Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

Hello @allenporter and thank you for your amazing work on the nest: integration. I used it for the first time yesterday by following the API/project creation instructions and all worked to perfection. Few things I noticed are these:

  1. A nest CAM (especially one that is within a Nest Hub Max) if set to ‘OFF’ in the Nest mobile app spawns errors in the log of HA such as:
Logger: libav.rtsp
Source: components/stream/
First occurred: 6:39:17 PM (26 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:33:55 PM

method DESCRIBE failed: 404 Not Found


Source: components/stream/
Integration: Stream (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 7:24:34 AM (397 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:33:54 PM

Error opening stream rtsps://<something_long>
Error opening stream rtsps://<something_long>
Error opening stream rtsps://<something_long>
Error opening stream rtsps://<something_long>

Personally until now I was using the Nest Mobile App and I kept my cameras off until I needed to see something, in which case I was turning them on. I was hoping that I could follow the same premise by using the camera.turn_on and camera.turn_off services for these entities. However…

  1. The documentation mentions nothing of the services available to the entities exposed after the integration is used. So for example I don’t know which of the following can be used or make no sense being able to be used and I was wondering if you could address that.
    camera.turn_on > Fails with error if camera is ‘OFF’ through the Nest Mobile app and makes no sense using it when the camera is already on manually.
    camera.turn_off > Makes no sense using it when the camera is already ‘OFF’ in the Nest Mobile App and doesn’t seem to do anything when the camera is ‘ON’. It spawns no error whatsoever.
    camera.record + camera.play_stream + camera.snapshot > All these have been tested and work with nest cam exposed entities
    camera.enable_motion_detection + camera.disable_motion_detection > I don’t know if those services are usefull for something since motion detection is enabled through the permissions of the API which are set during the initial setup but it would be good to know if they actually contribute to something.

  2. Lastly I would like to ask whether the stream: integration is needed for nest cam entities exposed through the nest: integration.

Thank you for any time you may take to read or respond to this.

@tsaro Ah, i missed that. Is that the request that either times out or fails? If so we should be able to find out whats going on… So does that end up writing anything in .storage/core.config_entries?

1 Like

I get a similar line for callback for either case, the first time the page loads quickly and I get lines as follows:

2021-04-10 14:28:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Serving /auth/external/callback to x.x.x.145 (auth: False)
2021-04-10 14:28:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.auth] Authenticated x.x.x.145 for /api/config/config_entries/flow/43e9d86a08c84d58b772e925a599258b using bearer token
2021-04-10 14:28:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Serving /api/config/config_entries/flow/43e9d86a08c84d58b772e925a599258b to x.x.x.145 (auth: True)

If I go back and click on the still-present ‘open website’ prompt, I don’t get the flow related lines after the callback one, and this page times out after a while rather than loading immediately.

2021-04-10 14:32:41 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Serving /auth/external/callback to x.x.x.145 (auth: False)

I’m not sure if this message is related but slightly later I get some traceback info:

2021-04-10 14:28:35 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 314, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp/_http_parser.pyx", line 546, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: 400, message="Bad status line 'invalid HTTP method'"
2021-04-10 14:28:35 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 314, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp/_http_parser.pyx", line 546, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: 400, message="Bad status line 'invalid HTTP method'"
2021-04-10 14:28:35 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 314, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp/_http_parser.pyx", line 546, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: 400, message="Bad status line 'invalid HTTP method'"
2021-04-10 14:28:35 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 314, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp/_http_parser.pyx", line 546, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: 400, message="Bad status line 'invalid HTTP method'"
2021-04-10 14:28:35 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 314, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp/_http_parser.pyx", line 546, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: 400, message="Bad status line 'invalid HTTP method'"
2021-04-10 14:28:35 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 314, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp/_http_parser.pyx", line 546, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: 400, message="Bad status line 'invalid HTTP method'"
2021-04-10 14:28:35 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 314, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp/_http_parser.pyx", line 546, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: 400, message="Bad status line 'invalid HTTP method'"
2021-04-10 14:28:35 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 314, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp/_http_parser.pyx", line 546, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: 400, message="Bad status line 'invalid HTTP method'"

and no nest related entries show up in my .storage/core.config_entries file

@elementoulis Thanks for the kind words, and glad you were able to get things set up.

For the on and off bit, I am not currently aware any way to turn the camera on/off through the SDM API or any way for home assistant to know that it is off.

