Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

Glad it is working! Thanks for your patience everyone on getting all features and devices fully supported. The documentation is a bit confusing since it is a mix of both integrations, so if folks have better ideas for how to do the layout, contributions would be welcome.


I would love to contribute what I can, how and where can I do that?

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I think that the best way to make the docs clear is to really separate the legacy and new config in two blocks on the same page and redirect to the second block at the lower part of the page to ones that want to configure the legacy API. I can help you if you want.

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I think the HA side of things is setup fine. You may want to have another look at your ARR config as it can do weird things with your response headers.

It can cause some odd behaviour like demonstrated here:


First of all, thanks to the developers for the integration update :slight_smile: I followed the documentation and the integration has been added successfully.

Nevertheless, I have two doubts about the configuration file.


  • from Console Device Access or Google Cloud Platform?


  • projects/gcp-project-id/subscriptions/sub-id (Subscription name?)
  • projects/sdm-prod/topics/enterprise-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX (Topic name?)
  • sub-id (Subscription id?)

As I have only one Nest Hello doorbell, I think it’s normal that there are no devices added in my Home Assistant.The integration of the doorbell will take the same functionality as the camera?

Thank you in advance.


Hope this helps…

Project ID:
nest_project_id: x##x#x#x-#xx#-####-x#x#-x#x##x#x#x##
Pub/Sub topic:
nest_subscriber_id: projects/sdm-prod/topics/enterprise-x##x#x#x-#xx#-####-x#x#-x#x##x#x#x##
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@Xavios the subscriber_id is the one you created at with whatever name you wanted:

Like this:

It’s not the Pub/Sub topic name from Device Access Console

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After rhe integration is added, how can i verify it?
No entity is showing, in my case I have a nest camera.
When will that functionality be added?

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With my settings shown above, my thermostat finally appeared. Numerous other attempts either failed to complete the integration or, the integration successfully added but no devices appeared plus there was an error in HA logs at HA startup.
I have a pub/sub topic in but it is the one I created in the project called Nest Integration and it did not work. I had to use the pub/sub topic from as shown in my previous post. This was after my 3rd time through following the documentation. I created a new project Nest and subsequently deleted my first project named My Nest Thermostat (all in and I do not see it in the google device access console except for the OAuth it created there in my project named Nest Integration (which I think it prompted me to pick since I already had another project over there for another purpose). I subsequently deleted the OAuth I had created. It’s all confusing as hell…


According to HA docs, the Nest Integration SDM API supports Camera in addition to Thermostat but not Binary Sensor or Climate.
Is Canera not implemented yet?

Check your HA logs after startup.
I added the following logger entry in my configuration.yaml as per a post on github:

  default: info
    homeassistant.components.nest: debug
    homeassistant.components.nest.sensor_sdm: debug debug debug

@dbrunt I get a 404 error when browsing to the link of can you confirm that the address you set it on is ?

@dbrunt: no, it isn’t implemented yet. I explained it here:

Try That’s the page I’m actually on. When I go up a level it redirects me back yo project-list. If I go up 2 levels to the root I get the 404 error. Sorry about that…

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So sorry, I remember reading that now. What’s that saying? Don’t put the cart before the horse???

My 3rd time through, I followed the steps in (which is referenced by That combined with the many hours I spent learning the first time (when Google made their announcement) and the 2nd time when the integration went live when I tried to get my first setup working with the integration, led me to success. I kept getting lost trying to navigate Google’s cloud…

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@dbrunt Lol I’m pleased I’m not the only one getting lost in their site.
So is your devices staying updated? Or only updating on a reboot?

On the pub/sub page here where you can drill into details of messages, I’m finding the Topic page here empty Do you have the same?

Google, MS Office 365/Azure and Amazon AWS make my brain hurt!!

Only on reboot. I think that bug is documented on github…