Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

Does this only provide camera access? I was hoping for Nest Protects but none showed up after integration.

Supported Devices  |  Device Access  |  Google Developers are the supported devices. Once nest protects are added to the API I’ll add support.

My impression is people often additionally install hubitat or badnest as those integrations are using unsupported APIs with a few more devices.

I also use Hoobs/Homebridge on a dedicated small VM which then presents them via Homkit integration. Fairly easy to setup and works reasonably reliably.

Within the SDM API is there a way to expose additional data in person_detected events? I am looking to tigger automations when X person is detected on camera, and the person_detected object doesn’t seem to expose this. Thanks for maintaining this great integration!

No, that level of detail is not returned from the API.


The lat st home assistant release has a revamped setup process Nest - Home Assistant and in particular

  • you no longer need to set up ssl certs and redirect urls at all. Instead, you copy and paste an access code similar to Google calendar integration.
  • pubsub subscriber set up is done automatically so no more copying and pasting topics and subscription IDs needed

Let me know if you have any questions, and hopefully this is easier for everyone to use.

“and paste an access code so ilar to Google calendar integration.” - ilar??

Fixed edit: should have been similar

Hi Allen, are you able to expose the ThermostatEco settings? In the standard integration they are shown as PresetModes and PresetMode which then get exposed in the climate card alongside the ‘idle’ notification. This then indicates whether the thermostat is in idle mode or not.

Also I’d be interested if you can see the on/off schedule in the schema and can expose it. I can’t see it in the api, but I may be missing something.

Oops, had it the wrong way round. I see you already do…

I’ve been using battery camera media events with no problem in 2021.12.X showing up in the media player. As of this morning I am seeing some failures, is anyone else seeing problems like this also?

2021-12-16 08:24:37 WARNING (MainThread) [google_nest_sdm.event_media] Failure when pre-fetching event 'a6c198d29831366ac9f...': Forbidden

It seems to happen across all versions i’ve tested, so i’m not sure if its specific to my account or something on the server side nest API that changed, or just another bug.

I connected w/ the API team and they are working on a fix.

I got the same errors either when motion detected. But it’s gone after commenting out the nest sub id part and back in configuration.yaml. No errors so far. Something weird…

Is yours saying the camera does not have the specific trait? For a new generation battery or indoor cam? If so 2021.12.03 has a fix.

I’m using a new generation google nest doorbell (battery) with 2021.12.02. Didn’t get HA app notifications when motion detected with "prefetching forbidden" errors. Streaming has been working well. I’ll try 2021.12.03 just in case. Thx! :smiley:

OK, 2021.12.03 does have some patches for that error, but not intended the battery doorbell. Happy to check in after you try it out on 2121.12.03

Allen, I am trying to set up the Nest SDM again since I fixed the Nest Hello (it died with just a constant green light). I think I have things set up properly on the GCP side, but when I try and set up the Nest integration, it doesn’t ask me what type of Oauth to use, but asks me for a PIN code, and when I click on the link it puts me into the nest login process, not the google account process. I think the first time I tried this I had not converted from the Nest account.

What am I doing wrong?

I am running 2021.10.7.

Hi, two things:

  1. It looks like you are missing some information from Nest - Home Assistant namely the project_id
  2. The instructions on the home assistant website are always for the latest version of home assistant, and so they may not work for you on older versions. Please upgrade to 2021.12.X or else you will run into issues (namely, once you fix the project id issue, above it still wont’ ask you for which type of OAuth you are using and is going to assume OAuth for Web which you do not want.)

The nest integration doc said the project id was optional in the yaml configuration section: Nest - Home Assistant

If I try it with the project ID, I get a configuration failure. 2021.12 seems to be a really squirrelly release, and I didn’t see anything in breaking changes on Nest, where dependencies on releases are usually called out.

I may wait until a couple more point releases are out for 2021.12 and then try it. You may want to note in the Nest documentation that 2021.12.3 is now the minimum required for the integration to work…

Can you explain the configuration failure? What do you mean by squirly, exactly?

  • Project id is marked optional because it was added for the SDM API last year. It says This enables the SDM API. which is what you’re using. If you want to use a legacy works with nest account you don’t specify a project id. This is the flow you were just going into, and is described at the bottom of the page. You don’t want this. ) The step Create a Device Access project_id says at the top Once completed, you will have a device access project_id needed for later steps and also says * Take note of the Project ID as you will it later. At this point you have the project_id, client_id and client_secret configuration options needed for Home Assistant.
  • This is not considered a breaking change. If you already have nest configured it continue to work fine. It is not a breaking release when the instructions for the latest version changes. The point is that there were significant improvements to the setup flow which was overalled and instructions were re-written to make setup and the whole point is that using 2012.12 is 50% simpler. The home assistant web site always reflects the current release, for all integrations, not just nest. Home assistant does not want to support many releases worth of instructions at once.
  • Here is context on the massive improvements and I also mentioned these changes in this thread 8 days ago

If you have specific issues you are seeing I will help you clarify which steps in the instructions you missed. I would definitely not wait for another release.