As for services, you’re right on – the ones you said work (record, play_stream, snapshot) are the ones that work and the others. The on/off and enable/disable motion events are not exposed in the SDM API, so those are not used. (I could imagine suppressing events within home assistant, but I don’t think that is the intent of that service). Yes, it does make sense to update the documentation with this, good call out.

The stream integration is definitely used by the nest integration to provide an HLS feed within home assistant, and was modified heavily to work to support nest.

Thank you! (and I just saw you also replied to me on Discord - literally keeping an eye on everything!)

So I need to turn the cameras on through Nest (all the time) to have a consistent feed and commit/push the stream: addition in my configuration to my production repos as what I am gathering from what you say is that it’s needed!

Will let you know if anything weird comes up in the logs to help further the development of nest: as I have quite a few products myself!

Thanks again!

1 Like

I’m getting constant rate limiting errors that make the integration practically useless. I’ve tried deleting and reconnecting the integration. I’ve tried setting up new projects and API access through Google cloud. Nothing seems to resolve the issue. A few other people in a different thread are experiencing the same issue. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

The error in question that pops up in Lovelace after trying to adjust the thermostat is:

> Failed to call service climate/set_hvac_mode. Error from the API: 429: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Rate limited for the Thermostat.: Too many Requests

I also see there is a github issue Rate Limited and Other API Errors Make Integration Unusable · Issue #49095 · home-assistant/core · GitHub filed this morning and a a few replies to that thread so likely is a change on the API side that many folks are experiencing. I’ll be following up in the github issue as I learn more.

I’d first start by checking the oauth consent screen since it sounded like OP of that thread was able to resolve it with that change until we learn more.

Hi Allen,

First of all superb work, the integration works great. I have one small question;

The temperature readings in Home Assistant are always just a few tenths off of the value that the Nest app displays.

I can imagine that the Nest app rounds the temperature readings, so that’s not an issue for me. But the setpoint: it is always *.3 or *.8 and not *.0 or *.5. Do you know if this is a common issue or if I configured something wrong?

If it’s an issue, I’ll can raise an issue on github if you prefer.

Thanks for all the effort!

Edit: I just managed to fix it myself. Switching the temperature in the nest app did reset the setpoint to *.5 & *.0.

Glad you were able to fix it.

For context, the nest integration passes the temp in C directly to home assistant without any modifications. You could enable debugging to dump payloads of events as they arrive to see how they’re coming in from Google to help narrow down, in case anyone comes across this (see nest integration troubleshooting)

@allanporter I am again seeing a number of 404 errors in my logfile that I can’t explain. I am able to view the cams but of course they do abort after some time. Debug logs provided…

Thank you for the awesome integration.

