Freint Electricity Meter Interface (Develco ZHEMI101)

That looks great, thanks for the help.

Just a side note: Included batteries died after less than two months, and the battery_low entity never changed status from false.

This device was my tipping point for finally abandoning Deconz and jumping the zigbee2mqtt train. So finally did the transition of all my 50+ devices and also got rid of my Ikea gateway. Highly recommended, got more data from other devices as a bonus that was not supported by Deconz! Running like a charm!

Just wanted to share a couple of hopefully useful bits of info.

First, I have it working via ZHA, several people have asked about this above. It has worked flawlessly for 9 months and then an electrician essentially dropped the unit whilst doing some work on our fuse box. I didn’t actually notice readings had stopped for a week as it’s not something I’m constantly checking. I was getting 0W reported. A ‘reconfigure’ via ZHA kept failing with various errors and I thought my unit might have been totally broken.

I did the obvious things and replaced the batteries, re-paired via ZIgbee and after this, I had readings back but they were too low (50W when it should be ~400W) and then gradually the reading trailed off to 0W again.

After looking more closely I realised that the entire circuit board had shifted inside the housing such that the 3.5mm sensor plug wasn’t seated correctly in the socket on the board. It felt ‘in’ and initially I couldn’t push it further, but I could see there was actually a couple of mm still exposed of the plug in the socket. With the lid off, I gently pushed the board down whilst pushing the plug up and this allowed it to mate fully. Sure enough I’ve got the correct measurements back.

Good unit all things considered but the plastic housing and construction is a bit cheap and this issue was simply a consequence of that.

TLDR, if you are getting lower readings than expected or slightly erratic readings, check the plug connection!

Freint Electricity Meter Interface (Develco ZHEMI101)

is it possible to have 2 off these in HA (deconz) - and on the energy dash board

Cannot for the life of me manage to pair this with my conbee 1 and deconz. I have tried pairing right next to the conbee (on an extension cord). I pair it as sensor, other. I do not see it in the node map in deconz. The green light stop blinking after a little while, but it doesn’t seem to actually pair.

I went with Zigbee2mqtt, as I found it had a wider range of supported devices and a more intuitive and detail UI for my needs.

Depending on how many devices you would potentially have to repair, give it a go. This device DEFINITELY works with it!

Thanks but that would be a last resort since I have about 80 devices.

this device is not appearing in zigbee2mqtt or if it is appearing it does not complete interview. Can someone please provide info how to reset it correctly ? Is there anything I can do to help it to complete the interview ? Got it working with ZHA in the past

Read Page 16 to 19 for details:

If the interview is not finished, them you might be out of range or has some interference which causes issues.

If adding this, it’s starts counting from “0”/Zero, is there a way to add maybe 1500kWh, so it start from 1500 and then count up, so the “numbers” on the dashboard match the real numbers from the house counter?

I struggled with this and ended up creating a template sensor that creates a new sensor and adds the relevant number.
BUT I still haven’t been able to resolve the fact that the energy monitor figure slowly drifts away from the actual meter reading figure
I also use a couple of Current Cost meters that do the same job on other meters and they NEVER drift!!
I have optical / LED sensors on 5 meters (4 Solar & 1 Electricity)

- platform: template
        value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.frient_meter_shed_solar_summation_delivered') | float + 373.888 | float) | round (3) }}"
        friendly_name: Shed Solar Meter

Just thought I’d double check
Is everyone using one of the Frient / Develco Meters setting the “Interface Mode” to Electricity?

Hey. I’m solving metering of apartment consumption with Frient Electricity Meter Interfence. I need to change the pulse count measurement (default is set to 1000imp, however my meter is at 10000imp. Via Z2M this change is simple and functional, unfortunately this was the only device I was running via Z2M and the rest I have ZHA. Now the meter has been placed in a new cabinet where Z2M can no longer reach me and there is not much opportunity to extend it. ZHA is fine, there is a bit of a router. I’ve searched all over the place and the only option for changing the pulses seems to be to create a template that will divide the consumption by 10 so it doesn’t show nonsense. Unfortunately I have no idea how to achieve this. I found a similar post on the forum, but I’m not able to get it into sensors.yaml. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks a lot


Is there any way to reset the cumulated energy measurement? Other than resetting the whole device? Or Template sensor? On Z2m.


