Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!


Honestly I’m a noob with the Google console so you’re doing better than me. I can’t even find my way around the damn thing :man_facepalming: - I seem to find details in it entirely by accident and have yet to come across documentation that accurately reflects the console I see.
I’ve just tripped over the Errors by API method graph and can see that I’m still getting 100% errors on the StreamingPull api (all 499 - cancelled by client? - codes rather than the ones I saw before) and similar latency on the StreamingPull (8.948m) so I may be offering you a red herring.

Good to know, thanks @allenporter

@allenporter @TazUk Thanks, glad I’m not an idiot. First time GCP user, so still trying to understand how things work in here. So it seems the “errors” and latency are expected, what’s the average refresh time on the Nest temperature?

Looking in here, it says updated 1 hour ago:

Is there a way to get more frequent updates? I couldn’t find if there’s a default on the refresh rate coming from the Nest Thermostat.

Interesting. Definitely some good use cases for the option. I don’t have a nest doorbell, although now I wish I did, as Ring takes forever to spin up on my phone when I get a doorbell push, etc. The delay in their stuff is higher than I would like.

Your updates will show when something sends an update to the subscription. It depends on how often your temp changes. Mine varies from minutes to hours depending mainly on outdoor changes in temp being reflected inside.


My thermostats weren’t updating, and I was also seeing info messages with error 503 and 401. After reviewing the Nest YAML configuration I noticed a mistake in the subscriber_id parameter. Fixing that typo seems to have solved the issue for me.

To be sure I used the correct value,

Yea it’s not glorious on Nest either.
I would eventually like to switch to an all local system.
The chime on the Google Home’s in my house is pretty ideal though, by the time I walk into my Kitchen, which is on the way to the front door I see who’s at the front door on the Nest Hub on my counter.
The ambient notification within the house is fast which is the minimum viable product to me.

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hi everybody. i have a problem with the nest integration. I have setting nabu casa external URl under “setting” - “general” like this " https://[xxx] afert i follow the guide and take project_id, client_id, client_secret and subscriber_id. i put this in configuration.yaml and restart home assistant. i open home assistant from nabu casa page and add the integration but after the authorizations i recive this error “Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch”

Has this been solved? Mine only updates on reboot.

Strange I do not have this problem.

Suggestion: Create an Entities Card and then put on the secondary tab the Last Updated to see if its really updating.

Got the same error. What I did to resolve it was the following:

  1. Goto Google Cloud Console
  2. Goto APIs & Services
  3. Goto OAuth consent screen
  4. Edit and then add your Email Account you used as a Test User.

That solved it for me.

I followed all the steps and both my cameras appear but my thermostat is not appearing. I confirmed that all three of my devices are under the same ‘home’ in Google.

When adding the Nest integration, I can see that I have to enable permissions for HA to access the thermostat & both cameras. I gave it all permissions and then it still only detects the two cameras.


Do you have the temperature and humidity sensors? If so, do you have “climate:” in your configuration?

Not sure what you mean. I have the thermostat card on my main page there. Thanks1

Yes, this was solved. What version is your HA?




  • platform: nest

I do not have the climate & humidity sensors from Nest. I only have the Nest Thermostat (gen 3).

I have added the following to configuration.yaml and still no luck:


  • platform: nest


  • platform: nest

Is it working, or you having issues with it updating?

I’ve got thermostat, temperature and humidity sensors with just


  client_id: !secret nest_client_id
  client_secret: !secret nest_client_secret
  project_id: !secret nest_project_id
  subscriber_id: !secret nest_subscriber_id

The thermostat is not working. It is not appearing in my entities at all. See images attached

Note that I gave it permission to access my thermostat in the first image. So it is able to detect it?

Thermostat not shown here

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