2021-04-19 14:51:46 DEBUG (Thread-CallbackRequestDispatcher) [] Handling 1 batched requests
2021-04-19 14:51:46 DEBUG (Thread-CallbackRequestDispatcher) [] Sent request(s) over unary RPC.
2021-04-19 14:51:49 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:51:49 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 1.624875 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:51:51 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:51:51 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 7.020783 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:51:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Generating event image URL for event_id CiQA2vuxr4BwGGYx_SxGKuoTJm-Mca6Nb4_USRwsQY_ipzsxFKwSjQEAq-xCHs0mz_dw2cz34t_425zUd4rYwO8Of8aR4sX1vzNqJo4ld8XJL6pJRTEILGrut_oulWX-CVH6Tti7tIflZTzpY64UUAmZcScjIosmxqL9qk1dys0DX986W9vHboyxnYrrO3ygsPxtGL-ToCWcqpXyzmYa8EN16NqwOP6dPwF2G-N2HbtrcFigZQQ
2021-04-19 14:51:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[post]=
2021-04-19 14:51:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[get]=
2021-04-19 14:52:18 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [] Processing 1 received message(s), currently on hold 0 (bytes 0).
2021-04-19 14:52:18 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [] Sent request(s) over unary RPC.
2021-04-19 14:52:18 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [] Released held message, scheduling callback for it, still on hold 0 (bytes 0).
2021-04-19 14:52:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.event] EventMessage raw_data={'eventId': 'b50354ee-210c-4c43-b615-9ad9ba81c4d6', 'timestamp': '2021-04-19T18:52:17.895Z', 'resourceUpdate': {'name': 'enterprises/d4728490-26f9-49a0-a7fc-05414f2a1c56/devices/AVPHwEsj2A4KQnXNtfXUlGjMEDZdVTQxceMZgHrtkZRxWwCYtXr803lxKp0MhLK7gipoQcK3ZCzNIKYNxYgpZIcwLhptQg', 'events': {'': {'eventSessionId': 'AVPHwEsUQiTN8jbiric1vSEI1_LV1xffRul1rF4Bpp5SuEDUq8fT88HkYng_Ig3eP1DwD-fGObTJsPHXrjCHWuYhf9sTdA', 'eventId': 'CiQA2vuxrzKCgfEqOkym2F16P_0tMOaL61eIvIuSBGYdjX9sFAgSjAEAq-xCHndQmvB0ChnRL2SPL-bLeIDMxyjX0q8KEEMIglUoWCJNDZIYmaJI7-pcU8WRPUz-txb3g6q_wIqpmUxz850ZUmYy0mXHklGZA4Q4GHyrnLoGAnHDdkJAAH55EwBUMF3kaaPQ6fBox9Ez_BbRkLB4uWrnRVXPgNs0mTUEhyPpzlCfKO9ZRq0inw'}}}, 'userId': 'AVPHwEvQjWF9s105PwQGzcZnKC2juNAED56XSEcee0Ab', 'resourceGroup': ['enterprises/d4728490-26f9-49a0-a7fc-05414f2a1c56/devices/AVPHwEsj2A4KQnXNtfXUlGjMEDZdVTQxceMZgHrtkZRxWwCYtXr803lxKp0MhLK7gipoQcK3ZCzNIKYNxYgpZIcwLhptQg']}
2021-04-19 14:52:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.device] Processing update b50354ee-210c-4c43-b615-9ad9ba81c4d6 @ 2021-04-19 18:52:17.895000+00:00
2021-04-19 14:52:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.device] Event Update dict_keys([''])
2021-04-19 14:52:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest] Event Update dict_keys([''])
2021-04-19 14:52:18 DEBUG (Thread-CallbackRequestDispatcher) [] Handling 1 batched requests
2021-04-19 14:52:18 DEBUG (Thread-CallbackRequestDispatcher) [] Sent request(s) over unary RPC.
2021-04-19 14:52:28 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Generating event image URL for event_id CiQA2vuxrzKCgfEqOkym2F16P_0tMOaL61eIvIuSBGYdjX9sFAgSjAEAq-xCHndQmvB0ChnRL2SPL-bLeIDMxyjX0q8KEEMIglUoWCJNDZIYmaJI7-pcU8WRPUz-txb3g6q_wIqpmUxz850ZUmYy0mXHklGZA4Q4GHyrnLoGAnHDdkJAAH55EwBUMF3kaaPQ6fBox9Ez_BbRkLB4uWrnRVXPgNs0mTUEhyPpzlCfKO9ZRq0inw
2021-04-19 14:52:28 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[post]=
2021-04-19 14:52:28 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[get]=
2021-04-19 14:53:41 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Extending stream url
2021-04-19 14:53:41 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[post]=
2021-04-19 14:53:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [] Updating stream source rtsps://
2021-04-19 14:53:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] New stream url expires at 2021-04-19 18:58:41.981000+00:00
2021-04-19 14:53:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Extending stream url
2021-04-19 14:53:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[post]=
2021-04-19 14:53:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Extending stream url
2021-04-19 14:53:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[post]=
2021-04-19 14:53:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [] Updating stream source rtsps://
2021-04-19 14:53:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] New stream url expires at 2021-04-19 18:58:42.480000+00:00
2021-04-19 14:53:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [] Updating stream source rtsps://
2021-04-19 14:53:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] New stream url expires at 2021-04-19 18:58:42.897000+00:00
2021-04-19 14:53:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Extending stream url
2021-04-19 14:53:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[post]=
2021-04-19 14:53:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Extending stream url