So I have had this template working for a while but recently noticed that I was getting negative values on my energy dashboard. After some research, it was suggested that best practice is to add an availability_template:. It appears the current template reports ‘0’ when the device is unavailable which explains the drops and negative values.

Source: Why an availability template is important for energy template sensors

Anyone know what to add to this template? Perhaps this could be of a starting point?

availability_template: "{{ not is_state('sensor.energy_monitor_instantaneous_demand', 'unknown') }}"

Original Template

  - sensor:
    - name: "Live Electricity Usage"
      unique_id: "live_electricity_total"
      unit_of_measurement: "W"
      state: "{{ (states('sensor.energy_monitor_instantaneous_demand')|float * 1000 / 2000) | round(0) }}"
      state_class: measurement
      device_class: power
      #availability_template: "{{ not is_state('sensor.energy_monitor_instantaneous_demand', 'unknown') }}"

    - name: "Total Electricity Usage"
      unique_id: "total_electricity_usage"
      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
      state: "{{ (states('sensor.energy_monitor_summation_delivered')|float * 1000 / 2000) | round(2) }}"
      state_class: total_increasing
      device_class: energy
1 Like

As per the examples in the link you posted:

availability: "{{ has_value('sensor.energy_monitor_instantaneous_demand') }}"

I don’t know how good HA is at optimisation but doing things like this:

something * 1000 / 2000

may be forcing it to do relatively computationally intensive CPU operations (division by anything other than 2 in binary is hard).

It would be much better written as:

something / 2

Thank you! And I appreciate you also calling out the optimisation too… will change that to your suggestion.

Here is the updated template incase it helps someone else:

  - sensor:
    - name: "Live Electricity Usage"
      unique_id: "live_electricity_total"
      unit_of_measurement: "W"
      state: "{{ (states('sensor.energy_monitor_instantaneous_demand')|float / 2) | round(0) }}"
      state_class: measurement
      device_class: power
      availability: "{{ has_value('sensor.energy_monitor_instantaneous_demand') }}"

    - name: "Total Electricity Usage"
      unique_id: "total_electricity_usage"
      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
      state: "{{ (states('sensor.energy_monitor_summation_delivered')|float / 2) | round(2) }}"
      state_class: total_increasing
      device_class: energy
      availability: "{{ has_value('sensor.energy_monitor_summation_delivered') }}"

Hi, I have been running the Frient with zigbee2mqtt successfully for over a year. The only thing I changed in the GUI of Zigbee2mqqt was the pulse rate to 10000.
I visualize with Grafana.
So far so good.

Now I have also been integrating my balcony solar system for a year, which supplies up to 600W to the house grid via the standard inverter.

The Frient zhimi is of course connected to a two-directional electricity meter.

When visualizing, I noticed the following:

Every time more solar energy is supplied than the domestic consumption, the non-negative value is displayed instead of 0W.
e.g.: 600W feed-in, 150W domestic consumption, then not 0W consumption but 450W consumption is displayed.

Now there are many setting options in zogbee2mqtt for the Frient. What could be changed here or how could I solve this problem?

This answer might be a bit late, but might help you further.

The blinking LED solution on an electricity meter is always for consumption only setup. The LED pulses as the Apparent Power changes. It has no differentiation for import or export.

For your setup it is better to either read the IR port on the meter or use any external HAN ports for communication and get the OBIS codes 1.8.x (import) and 2.8.x (export) kWhs.

If you tell which country you are from and what meter do you have I might can advise on some solution to follow.