Good job Luke. Following your trouble shooting help me connect a bunch of dots. Slang for I learned a lot.
I could not understand why if you could connect, why it would not update. What is different about your “google maps” that is different than mine? Could it be that different devices update differently? But the map then would have to render it differently. You have my curiosity up. I posted the location to the code below. I glanced at the code, keep in mind you are more familiar with it than I, are you seeing the “InvalidData” exception?
I could be in the wrong area, to me looks like the work is done in _populate function.
class Person(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
"""A person sharing its location as coordinates"""
def __init__(self, data):
logger_name = u'{base}.{suffix}'.format(base=LOGGER_BASENAME,
self._logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
self._id = None
self._picture_url = None
self._full_name = None
self._nickname = None
self._latitude = None
self._longitude = None
self._timestamp = None
self._accuracy = None
self._address = None
self._country_code = None
def _populate(self, data):
self._id = data[6][0]
self._picture_url = data[6][1]
self._full_name = data[6][2]
self._nickname = data[6][3]
self._latitude = data[1][1][2]
self._longitude = data[1][1][1]
self._timestamp = data[1][2]
self._accuracy = data[1][3]
self._address = data[1][4]
self._country_code = data[1][6]
except IndexError:
raise InvalidData
Also I found this issue The last line says Pull Request fixed issue. Must be something different.
Also, I started to reply but got sidetracked, you can run the locationlibsharing from the command line. You might try the latest branch, although the description does not seem to relate to your issue.