2021-04-19 14:53:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[post]=
2021-04-19 14:53:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [] Updating stream source rtsps://
2021-04-19 14:53:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] New stream url expires at 2021-04-19 18:58:44.332000+00:00
2021-04-19 14:53:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [] Updating stream source rtsps://
2021-04-19 14:53:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] New stream url expires at 2021-04-19 18:58:44.615000+00:00
2021-04-19 14:53:46 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:53:46 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 5.023215 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:53:47 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [] Processing 1 received message(s), currently on hold 0 (bytes 0).
2021-04-19 14:53:48 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [] Sent request(s) over unary RPC.
2021-04-19 14:53:48 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [] Released held message, scheduling callback for it, still on hold 0 (bytes 0).
2021-04-19 14:53:48 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.event] EventMessage raw_data={'eventId': 'f5ad5470-500e-440a-9c95-78d8c9e463f9', 'timestamp': '2021-04-19T18:53:47.557Z', 'resourceUpdate': {'name': 'enterprises/d4728490-26f9-49a0-a7fc-05414f2a1c56/devices/AVPHwEsj2A4KQnXNtfXUlGjMEDZdVTQxceMZgHrtkZRxWwCYtXr803lxKp0MhLK7gipoQcK3ZCzNIKYNxYgpZIcwLhptQg', 'events': {'': {'eventSessionId': 'AVPHwEvGbmkOTFc8tUdzt8be9PfyrKnRP1DKJngZyaY9fyasIX8lenL5XoU5K-67aofGk0rYGB5O6A5SmFb2LdB15Vd-Mw', 'eventId': 'CiQA2vuxr4YGg5F5o8aGwlWm6eD8BlyKSgiPDueWBy-65esAZLsSjQEAq-xCHmRnTWfL8sY6Xd3SvzuMvTj6yVTdcjJOypk4cpdD6oT-Pvpljk8kWTY8t0apCkYXxGW4VPSLw3jfSrED_ZPpBfVJPBgX8O77czrMbwK2mgbFuVQFs-KisJPRmEUOXb8mDnWzMI3tvDXRjkDPefQUXbqD78GAgqGKrM37YQNCsmQatlUc9HV6qHc'}}}, 'userId': 'AVPHwEvQjWF9s105PwQGzcZnKC2juNAED56XSEcee0Ab', 'resourceGroup': ['enterprises/d4728490-26f9-49a0-a7fc-05414f2a1c56/devices/AVPHwEsj2A4KQnXNtfXUlGjMEDZdVTQxceMZgHrtkZRxWwCYtXr803lxKp0MhLK7gipoQcK3ZCzNIKYNxYgpZIcwLhptQg']}
2021-04-19 14:53:48 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.device] Processing update f5ad5470-500e-440a-9c95-78d8c9e463f9 @ 2021-04-19 18:53:47.557000+00:00
2021-04-19 14:53:48 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.device] Event Update dict_keys([''])
2021-04-19 14:53:48 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest] Event Update dict_keys([''])
2021-04-19 14:53:48 DEBUG (Thread-CallbackRequestDispatcher) [] Handling 1 batched requests
2021-04-19 14:53:48 DEBUG (Thread-CallbackRequestDispatcher) [] Sent request(s) over unary RPC.
2021-04-19 14:53:51 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:53:51 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 6.109849 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:53:52 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Generating event image URL for event_id CiQA2vuxr4YGg5F5o8aGwlWm6eD8BlyKSgiPDueWBy-65esAZLsSjQEAq-xCHmRnTWfL8sY6Xd3SvzuMvTj6yVTdcjJOypk4cpdD6oT-Pvpljk8kWTY8t0apCkYXxGW4VPSLw3jfSrED_ZPpBfVJPBgX8O77czrMbwK2mgbFuVQFs-KisJPRmEUOXb8mDnWzMI3tvDXRjkDPefQUXbqD78GAgqGKrM37YQNCsmQatlUc9HV6qHc
2021-04-19 14:53:52 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[post]=
2021-04-19 14:53:52 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[get]=
2021-04-19 14:53:53 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.rtsp] method DESCRIBE failed: 404 Not Found
2021-04-19 14:53:53 ERROR (stream_worker) [] Error opening stream rtsps://
2021-04-19 14:53:53 DEBUG (stream_worker) [] Restarting stream worker in 10 seconds: rtsps://
2021-04-19 14:53:57 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:53:57 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 2.223844 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:53:59 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:53:59 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 4.690574 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:54:01 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.upnp] Unable to create UPnP/IGD, aborting
2021-04-19 14:54:04 DEBUG (Thread-Heartbeater) [] Sent heartbeat.
2021-04-19 14:54:04 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:54:04 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 1.994923 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:54:06 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:54:06 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 8.866574 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:54:15 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:54:01 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.upnp] Device not discovered
2021-04-19 14:54:15 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 2.618403 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:54:18 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-19 14:54:18 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 8.623814 seconds.

