Getting Started RSB

I’m trying to install HA on a Raspberry Pi 5. I think I have created an SD card correctly. When I boot the RPi, nothing happens. If I plug a monitor in, I can see that there is a “ha” prompt, which presumably means that the boot process has completed successfully. But it won’t show me a web page on homeassistant.local:8123, or on homeassistant:8123. How do I tell what IP number the RPi is running on?

Thank you - Rowan

hi Rowan,
be sure your computer is on the same network as the RPi5. Also try the address that is based upon 192.168.X.XX:8123 instead of homeassistant.whatever.


Thanks for your reply. But how do I find out what X.XX is?

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If you can get to the home assistant operating system startup screen where it says “Home Assistant” in really big letters and then “Welcome to the Home Assistant command line”, then just below that there will be a line that reads something like:
“IPv4 for end0:” The “192” part without the “/24” is the number you are looking for.

Another way to do it is to login as an admin to your router and look up the list of clients that are on your router and you should see the IP address (the “192.”) number in that list, possible even labeled as Raspberry.

Thanks for your help,. It never gets to that screen. It scrolls up lots and lots of messages on the screen, too fast to read. There are a number of FAILED messages:
“Failed to start containerd container runtime”. After a whole it just repeats the whole process, over and over forever.
What may be wrong? What can I try?

Thank you - Rowan

Okay…then it sounds like it is rebooting. The biggest reason for a reboots are an inadequate power supply…are you using a Raspberry power supply specifically designed for the RPI5? Anything with less capacity will cause reboots.

Yes, I believe that I’m using the right PSU. It has a rasperry picture on the side, and is rated at 5.1V 5A.

What else could be causing the reboots?

Thanks - Rowan

Write down the exact steps you followed, including which link you used to install HA. You might simply have installed the wrong image.
That way, it’ll be easier for us to follow along and see whether any mistakes were made.