Google Assistant is not working anymore (Could not reach <app name>[test] please try again.)

RPi 3b+
Home Assistant 2022.9.7
Operating System 9.0
Duck DNS 1.15.0 add-on

Add me to the list of people also having problems with google assistant w/ Duck DNS. Stopped working yesterday for a majority of the day. A few minutes it will be up, then go down again. Google home lists several devices offline. Not sure if it helps, but seeing these errors in the Cloud Actions Console (not full log)

failed with code: GAL_BAD_3P_RESPONSE
Agent responded empty JSON.
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Same here. DuckDNS and manual configuration.Google Assistant not working

Agree. Starting 24-36h ago, Google Assistant can no longer access Home Assistant. DuckDNS and manual GA-HA configuration. Log file in Cloud Console:

insertId: "***"
logName: "projects/home-assistant-***/logs/"
receiveTimestamp: "2022-10-02T20:52***"
resource: {
labels: {
project_id: "home-assistant-ga-***"
version_id: ""
type: "assistant_action"
severity: "ERROR"
textPayload: "requestId ***: Agent responded empty JSON."

Agent responded empty JSON

I’ve concluded that it is a DuckDNS issue. I Decided to replace it with alternative and
everything is now working perfectly!

I had two viable options to replace the duckdns plug-in:

a) Use my own domain that is parked on godaddy with Home Assistant GoDaddy DNS plug-in or
b) cloudfare plug-in / freenom described in the video below:

I used option A by using my own domain / HA Godaddy plug-in. (New Home Assistant Add-on: GoDaddy DNS)
Once the add-on was ocnfigured, I also had to replace all references of duckdns with my own domain on the google platform for google assistant project.

If option A was not going to work, i would use option B by following the step-by-step directions in the video.

DuckDNS was fine for a while now, but the above options are more reliable going forward.

hope this helps.


GoDaddy is not free…

This worked for me! Thank you very much.

Just to let you know, i had some trouble saving the DNS Nameservers on freenode. I had to input a fake US address on my profile. It wasn´t working with my real German address. (Error with Login credentials when saving the cloudflare DNS)

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Same issue here!

Some one let us know in the thread when this gets fixed… I would not like to apply other kind of solution as this config has been working for long time.


i just setup freenom with cloudflare plugin (video above) and it work like a charm!

for those use Nginx addon, you need to use 443 or 2053 or 2083/2087/2096/8443 (be careful the last one is used by UNIFY AddOn) when proxied through Cloudflare, so :

1-in HA change under settings/network : https://YourFreenom:2053
and in configuration.yaml :

  use_x_forwarded_for: true
    #Nginx Proxy
    #Cloudflare proxies

then restart HA.
2-in Nginx check “unactivated ports” down to the addOn Config and for HTTPS put 2053 or another port listed above.
3-in your router under Settings /NAT / redirect external port 2053 to internal 2053 for HA IP over TCP
4-in Google Action Console change all with your fresh freenom domain (in Overview → QuickSettup → SetupAccountLinking and in BuildYourAction → AddAction) and be sure Homegraph API is still activated in Google Cloud → API and Services.

5-Thats all! relink your app (dont forget to remove the shortcut of HA in Home Page of your Android or IOs device) and it works like a charm.


I have left duckdns and took the cloudflare-route, I created a new project but can still not add it.

In the logs on google cloud console, this appears everytime I try to add it:

  "textPayload": "SYNC: Request ID 1197529754000066502 update devices failed: CANCELLED",
  "insertId": "tesyxef9jj5sq",
  "resource": {
    "type": "assistant_action",
    "labels": {
      "version_id": "",
      "action_id": "SMART_HOME_SYNC",
      "project_id": "homesystem-229w3"
  "timestamp": "2022-10-03T16:23:54.139630140Z",
  "severity": "ERROR",
  "logName": "projects/homesystem-229w3/logs/",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2022-10-03T16:23:54.145234194Z"
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why do you create a new project? more simple way is to just modify the existing one in my opinion…

perhaps stupid question but have you make the new credentials part also? and activate Homegraph API in GoogleCloud?

First tried just editing it, but did not work. So to be sure nothing old was left somewhere I made a new, but can still not add it :frowning:

Hm, is this nessecary? I can reach my HA on is needed?

I have the same problem, decided to try Nabu casa but cant add that either

work like a charm with freenom and cloudflare…relink app just work direct the first time my config of the new DDNS was ready!

folow the video above and if you have Nginx read what i make with ports. :wink:

and the cherry on the cake : seems to work faster than duckdns style and never heard about “sorry, i cant reach home assistant” from any Google Home! before i have a lot of issues with duckdns and i have to repeat twice, sometimes third times before a Google home turn the light off…even bad that i prefer to use my phone…

Now works perfect

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try with and you will see if it works better :wink:

I have always put a PORT after the IP for Google Assistant config, as its explained in the doc.

But my previous HTTPS PORT was 8124, not 443. (with Nginx AddOn)

443 is the default for https, therefore it’s unnecessary to actually type it. Any other port would be required to be typed

For me its already working.

Right now home assistant devices already appear on Google Home and are working without issues.

I use Duckdns with letsencrypt and Nginx.

On google cloud console i cant see errors since a couple of days ago.

I’ll keep getting
cannot reach [test]HomeAssistant :frowning:
New setup with that tunnel.
New Google account with all setup//
very strange behaviour.
Back to Duckdns and works…

You set that port on the homeassistant instance in your router’s settings?

any solution? Occasionally I manage to relink the test but the connection between Google Hombe and HA is very unstable

Anything that really solved this?

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