Very odd! I notice the URL that got a 404 was refreshed 10 seconds prior, which does not seem right.

Can you confirm which home assistant version you are using? I’m assuming its the latest, but just want to rule it out since there was a bug with the initial nest stream url rewrite in prior versions.

I notice some of the error messages have stream time urls that are a few hours off of the timestamps in the logs. I assume the timestamps are just logged in UTC or something and not that your clock is off… given the url was just created 10 seconds prior.

Other questions:
(1) So once this happens, does everything recover correctly?
(2) Do things still work when you restart home assistant? (e.g. confirms all authentication is working fine)

Hi all

First off, thanks for the Nest integration. It’s the one thing that get’s my wife using HA on her phone :slight_smile:

I just updated to 2021.4.6 from 202.4.1 and I getting a bunch of stream/dropcam, 404 errors, as follows:

2021-04-20 15:02:11 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.rtsp] method DESCRIBE failed: 404 Not Found
2021-04-20 15:02:11 ERROR (stream_worker) [] Error opening stream rtsps:// <URL shortened>

It’s connected to my Nest cam.

If I go to the nest app and start the stream the errors stop. If I then disable the cam (I typically have the cam off when home), I get

2021-04-20 15:16:51 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.tls] The specified session has been invalidated for some reason.
2021-04-20 15:16:51 ERROR (stream_worker) [] Error demuxing stream: 
2021-04-20 15:16:51 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.tls] The specified session has been invalidated for some reason.

20 seconds later the 404 error and error opening stream start showing up.

I’ve tried restarting core and also rebooting the host. Same results.

Are there any specific logs that would help debug @allenporter ? Looks like the same error that @elementoulis first reported about 10 days ago.

I am running core-2021.4.4, Home Assistant OS 5.13

When I see this the cameras default back to broken image and over 10 seconds they reload themselves.

This is what startup looks like:

