Track out of it, but Altitude and Speed stays empty.

So I think, tar1090 aircraft.json is formatted slightly different. Could you help me to locate the differences and modify your code to get correct info out of it?

We then could help more people, who use tar1090 :wink:

I would really appreciate your help :pray:

I don’t have tar1090 running and because of that I don’t have the JSON of the file you are trying to process. I’m willing to take a look at it, but could you supply me with the documentation of the JSON and an example of the JSON? For the example of the JSON you could copy your own file and paste it on Pastebin or Github Gist.

Thank you very much for your willingness :wink:


And this is, what I get already with your code unmodified :wink: :smiley:

Thanks @BebeMischa for the input. I’m a little bit limited on the time I can work on the plugin the coming period, but I take the challenge!

Love your coverage by the way. Due to my situation my coverage is limited to the South only. :frowning:

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I’m quiet limited too. On first floor in a 3 stairs flat my antenna is mounted on the front wall outside. Far from ideal :wink:

Thank you so much! :beers:

Hey, you did it! I was not expecting anything near this fast response after you said something about time limitations… :smiley:

But today after the last update, my tar1090 works well too!

Elwin, you are fabulous, and your cup of coffee is on it’s way!



WTF, buy me coffee does not support Paypal anymore? They ask a creditcard number. I do not have a CC… hmmmmm… grrrrrrrr

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Yes, I did a release a few days ago. I thought about announcing it in this thread, but I didn’t want to spam everyone with a message like that. :wink: Especially because you automatically see the update coming in if you use HACS.
There was also an issue created in the project with the same feedback, I did post a response there.

Unfortunately no coffee, thank you anyway. :+1:


Awesome! Any hope for getting the similar expert treatment for the “flights.json” file that the FR24 feeder puts out? FlightRadar24 as an Add-On? - #9 by ChrisMD123

I second this suggestion :).

@ChrisMD123 and @AdmiralStipe , if you guys have the FR24 feed, don’t you have the aircraft.json? I’m using the FR24 Raspberry Pi image and I do have that file, and based on that file I developed the plugin. Mine is at http://ip/dump1090/data/aircraft.json.

No, unfortunately not, as I’m not using the FR24 image, I just installed the script
sudo bash -c "$(wget -O - https://repo-feed.flightradar24.com/install_fr24_rpi.sh)"
on my Pi, which runs Raspbian (used also for other purposes).
So it does not provide aircraft.json or anything similar on dump1090, the only two things I get out (or I’m aware of) are http:/ip:port/flights.json and http://ip:port/monitor.json.
Monitor only shows data about the feeder (no aircraft data) and flights have the structure which Chris posted before.

Well, after some tinkering I got it solved… I installed Apache server and in it’s settings it got a template for enabling dump1090, so I enabled it and now I have the http://ip/dump1090/data/aircraft.json available.

Your addon works great now, I added a PR for slovenian language (although just added the sl.json, I didn’t know how to properly edit the lang.js and possible other files - can you take over from there?) :).

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I’ll take a look as I’m in the same boat. Where were those settings

I’m fairly poor in Linux, so mostly I was relying on online tutorials. Hopefully these steps will work in your case also.
After installing apache2 I checked the
In the begining of the conf file there is an explanation, how you can activate the additional configuration settings, which are located in
folder (one of them being dump1090-ty.conf). So I just ran command a2enconf and followed the wizard. After that the aircraft.json was available immediately.
Don’t forget to enable apache2 service upon restart (by default you must start it manually after each reboot): I did that by running systemctl enable apache2.