Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

I’ll file an issue tomorrow (it’s late here).

I’m assuming that the subscriber id is correct because the thermostat is fully functional (HA shows external changes and can change the temperature etc).

Thank you for the reply and the link. Looks like progress is being made… Very exciting!

I followed all the instructions and I’m getting the “Something went wrong” message, looking at your screenshot, I thought we only need to add the callback nabu casa url?

@brandont you can make two subscribers for the same topic so that node red and HA subscriber can get their own feed of messages. That way they won’t consume each other’s events.

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That’s a good idea… Much appreciated! I might go down this path and see how that works out until the events are ready within this integration (which I’d strongly prefer).

Nest is on my primary gmail account and steps done so far are on the same account…
Maybe silly question…My Nabu Casa account is connected to secundary email than the Nest account…could that be some kind of issue

@mkuki1980 I agree that it is unlikely. Maybe something related to publishing OAuth settings as this post describes? Google calendar autorization issue (403)

Thanks man…That worked…You saved me…:slight_smile:

I’ve been doing some more testing this morning, and you were spot on about the subscriber id.
I established that I was using the wrong element for my subscriber id in my configuration which may explain at least some of the console errors, and am now using the full project path as clarified earlier in this thread.

However, my whole system still tanks when accessing the camera entity for the Google Next Hub Max - presumably related to the RTSP stream forcing a service restart on the host to regain access.

I haven’t raised an issue for this because I have no logs nor anything other than “it isn’t working” which is unhelpful for developers.
Part of the problem for me, and my original reason for posting here, was to try and get a baseline for what should be working with the current live integration for this type of Nest camera from other users. At the moment I cannot really figure out whether this is a general integration issue, a local environment issue or a personal console issue.

Either way I’m going to have to park it for now or at least until I can compare expected behaviour against what I’m seeing - the forced restarts are playing hell with my integrations and I’ve spent way too much of this weekend hunched over a keyboard.

You should only need your external URL in the authorized URIs. At what point are you getting the error message?

thanks for helping , in
the Pub/Sub topic infos is the same as in
topic name
only think I noticed not sure if it has anything to do with it. When I click on the topic name it brings me to a page that says

There was an error while loading /cloudpubsub/topic/detail/enterprise-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4baa-9b97-8fa4d2bxxxxx?project=sdm-prod.

You are missing at least one of the following required permissions:



Check that the project and resource IDs are valid and that you have permissions to access them. Learn more

Thanks, makes sense. The official integration docs should accurately reflect the supported devices and entities.

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Happy with this new integration.

I have a GSuite Account and despite what is said on the page it works great!

I had to do an extra step namely OAuth consent screen.
Choose External User Type then under Test Users put your Nest Account Email.
So [email protected]. LEAVE it on TESTING do not Publish it!

@allenporter Can you please add a switch for Home/Away and ECO?

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My impression is that home/away isn’t in the api.

I believe eco is a “preset”. Is there an example of another thermostat that behaves how you expect? I’m not sure what it looks like to add an extra switch


Hi Allen

I have something like this in HOOBS with Nest Integration.

This is the GitHub for it from Chris J. Shull who made it.

Hope this helps you further.

I use the Hoobs plugin, passed into Home Assistant via the Homekit Controller. But since it was created prior to the Google API it would have been using the Nest one which I think supports Home/Away. I agree with Allen, that it doesn’t look like the new api supports it, along with a number of other things, so I’m currently running a mixed model where I’ll slowly disable the Hoobs entities when they become available via the HA integration. Key for me is Home/Away, but presence detection by Protects (also not in the api) is useful as well.

It looks like its not there yet. In the old one apparently it came from:
nest-device-accessory trait

Which seem not to be implemented in the new one. Probably comes when they release the Protects.

@RogTP Did you see that there’s also a new HOOBS version and Nest Integration out? The new integration also gives better digit accuracy.

What are ya’ll trying to do with home/away? I have a script that sets eco preset when I arm the away alarm and a script that sets it back to what it was when I disarm. In the works with nest platform I had to set a text value to return the thermostat to the mode it was in prior to setting it to eco. With the new integration, I believe nest remembers the mode it was in and I just change the preset mode from none to eco and back again.

  - data:
      preset_mode: eco
    entity_id: all
    service: climate.set_preset_mode
  - data:
      preset_mode: none
    entity_id: all
    service: climate.set_preset_mode

I have a similar one that sets the home occupied switch in Hoobs and it will also move it in Nest to ECO like this. My experience with changing preset_mode is that on many occasions my climate gets stuck on ECO.

id: '1587134380958'
alias: When Leaving Home
description: ''
- entity_id: person.rene
  event: leave
  platform: zone
  zone: zone.home
condition: []
- data: {}
  entity_id: switch.home_occupied
  service: switch.turn_off
- data: {}
  entity_id: switch.illy
  service: switch.turn_off
- data: {}
  entity_id: group.light_master
  service: light.turn_off
mode: single
id: '1591510253379'
alias: When Arriving Home
description: ''
- entity_id: person.rene
  event: enter
  platform: zone
  zone: zone.home
condition: []
- data: {}
  entity_id: switch.home_occupied
  service: switch.turn_on
- data: {}
  entity_id: switch.illy
  service: switch.turn_on
mode: single

Ok. I didn’t have issues on the WWN platform using a text preset. I’ll have to do more experimenting with the preset_mode. It’s worked the last couple of days without issue. Maybe the new API is more resilient.