2021-04-20 10:29:35 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration hacs which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant
2021-04-20 10:29:35 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration ytube_music_player which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant
2021-04-20 10:29:35 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration fullykiosk which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant
2021-04-20 10:29:51 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setup of sensor platform systemmonitor is taking over 10 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:29:52 ERROR (MainThread) [metno] returned
2021-04-20 10:29:52 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Setup of binary_sensor platform rpi_power is taking over 10 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:29:54 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hue] Error connecting to the Hue bridge at
2021-04-20 10:29:54 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'Philips hue' for hue integration not ready yet; Retrying in background
2021-04-20 10:29:56 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.google_nest_subscriber] Starting background watchdog thread
2021-04-20 10:29:56 DEBUG (ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0) [google_nest_sdm.google_nest_subscriber] Subscriber 'projects/nestintegration-307902/subscriptions/metcalfeHome' configured on topic 'projects/sdm-prod/topics/enterprise-d4728490-26f9-49a0-a7fc-05414f2a1c56'
2021-04-20 10:29:56 DEBUG (ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0) [] Creating a stream, default ACK deadline set to 10 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:29:56 DEBUG (ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0) [] Started helper thread Thread-CallbackRequestDispatcher
2021-04-20 10:29:56 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:29:56 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 6.969580 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:29:56 DEBUG (ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0) [] Started helper thread Thread-LeaseMaintainer
2021-04-20 10:29:56 DEBUG (Thread-Heartbeater) [] Sent heartbeat.
2021-04-20 10:29:56 DEBUG (ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0) [] Started helper thread Thread-Heartbeater
2021-04-20 10:29:57 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[get]=
2021-04-20 10:29:57 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[get]=
2021-04-20 10:29:59 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [] Processing 1 received message(s), currently on hold 0 (bytes 0).
2021-04-20 10:29:59 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [] Sent request(s) over unary RPC.
2021-04-20 10:29:59 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [] Released held message, scheduling callback for it, still on hold 0 (bytes 0).
2021-04-20 10:29:59 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.event] EventMessage raw_data={'eventId': '79089eb6-31d7-4c44-9cc7-884eda3cebd1', 'timestamp': '2021-04-20T14:29:46.695Z', 'resourceUpdate': {'name': 'enterprises/d4728490-26f9-49a0-a7fc-05414f2a1c56/devices/AVPHwEvBGNlGIb2hmShVKFUpnHiC8GfELLxik-tbmjUlA05aPr7xvc5uD4EO7wl9GwS61GM6tEtwMAqeSXNnnr2Vx4_hQQ', 'events': {'': {'eventSessionId': 'AVPHwEvZcQOeglazzegdiu3z3lSCNmYTakDwL5XjIOluKvBwWIDlFI1qubgIk_4qXegHihWKIi9q-hc95b7ql0qwN9eGVw', 'eventId': 'CiQA2vuxr0fNB_PCCiQhXOweRg383HYGQgPpnn7ke6M8rmHw498SjQEAq-xCHp8lnZRpOulkBeTzNDXT5tKCoTxjtHh83lYdF5H3CPNhuTwfCggLdMKFsuJK4Z2lhmEWBebQ3GfcTsj5cjeKRu7kRybnjlXtDYQCsi-NtdYSkrBRuq4VlVvMetTUe2MtspyNHdYs2lQG5gltc_8DXy1hh3Rw_Eqguo4oZH3xBAO-77ORvjlh5cA'}}}, 'userId': 'AVPHwEvQjWF9s105PwQGzcZnKC2juNAED56XSEcee0Ab', 'resourceGroup': ['enterprises/d4728490-26f9-49a0-a7fc-05414f2a1c56/devices/AVPHwEvBGNlGIb2hmShVKFUpnHiC8GfELLxik-tbmjUlA05aPr7xvc5uD4EO7wl9GwS61GM6tEtwMAqeSXNnnr2Vx4_hQQ']}
2021-04-20 10:29:59 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.device] Processing update 79089eb6-31d7-4c44-9cc7-884eda3cebd1 @ 2021-04-20 14:29:46.695000+00:00
2021-04-20 10:29:59 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.device] Event Update dict_keys([''])
2021-04-20 10:29:59 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest] Event Update dict_keys([''])
2021-04-20 10:29:59 DEBUG (Thread-CallbackRequestDispatcher) [] Handling 1 batched requests
2021-04-20 10:29:59 DEBUG (Thread-CallbackRequestDispatcher) [] Sent request(s) over unary RPC.
2021-04-20 10:30:01 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'OnHub' for upnp integration not ready yet; Retrying in background
2021-04-20 10:30:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Fetching stream url
2021-04-20 10:30:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[post]=
2021-04-20 10:30:03 WARNING (SyncWorker_7) [homeassistant.components.waze_travel_time.sensor] Error on retrieving data: empty response
2021-04-20 10:30:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] New stream url expires at 2021-04-20 14:35:03.415000+00:00
2021-04-20 10:30:03 INFO (MainThread) [] Started stream: rtsps://
2021-04-20 10:30:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Fetching stream url
2021-04-20 10:30:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[post]=
2021-04-20 10:30:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] New stream url expires at 2021-04-20 14:35:03.774000+00:00
2021-04-20 10:30:03 INFO (MainThread) [] Started stream: rtsps://
2021-04-20 10:30:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Fetching stream url
2021-04-20 10:30:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[post]=
2021-04-20 10:30:03 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:03 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 1.508544 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:04 WARNING (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.components.waze_travel_time.sensor] Error on retrieving data: empty response
