Google Assistant trouble shooting

another question :slight_smile:
is it possible to disable/enable upfront the 30 days?
so lets say, i have enabled testing, i am at day 25 , then i disable / enable again , will it start again on day 1 ? i dont wanna try right now, since there are other issues at the moment with google …

I have updated account linking settings and i am getting the error GoogleFulfillment ‘actions.fulfillment.devices’ is not supported
How to resolve this issue

wait for a fix from google, or use the HA cloud

I have had a couple e-mail exchanges with Google support. As some of you already reported, Google is working on a fix. It is a bit disappointing that it is taking them this long to fix an issue that affects so many users. As far as I understand, there is no work-around at this moment other then if it still works for you, don’t hit new version in the simulator.


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so manu users? i dont so many users used this kind of method, but rather the official apps
so i dont think this is an high priority issue for google

There is a manual workaround:

  • download the gactions cli at
  • authenticate with any command eg:
    ./gactions list --project [YOUT_PROJECT_ID]
  • download the json representation of your action:
    ./gactions get --project [YOUR_PROJECT_ID] --version draft > action.json
  • edit the json to 1. extract the only object from its array, 2. remove the nested “googleFulfillments” object
  • push your fixed action into test:
    ./gactions test --project [YOUR_PROJECT_ID] --action_package ./action.json

This replaces the step 3 " Click Simulator under TEST" in the google assistant manual setup. And then it seems to work :tada:


how did you figure that out?

can you make a screenshot from it? does it look different? maybe with this approach if we dont need simulator, we are not stuck anymore with the 30 days limit test ?

in a french forum for the jeedom automation system (with similar messages about google fulfillment) someone hinted that it was doable with the command line :slight_smile:

ah cool, can you share that link?

Nice :+1: I will try this tonight. If this resolves it, perhaps this should be captured in the component documentation for future reference

It looks exactly the same, I think it is the same but lets you fix the json beforehand.
For the 30 days, there is an update command in gactions, so it may be scriptable/cronable…

ok, really interesting, maybe we can use that gaction in some kind of automation from HA !

ok, more info here :

That link doesn’t show anything useful

I beg to differ

Après d’après l’issue ya moyen de le faire en ligne de commande.

which translate roughly to “this issue is solvable with the command line” was extremely useful :wink:

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I have mine working now thanks to this! Much appreciated :smiley:

verry good to hear

Has anyone done this? Because it’s not working for me.

Linux version…

root@debian:/usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/g-actions# ./gactions get --project [xxxxxx] --version ‘draft’ > action.json
2019/02/21 08:08:51 Get[xxxxx]:listActionPackages: oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request
Response: {
“error”: “invalid_grant”,
“error_description”: “Bad Request”

When I did it on windows, it created the actions.json and you need to go to a web page to authorize and then you get a key to enter which I did:

C:\Users\david\Desktop>gactions get --project xxxx --version ‘draft’ > action.json

This is the auth key I got from the web site and enteredxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ERROR: Couldn’t fetch version
ERROR: Request contains an invalid argument.
2019/02/21 08:12:16 Server did not return HTTP 200