2021-04-20 10:30:04 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] New stream url expires at 2021-04-20 14:35:04.159000+00:00
2021-04-20 10:30:04 INFO (MainThread) [] Started stream: rtsps://
2021-04-20 10:30:04 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Fetching stream url
2021-04-20 10:30:04 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[post]=
2021-04-20 10:30:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] New stream url expires at 2021-04-20 14:35:04.698000+00:00
2021-04-20 10:30:05 INFO (MainThread) [] Started stream: rtsps://
2021-04-20 10:30:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Fetching stream url
2021-04-20 10:30:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.auth] request[post]=
2021-04-20 10:30:05 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:05 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 6.044271 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] New stream url expires at 2021-04-20 14:35:05.309000+00:00
2021-04-20 10:30:05 INFO (MainThread) [] Started stream: rtsps://
2021-04-20 10:30:11 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:11 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 6.284646 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:12 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.http] Request for failed: 400
2021-04-20 10:30:14 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [] Processing 1 received message(s), currently on hold 0 (bytes 0).
2021-04-20 10:30:14 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [] Sent request(s) over unary RPC.
2021-04-20 10:30:14 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [] Released held message, scheduling callback for it, still on hold 0 (bytes 0).
2021-04-20 10:30:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.event] EventMessage raw_data={'eventId': '35e34e60-2e5b-437b-83f2-92b58124ca91', 'timestamp': '2021-04-20T14:30:12.788Z', 'resourceUpdate': {'name': 'enterprises/d4728490-26f9-49a0-a7fc-05414f2a1c56/devices/AVPHwEsj2A4KQnXNtfXUlGjMEDZdVTQxceMZgHrtkZRxWwCYtXr803lxKp0MhLK7gipoQcK3ZCzNIKYNxYgpZIcwLhptQg', 'events': {'': {'eventSessionId': 'AVPHwEvjzZITyioeenzVgFO8ab0X1aKsi4QAIjISpyLLuZGGuaSvTbemVeo6KmhnvQnh00u7ab_bgu9kfIC_XMKTK3taqg', 'eventId': 'CiQA2vuxr3_YodW4KUuXI-Q5HaktMAVOt9t4_bHkz3wsQxI6UbkSiwEAq-xCHhPHZ9FkIJzqAs1mT1NVLmcduQfzWQUCY9FOau1S90lzWDsQMn3oaHdvpipFeXQ3x3ixOf1ls2Win9BtDuo511N02n4Gyv83CiIbFGmrMxBdouaINI5hdoa8HB7YUynJPoyuPvZCEnLqcjydV6UeK868NEEAiQRfSikgXRiNwk9t64DNwFHm'}}}, 'userId': 'AVPHwEvQjWF9s105PwQGzcZnKC2juNAED56XSEcee0Ab', 'resourceGroup': ['enterprises/d4728490-26f9-49a0-a7fc-05414f2a1c56/devices/AVPHwEsj2A4KQnXNtfXUlGjMEDZdVTQxceMZgHrtkZRxWwCYtXr803lxKp0MhLK7gipoQcK3ZCzNIKYNxYgpZIcwLhptQg']}
2021-04-20 10:30:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.device] Processing update 35e34e60-2e5b-437b-83f2-92b58124ca91 @ 2021-04-20 14:30:12.788000+00:00
2021-04-20 10:30:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.device] Event Update dict_keys([''])
2021-04-20 10:30:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest] Event Update dict_keys([''])
2021-04-20 10:30:14 DEBUG (Thread-CallbackRequestDispatcher) [] Handling 1 batched requests
2021-04-20 10:30:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [] Stream has no video
2021-04-20 10:30:14 DEBUG (stream_worker) [] Restarting stream worker in 10 seconds: rtsps://
2021-04-20 10:30:14 DEBUG (Thread-CallbackRequestDispatcher) [] Sent request(s) over unary RPC.
2021-04-20 10:30:18 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:18 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 5.382767 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:23 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:23 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 8.414976 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:26 DEBUG (Thread-Heartbeater) [] Sent heartbeat.
2021-04-20 10:30:31 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:31 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 2.595212 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:34 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] The current deadline value is 10 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:34 DEBUG (Thread-LeaseMaintainer) [] Snoozing lease management for 3.407422 seconds.
2021-04-20 10:30:35 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.rtsp] method DESCRIBE failed: 404 Not Found
2021-04-20 10:30:35 ERROR (stream_worker) [] Error opening stream rtsps://

Updating here that I was able to re-add my nest integration today, I’ve been trying every few days with the same symptoms, no config changes on my end, must have been an upstream/API problem. Much thanks again @allenporter for helping look into this.

Hi, can you elaborate on what you mean by disabling the cam? I think you’re saying turning off the cam in the nest app and I do think that means home assistant can’t start a stream.

Hi @chicagoandy, I am having a little trouble following this log. How many cameras do you have? Just wanted to double check before digging in too far. (I believe you’re seeing an issue here, and definitely want to help diagnose!)

Sure. Should have been more accurate.

I use home/away assist on the device, so it is streaming when we are out and off when home.

OK, so i think the problem is that turning the cam off means the SDM API can’t access the cam. My assumption is that this is considered a privacy feature: When you want the cam off, it won’t work even if you ask for it to be turned on via the API to ensure 3rd party apps respect your privacy.

Makes sense. Can the error be caught and a more meaningful message logged. Would help to reduce confusion. Is your thinking that this is also linked to the 404 on the DESCRIBE method?

1 Like

Great question, yes - I actually have six cams running here. I’d be happy to scale it back for some testing if you’d like.